Midnight Pt6:

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Galaxy quickly stood in Biff's path when he made a move to grab the Doctor and he was stopped by an invisible wall that made him stumble back.

"I won't let any of you touch him." Galaxy declared, holding her hand out and they all realised she was creating the invisible wall, preventing them from getting any closer.

"Professor, help me." Biff said and started hitting the wall. "I can't...I'm not..." Hobbes stuttered, still shocked. "What sort of man are you? Come on!" Biff shouted.

"Get him! Throw him out!" Val shouted. "Come on!" Biff shouted to them all. Hobbes stumbled forward and started hitting the wall as well. "Just do it, throw him out!" Val shouted, going over to help her husband.

Galaxy frowned as the pain in her head was getting worse with every hit dealt to the wall as well as her pushing her implants in a way she hadn't for a very long time. Eventually the pain was so bad her knees gave out but she didn't dare lose her focus on allowing the wall to weaken, she wasn't going to let these humans get close to the Doctor.

"Get him out!" Val shouted.

"Get him out!" Sky egged on.

"Get him out!" The Doctor repeated.

"I want him out." Val shouted.

"Y-You're not touching him." Galaxy said, ignoring the way her body was starting to shake at the strain but still she held on, she held on when she and Astro were trapped under piles of rubble during the war, she didn't give up then and she wasn't going to give up now.

"Do it!"

Galaxy shakingly pressed some buttons on her computer wrist, hacking into the system and opening the door to the capsule before shooting Sky with a shock blast. Sky was knocked back and to the door but she grabbed on, but when Galaxy shot at her again she lost her grip and was sucked out of the capsule.

The door closed and the Doctor shot up with a gasp."It's gone. It's gone." He breathed. He realised how quiet it was and saw everyone looking at Galaxy who was on her hands and knees, gasping for air.

She glanced at him and his eyes widened when he saw the amount of blood coming out of her nose before he scrambled to her side and caught her as she collapsed.

"What did you do?" He whispered, moving her so her head was resting against his shoulder and tried ignoring the slight twitches he could feel coming from her body. "Y-You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She stuttered and he grinned slightly.

"Try me." He said and she chuckled but it quietened and she was finding it very hard to keep her eyes open, "No, Galaxy, come on, keep your eyes open." He urged, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, "You need to stay awake."

Galaxy could only nod.

Twenty minutes later

The Doctor and Galaxy were still in the same position though he had his head resting against hers as he held one of her hands, trying anything that came to mind to keep her awake but it was getting harder and harder.

"Repeat, Crusader 50, rescue vehicle coming alongside in three minutes, door-seals set to automatic. Prepare for boarding, repeat, prepare for boarding."

"Here that Galaxy?" The Doctor looked down at her with a smile but it disappeared when he saw her eyes were closed again and they weren't opening, "Just three minutes...three minutes and I'll be able to take care of you."


Astro had been resting in the console room of the Tardis when Donna, The Doctor and Galaxy came back. Seeing the Doctor cradle Galaxy as well as the amount of blood on her instantly had the robot wolf know she had gone too far with using her powers.

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