Journey's End Pt2:

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Tears formed in the Doctor's eyes. He tried reaching out to Galaxy through their connection but she was either ignoring him or she was blocking him out and he had no other way of knowing if she was alright or not.

"Please. I'm begging you, I'll do anything!" He said turning to the Supreme Dalek, "Put me in her place." He said, meaning every word. He would do anything for Galaxy, to save her, even if it meant giving himself up, "You can do anything to me, I don't care, just get her out of there!"


Galaxy was able to pull herself to her feet enough to grab the console, she tried sorting out her teleport to get the two out of there but with all the throwing about her computer wrist had broken.

She glanced down at Donna to see her on her hands and knees near the console, coughing and panting from the smoke. She started kneeling beside her friend when something caught her attention.

The hand was glowing, more than it had after she put her regeneration energy in it and Donna was looking right at it and her eyes widened when Donna reached for it.

"Donna don't!" Galaxy shouted but Donna had touched the jar. The golden regeneration energy started swirling out the jar and towards Donna. Galaxy quickly dropped to her knees and grabbed Donna's hand on the jar, she focused as much as she could and pulled as much of the Time Lord biological energy back into her.

It was painful to do so but she didn't mind if it meant not losing Donna.


The Doctor gritted his teeth, watching as the Tardis continued to struggle, he could feel the distress of the time machine through the connection shared with the pilot. Astro was the same with the addition of hearing the Tardis and he felt just as powerless.

"You are connected to the Tardis. Now, feel it down."


Galaxy helped Donna sit up after she had fallen onto the floor. Donna looked calm despite what was going on.

"What is that?" Donna breathed.

Galaxy looked over at where the hand was lying on the floor, the fingers were twitching. They watched as the energy spread around the hand and outwards and into the shape of a man. When the energy finished forming it jolted into a sitting position, shaking off the energy to reveal the Doctor.

The new Doctor stared at them, eyes wide.

"It's you!" Donna exclaimed.

"Oh, yes." The New Doctor agreed.

"And you're naked." Galaxy said, chuckling when Donna quickly glanced away.

"Oh, yes."


"Total Tardis destruction in ten rels!" A Dalek announced.

The Doctor still had his eyes on the screen, he couldn't believe he might lose both the Tardis and Galaxy in a mere ten seconds, and he was completely powerless to stop it.

Rose stepped up and reached to take his hand but it was curled in a fist, shaking with anger, not even noticing her.

"Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five!"


Galaxy pressed a button on the console, she looked at the New Doctor and the two quickly got to work with getting to safety.


"Four! Three! Two! One!"

The Tardis faded away. It was was Galaxy...

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