Voyage of the Damned Pt2:

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They arrived on Earth and Galaxy frowned when she noticed the street they appeared on was rather empty.

"Now, spending money, I have a credit card in Earth currency if you want to buy trinkets or, uh, stockings or the local delicacy, which is known as 'beef' but don't stray too far, it could be dangerous." Mr Copper told the group, "And any day now they start boxing..."

"Something's not right. Where is everyone?" Galaxy said to the Doctor while the rest of the group looked at the street with awe. "It should be full. It should be busy." The Doctor agreed, looking around, frowning. "But it's beautiful." Astrid breathed.

"Really? Do you think so? It's just a street. The pyramids are beautiful, and New Zealand." The Doctor told her. "But it's a different planet." Galaxy said, smiling, knowing the thrill when stepping in a place that was brand new.

"I'm standing on a different planet." Astrid repeated, "Th...there's concrete...and shops, alien shops, real alien shops! Look, no stars in the sky. And it smells. It stinks! Oh, this is amazing. Thank you!" She said and gave the Doctor and Galaxy a hug in excitement.

"Yeah?" The Doctor asked, smiling. "Well come on. Let's take a look." Galaxy said as she linked her arm with Astrid's and they walked across the street and to a newsagent's booth, since it looked to be the only thing open. There was an old man sitting there, bundled in winter clothes.

"Hello, there. Sorry, obvious question, but where's everyone gone?" The Doctor asked the man. "Oh ho, scared!" The man replied. "Right, yes. Scared of what?" The Doctor asked. "Well, Christmas in London is always interesting." Galaxy said, shrugging and the Doctor looked at her confused.

"Where have you been living? Not safe, is it?" The man asked. "Why?" The Doctor asked. "Well, it's them, up above." The man said, pointing up in the sky. "The Christmas before last, the Sycorax and blood control, then last year was the Christmas Star and the draining of the Thames." Galaxy reminded the Doctor.

"And this year. Lord knows what." The old man said, "So everybody's scarpered, gone to the country. All except me...and Her Majesty." He said and stood and looked at a small TV he had playing.

"Her Majesty the Queen has confirmed that she'll be staying in Buckingham Palace throughout the festive season to show the people of London, and the world, that there's nothing to fear."

"Good bless her. We stand vigil." The man said as he saluted. "Well, between you and me, I think her Majesty's got it right. Far as I know, this year, nothing to worry about..."

"Don't say that." Galaxy groaned.

Suddenly, they disappeared, teleported right back to the ship.

"I was in mid-sentence!" The Doctor grumbled. "And was about to jinx us." Galaxy argued as she crossed her arms. "Yes, I'm sorry about that. A bit of a problem. If I could have your bracelets." Mr Copper said.

Galaxy noticed some stewards step up and she grabbed Astrid's arm and hid her behind her and the Doctor so she was hidden.

"Apologies, ladies and gentlemen, Bannakaffalatta, we seem to have suffered a slight power fluctuation." A steward explained, "If you'd like to return to the festivities. And on behalf of Max Capricorn Cruise Liners, free drinks will be provided.

As the men walked off Astrid stepped out from behind the Two Time Lords. "That was the best, the best!" She said and handed them her bracelet before going back to her job. The Doctor went over to one of the stewards while Galaxy disposed of the bracelets before joining him.

"What sort of power fluctuation?" The Doctor asked.

Unfortunately, the steward was called away before he could answer. The Doctor sighed and looked at Galaxy who was clearly getting concerned about the situation, he held out a hand for her to take and she looked up at him before taking it and he led her to the dance floor.

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