Forest of the Dead Pt1

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"Hey! Who turned out the lights? Hey! Who turned out the lights?"

River blasted a hole in the wall behind them, they scrambled through it then ran down a dimly lit corridor and into another room with a huge skylight and the sight of a large moon rising in the sunset.

"Okay, we've got a clear spot. In, in, In!" River shouted as they ran in, "Right in the centre, in the middle of the light, quickly! Don't let your shadows cross. Galaxy! Doctor!"

"We're doing it." The Doctor said as he and Galaxy soniced the shadows looking for the Vashta Nerada. "There's no light here. Sunset's coming, we can't stay long. Have you found a live one?" River asked. "Maybe, it's getting harder to tell. What's wrong with you?" The Doctor said as he smacked his sonic.

"We're gonna need a chicken leg. Who's got a chicken leg?" River asked and Other Dave handed her one, "Thanks, Dave." She threw it into the shadow the Doctor was examining and it was stripped down as it hit the floor, "Okay...okay, we've got a hot one. Watch your feet."

"They won't attack until there's more of them. But now they've got our scent so they'll be gathering soon." Galaxy said. "Then we need to know where they're strongest." River said as she took another chicken leg from Other Dave, "Galaxy, I need your help."

"Why do you need my help?" Galaxy frowned as she walked over.

"I need you to use your powers."

"Powers? What powers?" The Doctor frowned. He looked at Galaxy who had gone pale in the face and her eyes were wide, "Galaxy, what powers?"

"He doesn't know yet?" River gasped, realising she might have let out a secret Galaxy wasn't prepared to tell. "No, he doesn't know yet." Galaxy hissed as she glared at her. After all her and Astro's hard work of keeping it a secret and now it comes out!

"There's no need to get hissy with me missy. We need to know if they're stronger in the air or in the ground." River frowned as she held out the chicken. "How is she supposed to help with that?" The Doctor asked, very confused.

Galaxy sighed and took the chicken from River before going over to the edge of the light. She held her hand out and looked at the chicken before lowering her hand and the Doctor's eyes widened when he saw the chicken hovering in the air.

She concentrated and had the chicken go to where the other bone was, she held it in the end and it only took a few seconds for it to be stripped to the bone as well. The Doctor went to her as she let it drop and held her face in his hands when he saw some slight blood on her sleeve after she wiped it.

"Galaxy?" He breathed and she looked down. "Some things happened before Astro and I found you. Things that altered my mind a bit, tapped into a dormant part of it that..."

"Amplified your brainwaves." He finished, figuring it out, "Galaxy that's dangerous, though, you shouldn't use that." He told her. "I know. Trust me I don't like using it." She said and looked at him, "I know you want to know more but please, don't ask me."

He stared at her, he knew there was more to it but the plea in her voice and the haunted look in her eyes stopped him from asking. He couldn't force her to talk, not after asking him to, and he didn't want to hurt her by bringing it up. Instead, he nodded, filing it away in the back of his mind and placed a kiss on her forehead before going back to sonicing the shadows.

Galaxy joined him, relieved and thankful for his understanding. She knew the topic would be brought up again, one day, for now though he was leaving it be and that was all she could ask for.

"Who are they?" Other Dave asked River as she walked back to the crew, "You haven't even told us. You just expect us to trust them." He said. "She's Galaxy and he's the Doctor." River introduced. "And who are Galaxy and the Doctor?" Lux asked. "The only story you'll ever tell...if you survive them."

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