Welcome to Berk

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Dagur POV

We had finally docked the ship and had begun to unload the ship when my father had left my side. My father and who I could only assume was Stoick the Vast were greeting each other. It was honestly slightly pathetic to see the two try to be friendly towards one another while everyone else was waiting for an excuse to start fighting.

'It's a miracle the treaties' even lasted this long. Thor this is getting boring'.

Distracted by my boredom I missed part of the conversation, watching as my father lifts himself from the ground and walks towards Stoick. 'What was he on the ground for?'.

I turned to face where he had once been kneeling to meet the eyes of a girl. She had green eyes like me, but something about them was different, and not in a bad way. Not that I spent time thinking about weird things like that. 'She must be the chief's daughter', she didn't look like much. I was finding it hard to imagine her of all people killing a dragon, but then again it didn't matter. A boy I hadn't noticed seemed to ask her a question to which she shrugged her shoulders and looked away from me.

My eyes unknowingly trailed her for a few moments before taking in the boy next to her. Their appearances were similar, with her being slightly taller, they were no doubt siblings.

'Wait, that's Berk's future chief!?' I felt a small smirk find its way onto my face, 'He looks like he's still scared of the dark' he was small for his age, his frame thin and noodley. For a moment we locked eyes, before he almost immediately looked away almost trying to hide behind his sister.

"Dagur! Come greet our hosts!" Father shouted. I walked over quickly wanting the small talk to be over so I could look around already.

"Dagur, I'd like to introduce you to the chief of Berk, Stoick the vast", Stoick held out his hand to me, I shook it being sure to use a firm grasp. The last thing I would ever let happen is let anyone here make the mistake that I was weak.

"Welcome Dagur" Stoick was tall, he was larger than father, in height, size, and beard length, a rather impressive stature.

"These are my children, Hiccup, and Y/N". The boy, Hiccup, nodded his head avoiding eye contact with me and fiddling with his sleeves to distract himself.

'Oh, he'll be an easy target' I had already put together that he was a scared child, the perfect victim for any future ruses or pranks. But as much as the idea for a possible target was exciting, the fact that I would be expected to spend time with someone too scared to even look me in the eye put a scowl onto my face.

"Hello" The girl greeted. I turned to face her, taking the hand she held out and shaking it. 'Y/N' I thought to myself, 'That was her name'. Now that I was closer to her, I was able to make out more of her features. I took a moment to memorize them, but once again I found myself drawn back to her eyes. 'They're just eyes, nothing special about them', yet I still found myself not looking away. After a moment I realized that I was still shaking her hand and quickly let go.

"So. You're the one who killed a dragon" It was less of a question, as I already knew the answer, but the idea that she had been the one to kill the beast still felt strange.

"yes" she answered her eyes looking away almost as if the memory pained her, I was about to ask her more questions when I saw her hand grip her dagger.

'She's going to try to attack me!' I took a half step back placing my hand over my own dagger. A number of Berserkers and Berkians also prepared to draw their weapons, before a cough from my father called for my attention.

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