The Waters of Mars Pt3:

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"All I'm saying is...bikes!" The Doctor said, trying to lighten the moods as they went down the tunnel, "Little fold away bikes. Don't weigh a thing." They ran into a huge open area that had a sheet of ice at the base of it. "They tell legends of Mars from long ago. The fine and noble race that built an empire out of snow. The Ice Warriors."

"I haven't got time for stories." Adelaide said, going over to a computer. "Maybe they discovered something. Then used their resources and power to freeze it down there." Galaxy said. "We need to find any sort of change in the water process. We've got to date the infection."

The Doctor went over to a computer next to Adelaide's and typed on it. "Access denied." It said and Galaxy went over and nudged him away to type away at it herself.

"You two don't look like cowards. But all you've wanted to do is leave. You both know so much about us." Adelaide said. "Well, you're famous." The Doctor shrugged. "It's like you know more."

"This moment..." He started, trying to find the words without giving everything away as Galaxy glanced in warning at him, "This precise moment in time, it's like...I mean, it's only a theory, what do I know, but, I think certain moments in time are fixed. Tiny, precious moments. Anything else in flux. Anything can happen. But those certain moments they have to stand. This base on Mars, with you, Adelaide Brooke, this is one vital moment. What happens here must always happen."

"Which is what?"

"We don't know." Galaxy quickly said.

'We aren't supposed to tell her. Too much said and things could change for the worse.' She warned the Doctor. 'We can't leave her here to deal with this, not knowing things will be alright in the end.' He argued.

'They die in an explosion, how is that ever alright?' She asked. "The future her granddaughter creates because of her. That's how."

"I think something wonderful happens." The Doctor said, turning to Adelaide, "Something that started fifty years ago, isn't that right?" He asked and her eyes widened. "I've never told anyone that."

"You told your daughter. And maybe, one day, she tells the story to her daughter. Of the day the Earth was stolen and moved across the Universe. And you..."

"I saw the Daleks...we looked up. The sky had changed. Everyone was running and screaming. And my father took hold of me. He led me to my room and told me to stay there, that he was going to find my mother and bring him back. He promised they'd both come back...I never saw him again. Nor my mother. They were never found. But out on the streets, there was panic and burning. I went to the window...and there, in the sky, I saw it, Doctor, a Dalek. And it saw me. It stared at me. It looked right into me. And simply went away. I knew, that night, I knew I would follow it."

"Not out for revenge though." Galaxy said. "What would be the point of that?" Adelaide asked. "That's what makes you remarkable. And that's how you create history." The Doctor smiled.

"Doctor." Galaxy sharply said, frowning at him.

"What d'you mean?" Adelaide asked, confused. "Imagine it, Adelaide. If you began a journey that takes the human race all the way out to the stars. It begins with you. And then your granddaughter, you inspire her!"

"Doctor!" Galaxy exclaimed, knowing what he was planning to tell Adelaide but it was too late.

"So that, in thirty years, Susie Fontana Brooke is the pilot of the first light speed ship to Proxima Centauri. And then everywhere, with her children and her children's children forging away to the Dragon Star, the Celestial Belt of the Winter Queen, the Map of the Water Snake Wormholes."

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