The Next Doctor Pt3:

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The Doctor opened the back door to the reverend's home to see the Other Doctor trying to pick the lock.

"Hello!" He grinned.

"How did you get in?" The Other Doctor asked, looking at them. "Front door." Galaxy answered. "I'm good at doors." The Doctor said, then frowned at the thing in the Other Doctor's hand, "Um, do you mind my asking, is that your sonic screwdriver?"

"Yeah. I'd be lost without it." He said, holding it up to them which was just a regular screwdriver. "That's just a screwdriver, though. How is it sonic?" Galaxy asked. "Well, er, it makes a noise." He tapped it against the doorframe, "That's sonic, isn't it? Now, since we're acting like common burglars, I suggest we get out of plain view."

He entered the house and Galaxy closed the door behind him before she and the Doctor followed the Other Doctor down the hall and into a library where he went straight to a desk that was in the middle of the room and started looking through the drawers.

"This investigation of yours, what's it about?" The Doctor asked.

"It started with a murder."

"Oh, good. I mean bad, but whose?"

"Mr Jackson Lake, a teacher of mathematics from Sussex. He came to London three weeks ago and died a terrible death."

"Cybermen?" Galaxy asked. "It's hard to say, his body was never found. But then it started. More secret murders. Then abductions. Children...stolen away in silence." He told them. "So whose house is this?" The Doctor asked.

"The latest murder. The Reverend Aubrey Fairchild. Found with burns to his forehead, like some advanced form of electrocution."

"But who was he, was he important?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"We're you Companions."

"The reverend was the pillar of the community, a member of many parish boards. A keen advocate of children's charities." He explained. "Children again. But why would the Cybermen want him dead? And what's his connection to the first death, this Jackson Lake?" The Doctor asked.

"It's funny. I seem to be telling you two everything, as though you both engendered some sort of trust. You both seem familiar. I know your faces. But why?" The Other Doctor asked. "I wonder. I can't help noticing you're wearing a fob watch." The Doctor said.

"Is that important?" The Other Doctor asked. "Legends say the memories of Time Lords can be sealed inside a watch." Galaxy answered and held a hand out, "May I?" She asked and the Other Doctor handed her the watch, "It's said if opened..." She opened the watch and all the workings fell out, "Maybe not."

'Look at this.' Galaxy's voice sounded through the Doctor's mind and he looked at the watch when she turned it slightly and saw 'JL' engraved into the back of the watch.

"It's more for decoration." The Other Doctor said. "Yeah. Anyway, alien infiltration." The Doctor said and they turned away and started searching the room.

"Look for anything different. Possibly metal. Anything that doesn't seem to belong, perhaps a mechanical device that could fit no Earthy engine." The Other Doctor instructed.

Galaxy glanced at the Doctor who subtly pulled out his sonic and started checking around the room before focusing on a locked desk.

"It could even seem to be organic, but unlike any organism of the natural world." The Other Doctor carried on before stopping suddenly, "Shh! What's that noise?" The Doctor quickly put his sonic away and he and Galaxy turned to face the Other Doctor.

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