Mixed Signals

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Sorry for such a late update, RIP my supposed update schedule. Sorry I keep forgetting to add a release date at the ends of the chapter. Wrote this while watching Markiplier play yandere simulator... yes, I am mentally ill lol

Narrator POV

A light ring continued to plague your senses as you woke. Opening your eyes, you struggled to take in your surroundings, vision both blurred and splotchy. Slowly the ringing in your ears dissipated, replaced with the sound of waves and distant yelling, leaving you to wonder where you were. When your vision returned you noted both the wooden ceiling and soft blankets. Paired with the sounds of the ocean you were most definitely on a ship, but why. 

You attempted to sit up only to be met with a wave of nausea and a splitting pain in your head. Reeling, you buried your face into your hands and let out a cry of pain. The yelling stopped, a set of loud footsteps hurrying towards you. The door slammed open, and you felt a warm hand on yours, another rubbing small circles on your back. "Easy now" Said Dagur, laying you back down. "You need to rest", Oh... that's why your here. "You hit your head pretty hard back there, my love" he said with a chuckle. Uncaring for the consequences, you surged forward, headbutting Dagur in the nose. This caused you both to recoil, Dagur clutching his nose, and you back into the bed's pillow. To your surprise Instead of the expected string of curses, Dagur was laughing. "Thor, you're insane" you said, mostly to yourself. "I prefer Deranged, but I suppose you can call me whatever you'd like" he said. "Alright then, let me go, Pig" your voice oozed rage. Dagur was taken aback by this, staring at you confused before returning to his lovestruck gaze. Dagur was a violent psychopath known for lashing out at the slightest insult, yet to him it was as if you could do no wrong. 

"You know I can't do that Y/N. Besides, this is our chance to be together, finally" you shook your head at him not knowing what to say. "Hiccup has poisoned your mind. But don't worry, I'll deal with him, and his Night Fury" you pushed him away. "What in Thor's name would make you think I would ever love you after threatening my brother!".  Dagur's face was impossible to read, his eyes were narrowed and blank, locked with yours almost unblinking. The room stayed silent; your gazes locked. You flinched at the feeling of Dagur holding a single braid of your hair carefully between his fingers, causing him to soften. "Say it then" He challenged. "What?" he tucked the braid behind your ear, in favor of holding your chin gently, stroking it once with his thumb. "Say you don't love me then" you considered it. It was the logical decision, the longer you let him believe you did, the worse his delusions would become... so why couldn't you bring yourself to say it. The familiar deranged™️ smile spread across his face at your lack of response. "Don't worry, you'll come to realize this is for the best" The door swung open interrupting what was in Dagur's mind a 'tender moment'. "Sir! We just received a le-" "What did I say about interrupting me!" Dagur screamed at the poor man, grabbing him by his neck and pulling him out of the room. Standing up you checked to make sure of the door was locked. It was.  

After a while your head stopped throbbing when you attempted to sit up. You even managed to gain enough baring to stand when the door opened again. "Ah, you're up" Dagur mused, a wide smile gracing his features, "Come, we have matters to attend to". You nearly fell flat on your face when you tried to take a step, thankfully Dagur was there for you to crash into. Your face landed directly into his sternum as he caught your shoulders, preventing you from falling any further. Your face, for the first time in nearly two years returned to a familiar tint of pink. Looking up, Dagur's eyes were wide and dilated. You pushed up off his hands to stand, residing to avoid eye contact. In order to help you walk (as well as for personal reasons) Dagur wrapped an arm around your waist and led you out.

It was night, the storm still raging overhead, making seeing the horizon difficult. From the look of your surroundings, you were sailing towards an island. There were a number of Berserkers stationed around the ship, and with Dagur's arm wrapped around you, making a break for it now would most likely fail. "Ready the chains, we will need them for when the Skrill is returned to us" your eyes widened, both relieved and terrified. This meant that Dagur hadn't captured the Skrill, but with the storm and lack of the other riders, that might change soon. You had to get out of here fast. You were tucked into Dagur's left, had he kept his sword on his side hilt you would have grabbed it and made your escape, but it was safely tucked away on his back. His dagger, however, was strapped to his right. The majority of the Berserkers were occupied, so now was the time. 

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