The Unicorn and the Wasp Pt1:

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The Tardis materialised just inside the grounds of a grand old manor house and Galaxy, Astro, the Doctor and Donna walked out.

"Oh, smell that air. Grass and lemonade and a little bit of mint. Just a hint of mint, must be the 1920s." The Doctor said after inhaling. "You can tell what year it is just by smelling?" Donna turned to them. "Yep. I'd say early December, 1926." Galaxy said.

"Or maybe that vintage car coming up the drive gave it away." Donna said when she caught sight of the car. They ducked behind the corner of the manor, looking around to see a butler speaking to two men, one dressed in a reverend's outfit. "Never mind planet Zog. A party in the 1920s, that's more like it."

"If only we had been invited." Galaxy said in mock sadness then grinned at the Doctor as he reached into his pocket. "Oh, I forgot. Yes, we have!" He whipped out his psychic paper. "Brilliant!" Donna laughed before grabbing Galaxy's arm and pulled her back to the Tardis, "We need to get ready!"


The Doctor and Astro were by the Tardis doors as they waited for the two women and Astro was wondering just when the Doctor would run out of patience. He finally did and knocked on the Tardis door. "We'll be late for cocktails!" He shouted.

The Tardis door opened and Donna stepped out in a period style, sleeveless, flapper dress. "What do you think? Flapper or slapper?" She asked. "Flapper. You look lovely." He smiled. "Where's Galaxy?" Astro asked.

"Here." Galaxy said as she leaned against the doorframe to put on a pair of heels, "Donna insisted I wear heels for a change." She said and looked up to see the Doctor staring at her as he usually did when she dressed up.

"What do you think?" She asked, smiling. She was also wearing a sleeveless flapper dress that was black and green with some black gloves and black heels. "Beautiful." He said and she smiled softly. She linked her arm with his and they all walked back to the manor.

They walked to the back of it where tables were set up and servants were getting food and drinks ready and a record was playing soft music as the housekeeper was shouting orders.

"Good afternoon!" The Doctor greeted as they walked up. "Drink sir? Madams?" The footman asked. "Sidecar, please." Donna ordered. "And two lime and sodas, thank you." The Doctor said for him and Galaxy.

"May I introduce Lady Clemency Eddison." A man introduced and a petite blonde woman arrived dressed in blue.

"Lady Eddison." The Doctor greeted, warmly, shaking her hand. "Excuse me, but who might you be...and what are you doing here?" Lady Eddison asked politely. "I'm the Doctor. And this is Lilith Knight. Cousin of Miss Donna Noble...of the Chiswick Nobles."

"Good afternoon, my lady. Topping day, what? Spiffing! Top ho!" Donna said in a posh voice as she curtseyed. "Don't do that." Galaxy whispered to her. "We were thrilled to receive your invitation, my lady. We met at the ambassador's reception." The Doctor said, showing her his psychic paper.

"Doctor, how could I forget you? But one must be sure with the Unicorn on the loose." She said. "A unicorn? Brilliant. Where?" He asked, intrigued. "The Unicorn. The jewel thief? And nobody knows who he is. He's just struck again. Snatched Lady Babbington's pearls right from under her nose."

"Funny place to wear pearls." Donna commented as the footman brought them their drinks.

"May I announce the Colonel Hugh Curbishley, the Honorable Roger Curbishley." A younger man arrived and he was pushing an older man in a wheelchair.

"My husband and my son." Lady Eddison told them. "Forgiving me for not rising." Hugh said as they arrived, "Never been the same since the flu epidemic back in '18." He said. "My word! You are a super lady!" Roger said to Donna.

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