Voyage of the Damned Pt3:

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The Doctor opened a door to reveal a stairwell on the other side, it was littered with more debris that looked much worse then the corridor they had been in. Cables were everywhere, sparking.

"Careful. Follow me." He said as he pushed through and climbed up the stairs. "Rather ironic when this is very much in the spirit of Christmas." Mr Copper said as they followed the Doctor, "It's a festival of violence. They say that human beings only survive depending on whether they've been good or bad. It's barbaric."

"That's not true. Christmas is a time of peace and love and..." Galaxy started as the Doctor tossed some debris away. "What are you on about?" The Doctor said, turning to her with a smirk, "Our Christmas' are always like this." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"Not always. We used to spend Christmas with hot chocolate and homemade gingerbread." She said, smiling and thinking on it she was starting to crave a nice warm hot chocolate. "Maybe we can arrange something when we're back in the Tardis." He suggested with a smile and chuckled when he saw her eyes light.

He turned back to the debris and removed a piece of it and found a dormant robot lying there, partially crushed beneath some rubble. "We've got a Host. Strength of ten. If we can mend it, we can use it to fix the rubble." He said and looked at Galaxy, knowing her knack for fixing things and could see she wanted to do just that.

"We can do robotics, both of us." Morvin called out. "We worked on the milk market back on Sto. It's all robot stuff." Foon added.

'I'm never gonna get to take apart a robot.' Galaxy's voice sighed in the Doctor's head but he saw her shrug, 'They'll probably recognise stuff better than me.' She told him. 'You could always work on Astro again.' He suggested. 'And have him complain? There's nothing I need to work on with him, anyway.'

"See if you can get it working." The Doctor said to Foon and Morvin, "Let's have a look." He said to the rest and they followed him up the stairs but they soon stopped when they saw more wreckage blocking their way. "It's blocked." Astrid said.

"So what do we do?" The Doctor asked out loud. "We shift it." Galaxy said, grinning. "That's the attitude. Rickston, Mr Copper, and you, Bannakaffalatta...look, can I just call you Banna? It's gonna save a lot of time."

"No! Bannakaffalatta!" Bannakaffalatta replied. "Alright then, Bannakaffalatta, there's a gap in the middle. See if you can get through." He told him.

"Easy. Good." The red alien said as he knelt down and started to crawl through, managing to make it to the other side just as the ship shook and caused more debris to shift. "This whole thing could come crashing down any minute."

"Oh, Rickston, I forgot. Did you get that message?" The Doctor asked. "No. What message?" Rickston asked. "Shut up!" Galaxy shouted, the man was starting to irritate her.

"Bannakaffalatta made it." A voice called from the other side of the path.

"I'm small enough. I can get through." Astrid said as she crawled through the hole. "Careful." Galaxy called. "I'm fine." Astrid called back.

"Thing is, how are Mr and Mrs Fatso gonna get through this gap?" Rickston asked. "We make the gap bigger." The Doctor said, glaring at him as he shoved a piece of metal at him while Galaxy kept watching Astrid, "So start."

Galaxy looked over at the path down the stairs and knew Foon must've heard them. "Foon, don't you dare listen to him! He's just moody and jealous because we actually want to save you and Morvin instead of him!" She shouted and the Doctor laughed.

"That's right. Don't listen to him!" They heard Morvin agree.

Galaxy looked back at the tunnel and saw Astrid had made it to the other side. She went to crawl through next when the Doctor stopped her. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm going to help Astrid." She said but he didn't let go of her arm, "There's probably a way to clear it from that side and Astrid will need help even with Bannakaffalatta."

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