Turn Left Pt1:

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A couple of weeks had passed since Midnight with no major travelling as the Doctor and Astro wanted Galaxy to properly rest, Donna even gave the Time Lady a rather scolding when she caught her sneaking out of her room. After that happened the Doctor hardly left her side, having Astro send the Tardis into the Vortex for a bit, Galaxy did feel bad for preventing them from exploring places, had even told them to do so while she stayed in the Tardis but none of them mind not doing anything, she just wanted her to get better.

It had taken a bit for her to get the strength back in her legs but once she had and was able to walk without either getting a pain in them or tired the Doctor had their first visit be to an oreiental alien marketplace filled with all sorts of stalls selling various stuff from unique objects to exotic fruits.

They looked around at the different stalls, at all the food and drinks that were being offered until they came to one that looked almost like hot chocolate with whipped toppings.

"You are going to love this." The Doctor said, getting them each a cup, "One, two, three..." They each took a swig and ended up with foamy moustaches. "Ah!" He sighed appreciatively. "It's lovely!" Donna exclaimed, sipping again as Galaxy laughed and wiped her mouth.

They walked a bit more once they'd finished, the Doctor leading Galaxy and Astro to a stall with odd fruits, some having long spikes on them while Donna carried on wandering.

"You want to buy Shukina? Or Peshwami? Most beautiful Peshwami in all of Shan Shen." A stall vendor said as she passed. Donna glanced at the couple as the Doctor chatted with a vendor while Galaxy smiled fondly and shook her head. "No thanks." She said, turning back to the vendor then walked off.

"Tell your fortune, lady?" A woman in a robe asked, sitting outside a shop, "Your future predicted, your life foretold." She said. "Ah, no thanks. Spoilers and all." Donna shook her head. "Don't you want to know if you're going to be happy?"

"I'm happy right now, thanks." Donna smiled.

"You've got red hair. Reading's free for red hair." The fortune teller called as she walked off.

"Alright then." She laughed.

The fortune teller held a curtain of beads aside as Donna passed into. The fortune teller glanced around, ensuring no one was watching before following, not noticing Astro glancing over for a moment.

Donna was led to a table, the fortune teller sat opposite her and held Donna's hands in her own, caressing her palms with her fingers. "You're fascinating. Oh no, but you're good. I can see...a woman, a brilliant woman and a man, the most remarkable man. How did you meet them?"

"You're supposed to tell me." Donna told her. "I see the future. Tell me the past. When did your lives cross?" The fortune teller asked. "It's sort of complicated. I ended up on their spaceship on my wedding day."

"But what led you to that meeting?"

"All sorts of things. But my job, I suppose. It was on Earth...this planet called Earth, miles away. But I had this job as a temp. I was a secretary at this place called H.C. Clements." Donna lurched in thought, almost able to picture exactly the job she had as though she was back there, sitting at a desk. "Sorry." She said, coming back to reality.

"It's the incense. Just, er, breathe deep. This job of yours, what choices led you there?" The fortune teller asked. "There was a choice...six months before. The agency offered me this contract with H.C. Clements." Donna was back on the street, walking to her car with her mother, arguing about the job she was going for and one her mum had gotten her, "But there was this...other job. My mum knew this man..."

"Your life could have gone one way or the other. What made you decide?"

"I just did." Donna shook her head. "But when was that moment? When did you choose?" The fortune teller asked.

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