The Next Doctor Pt1:

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Galaxy was sitting at her workbench in her workshop working on the Doctor's sonic while the Time Lord himself sat with her. He watched her work and listened as she finally became comfortable enough to talk about the experiments she and so many others were put through.

She didn't go into too much detail, both for his sake and her own, but she did tell him out of all the three sets of her implants her head ones were the worse since it caused her to regenerate. When he asked if anyone else did when they got theirs she told him no, that they died either due to the pain being too much or because they decided death was a better outcome.

She also told him a bit about the exercises they had to undergo, whether it be sparring against each other or actually going out on missions. Galaxy hated those the most, mainly due to the possibility of running into anyone she knew, or worse the Doctor, and having them see what she had become and being powerless to do anything.

"There. I've installed a connection between your sonic and my head implants. If something happens whenever we're seperated they'll send you a signal." She said once she was done and handed him back his sonic. What happened on Midnight still plagued his mind and it always would and this was the best thing Galaxy could think of to ease the nerves those events brought.

He took his sonic, looking at it. "All those times I tried contacting were going through that and I never knew." He said with a frown. He should have tried harder to get her to stay, then none of this would have happened.

"No one did and that was the entire point." She said, placing her hand on his.

"But why you?" He asked. She wasn't a fighter, she was a mechanic, a traveller. It just didn't make sense to him why they wanted her for some super solider project.

"I still don't know for sure but if I had to guess I would say it's because of what I did by creating the Moment. A lot of the people there weren't soldiers, they were teachers, professors, academics."

It still brought up more questions, questions he wasn't going to ask, at least for now. "I'm so, so sorry you had to go through all that." He instead said, turning his hand to thread their fingers together.

"You have nothing to apologise for. The main thing is, I was able to escape thanks to Astro and sure we became seperated but there was a time we were together and we're back together now. That's all that matters." She told him with a smile and he smiled in return.


The Doctor had settled their next journey off as a surprise and wouldn't tell Galaxy where they were going no matter how many times she asked, nor when she tried to pull off puppy dog eyes. But not telling her, Galaxy was both curious about where they were going and also a little nervous because it could be anywhere and there was a good possibility this would be anything but a calm trip.

When the Tardis arrived at its destination, the Doctor smiled as he took Galaxy's hand and led her outside. The box stood under a stone bridge with snow on the ground, Galaxy looked around before her eyes widened when they entered a bustling market place with stalls decked in bows, garlands, chestnuts and hawkers of mistletoe and best of all people were dressed in 19th century clothing.

"Like it?" He asked and she smiled. "I love it." She told him and gave him a thank you kiss that had him beaming afterwards and his eyes swimming with happiness. He looked around and saw a boy standing by a stall. "You there, boy. What day is it?"

"Christmas Eve, sir." The boy replied.

"What year?"

"You thick or something?"

Galaxy snorted slightly and looked away when the Doctor looked at her with a mock glare before he turned to the boy. "Oi. Just answer the question." He said and the boy sighed. "Year of our Lord 1851, sir."

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