The Stolen Earth Pt1:

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While the Doctor had quickly got to having the Tardis head back to Earth, Galaxy had gone straight to her workshop, she couldn't prolong looking at the memories, especially since Rose was about. She couldn't help but feel angry towards the former companion, yet again she had thrown away the life she could've had in the parallel world, the life with her family.

There was also the fact of how Rose had been able to travel from one parallel world to another, she herself knew it shouldn't be possible unless someone had the knowledge but even then there would be major consequences and clearly they were already happening.

She had a couple of ideas how Rose could be back and she wasn't going to tell the Doctor any of them, he would already have too many things on his mind and if he was looking forward to seeing her, well she wasn't about to take that away from him.

Galaxy was standing before a computer that she used to examine the memories the Astro from the parallel world had transferred to her Astro. She thought it best to transfer them onto the computer so Astro wouldn't have to go through what his other self did.

She glanced next to her where Astro was slumbering in his bed after she saw his highlights brightening. "What happened?" He asked, opening his eyes as if he had just been sleeping. "What do you remember last?"

"Er...I was scanning something I picked up from Donna's brain. That's pretty much it." He said and she turned to face him. "You were scanning the imprint your parallel self left on it. You got his memories but they were too many but I was able to get them all."

"And? What happened?" He asked but she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Astro, but I'm not putting you through that." She told him and he nodded, feeling like it had to be bad if she didn't want to tell him.

The Tardis suddenly crashed and the two went flying to the floor as well as a lot of Galaxy's equipment. "You okay, Galaxy?" Astro asked as he shook himself and went over to her. "Yeah." She nodded, getting up and headed to the console.

"We're in did that happen? What did you do?" Galaxy heard Donna ask when they walked in and she went to the console as the Doctor joined her. "We haven't moved from where you took us. It's the Earth that's gone."

"But...if the Earth's been moved...they've lost the sun. What about my mum? And grandad? They're dead? Aren't they? Are they dead?" Donna asked them. "I don't know, Donna. I just don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know." The Doctor said.

"That's my family. My whole world." She cried. "Hey, they're alive." Galaxy said as she went to hug her, "In order to transport a planet you need to contain it, all of it, wrapped in a sort of shell or force field. Whatever took it, has kept in the oxygen and heat. They're fine. I promised."

"There's no readings, nothing." The Doctor said from the computer as Galaxy went to his side, "Not a trace. Not even a whisper. Oh, that is...fearsome technology." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, what do we do?" Donna asked.

"We look for some help." Galaxy said as she looked at the Doctor. "From where?" Donna asked and the Doctor turned to her. "Donna...we're going to take you to the Shadow Proclamation." He said and Galaxy groaned. "I didn't mean them."

"They're not that bad." He told her. "They almost let us die on the moon with a hospital full of patients for just one alien!"

"But they are the only ones that might know what's going on." Astro pointed out and she groaned, feeling ganged up on and looked at Donna. "Hold on tight." She said, then flipped a lever, sending them into space.

The Tardis shook violently as they flew, all of them holding onto something for support as the Doctor and Galaxy tried to operate the controls with some help from Astro.

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