All Goes to Hell

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Hi guys, just my chapterly; Hope you enjoy the chapter

I also wanted to say sorry for the slow pace of the last two chapters, as well as the late release of this one; I was going to have it done by Monday, but of course on the first day back to school I got 3 assignments, so as an apology, this chapters gonna be extra-long, like nearly 4000 words.

After this will be the final battle, then the chapter you get your second (First flyable dragon), the latter which will have a little Dagur near its end. Then the Romance shall begin. In the form of a time skip to riders of berk, (So a few months)


Hiccup POV (Ah my old foe...First person)

Things have been getting a lot better for me. Y/N new about toothless and didn't judge me for it, Thor, she even wanted in! The newest tail prototype had been a success. Me and toothless had been able to stay in the air past our previous record. I would have to take Y/N flying one of these days, there was something so... Free, about flying. Outside of that, the knowledge about dragons I had learned from toothless was coming in handy. I was growing popularity, which was new to me. 

On the downside I'm pretty sure Astrid is on to me. She doesn't buy that my newfound dragon skills were from practice. "Hey, Y/N" I called into her room. She was sitting on her bed staring blankly at her childhood dagger. "Hmm!?" she was caught off guard, resituating herself when she realized I was at her door. 

"Are you ok?" She looked away from me. "Hiccup, if everything we know about dragons isn't true. An- and if I killed-" she trailed off eyed narrowing, and skin turning pale like she was going to be sick. "Hey, it's ok" I said sitting next to her on the bed, "You did what you had to. We were just kids". 

With a sigh she shifted and rested her head on my shoulder. "What did you need to tell me?". "Never mind", We could talk about it later.

Narrator POV

You and Hiccup were with toothless by the lake. "I heard Gobber talking earlier" Hiccup said while toothless chased the refracted light from your shield. "Yeah?".

"Tomorrow's class is on the terrible terror" you paused your shields movements. You had been through worse, chased by Natters, nearly crushed by Gronkles. Hell, thanks to toothless you were able to make giant leaps towards no longer having your panic attacks when you saw dragons. But there was something about that small little creature that made you feel like a seven-year-old child trapped in an alley all over again. "I'll be fine" you continued to move your shield and play with toothless until Hiccup stood. 

"Hey, can I show you something?" you nodded. Lifting yourself to your feet you followed Hiccup over to toothless. You were taken back when you watched him attach a saddle to him and hoist himself up, holding a hand, out to you.

"Woah woah woah! You've been riding him?! Is that even safe?". "It'll be fine, we've done it tons of times" reluctantly you took Hiccups hand and sat behind him. You gripped Hiccup tightly as you lifted off into the air, closing your eyes shut.

 Eventually felt toothless evened out. You were just above the clouds, which were painted gold and orange from the setting sun. "It's beautiful, Hiccup" you held out an arm to brush against a cloud, making it wet. Looking forward you could see toothless had turned his head to look back at you, like he was showing off.

Toothless lowered you below the clouds and you could see you were landing on a different place on the island. Upon, landing you had a perfect view of the sunset. The moment you and Hiccup had jumped off, toothless launched himself into the ocean chasing a fish. You gushed to Hiccup about how amazing it was as he walked towards a pile of rocks.

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