The Waters of Mars Pt1:

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Astro was lying on the captain's chair in the Tardis as he watched the Doctor and Galaxy who were both in the red spacesuits since they were going out to explore Mars after landing on it and Galaxy was looking over the suit.

"What's with that look?" The Doctor smiled as he walked over to her with their helmets. "I'm just reminding myself that something's gonna happen with us wearing these." She said, still thinking the suits were as unlucky as whenever he wore a tux. "They're not unlucky."

"The first time you wore one of these, I had to leave you behind to fend against a demon creature and the second time you got a sun inside you. These are unlucky." She crossed her arms and he chuckled before putting her helmet on for her before securing it and put his own on.

"Have fun! Don't get into any trouble." Astro called to them as they made their way out of the Tardis. "No promises!" Galaxy called as they stepped out before closing the door.

"The red planet!" The Doctor grinned, happy to be there and looked at Galaxy, "You can't deny it's beautiful." He told her and she shrugged. "I never said it wasn't." She said and he took her hand before they strolled about as though taking a walk through a park.

They paused when they saw a base in the distance.

"Now, that's beautiful." Galaxy said as they saw a number of domes linked by tunnels to a large central hub with a rocket tower standing to the side.

Something then jabbed the Doctor in the back and they turned to see a small robot holding a sort of probe.

"Rotate." It commanded and they raised their hands and turned to face it, "Slowly. You are under arrest. For trespassing. Gadget-gadget."

Galaxy looked at the robot that pointed a gun at them, joints sparking, before she looked at the Doctor.

"Still think the suits aren't unlucky?"


An older woman with blonde hair pointed her gun at the Time Lords, lights on it glowing blue. "State your name, rank, and intention." She ordered them. "The Doctor...Doctor...Fun?" The Doctor said or more like questioned and the woman nodded and turned to Galaxy.

"Galaxy...machanic?" She answered then sighed, "And keeping him out of trouble." She said, nodding to the Doctor and thought Astro did a better job at that then she did.

A door burst open and a man ran into the room, out of breath and stopped when he saw the Time Lords and pointed a gun at them. "What the hell? It's a man! And a woman!" He exclaimed as the Doctor and Galaxy put their hands down, "A man and woman on Mars! How?"

"They were wearing these things. I have never seen anything like this." A woman with dirty blonde hair said as she held up the suits. "What did mission control say?" The man asked. "They're out of range for ten hours with the solar flares."

"If we could cut the chat, everyone." The first woman, clearly the captain, cut in. "Actually, chat's second on my list. The first being gun, pointed at her head." The Doctor nodded to Galaxy, "And my head. Which puts our heads second on chat and third, I think. Gun, heads, chat, yeah."

"This is why I'm the better one at making lists." Galaxy shook her head and he mock glared at her before turning to the captain. "But you could hurt someone with that thing! Just put it down." He said. "Oh, you'd like that."

"Is there someone in the world who wouldn't?" Galaxy countered.

"Why should I trust you?" She asked suspiciously. "Because we give you our word. And forty million miles away from home, our word is all you've got." The Doctor said and the captain stared at them before lowering her gun. "Keep Gadget covering them."

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