New Arrivals

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(I do not own this art check out baisleyarts on tumbler)

Narrator P.O.V

Cold embraced you as you felt the covers pulled off of you. It was one of the few nights you had slept in your own bed. "Up, lass". Your father had already woken Hiccup who was dragging himself to get up. Looking out the window you saw the sky was dark with only a tint sunlight.

"The Berserkers will be arriving likely in a matter of hours, I want you to get dressed and eat" he said once again pulling off the covers, as you had sunken back into them. A muted (F/C) and white trimmed dress was laid out on the desk in the middle of your room as well as an outfit for Hiccup.

 "The Berserkers chief, Oswald will be accompanied by his son, Dagur. I want you on your best behavior".

"I don't remember him from last year" Hiccup chimed tiredly while grabbing his outfit from the table. 

"This will be his first time visiting, he's a few years older than you, But you should still be able to get along" . At the mention of getting along , you remembered something your father had told you the night prior.

"They won't want to stab us. Right?", earning a raised eyebrow from your father.

"If the treaty signing goes as plan, no" what you didn't know, was that nearly every treaty signing was tensioned filled and on the mere verge of a brawl. For being "allies", many of the Berserkers and Berkians hated one another.

'Lets just hope it doesn't come to that' Stoick said to himself quietly as he exited the room.

Dagur P.O.V

We had been on the ship for just about over a week. "Ugh, the smell of fish is giving me a headache".

"Would you like me to get you some water?" Another berserker asked. 

"NO!" he flinched back at that before quickly walking away. "How sad, scared of someone less than half his age. Pity".

"Dagur, stop terrorizing the lad" Father scolded.

"See there" he pointed to the horizon, where I faintly saw what looked to be the silhouette of an island.

"Is that Berk?" I asked, hoping this voyage would soon be over.

"Indeed. Now I want you on your best behavior" I rolled my eyes as he began to go over a list of supposed things I "Was" and "Wasn't" supposed to do. "That means no yelling, no pranks, and being nice". 'Goody' I thought to myself disappointedly.

"Now chief vast has two children, his heir Hiccup and his daughter Y/N. You'll likely be spending most of your time with them".

'oh~' Most of the other children of Berserk had grown to fear me (With reason), so this would be interesting . 

"Now every year as a sign of good intension and as a sign of respect we bring gifts for the chief and his family, this year I'd like you to give his children's theirs".

He walked away before I could say anything about how foolish it was, returning with a wooden box.  He began pulling out gifts and explaining who to give them to.

"This is for the boy, Hiccup" he held up a blue and silver shield.

"And this is for the girl, Y/N" a dagger (hehe), leather wrapped handle and a small green gem at the bottom, and in the middle of the handle was the berserkers crest( a Skrill).

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