The Doctor's Daughter Pt3:

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Galaxy was looking at the map she took from the guard as well as the area they were in. "Here. One of the hidden tunnels should be here...must be a control panel around." She said. She put the map in her pocket before sonicing the wall and the Doctor went and helped her as did Astro with his scanning.

"It's another one of those numbers. They're everywhere." Donna said seeing a plaque above the wall. "The original builders must've left them. Some old cataloguing system." The Doctor suggested. "You got a pen? Bit of paper? 'Cos, d'you see, the numbers are counting down." Galaxy handed her a small notebook and pen, "This one ends in 1-4, the prison cell said 1-6."

"Always thinking, all of you. Who are you people?" Jenny asked. "I told you. I'm the Doctor, this is Astro and Galaxy and that's Donna." The Doctor replied. "The Doctor? That's it?" Jenny frowned. "That's all he ever says."

"So, you don't have a name either? Are you an anomaly too?"

"No." He replied and Galaxy snorted slightly. "Oh, come off it" You're the most anomalous bloke I've ever met!" Donna said. "I found the panel." Astro called sniffing a part of the wall and Galaxy went over and removed it from the wall.

"And Time Lords, what are they for exactly?" Jenny continued. "For? They're not...they're not 'for' anything." He laughed. "So what do you do?" She asked. "We travel, Astro, Galaxy and I, through time and space."

"They save planets, rescue civilizations, defeat terrible creatures. And run...a lot. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved." Donna said. She was even a little jealous at Galaxy's leg implants since she knew the purpose of them being there.

"We're through!" Galaxy called when the door opened.

"Squad 5, with me!" They heard Cobb in the distance.

"Now, what were you saying about running?" The Doctor asked as they all ran through the door.


They didn't get very far because they came upon an area that had red beams crossing through a tunnel, blocking the way.

"That's not mood lighting, is it?" Donna asked. Galaxy pulled out one of Astro's toys she had and threw it into the lights, it burst into flames when it touched the first beam. "My toy!" Astro whined. "You've got plenty more. And it's an arming device." Galaxy said as the Doctor worked on a blue box nearby.

"There's more of these. Always 8 numbers, counting down the closer we get." Donna exclaimed seeing the set of numbers. "Here we go!" The Doctor commented. "You'd better be quick." Donna said.

"The General." Jenny said when she heard them and made a move to go but Galaxy stopped her. "Where are you going?" She asked. "I can hold them up." She said. "No, we don't need any more dead." The Doctor added.

"But it's them or us."

"That doesn't mean you need to kill them, Jenny!" Galaxy argued.

"I'm trying to save your lives!"

"Listen to me, the killing, after a while it infects you. And once it does you're never rid of it." The Doctor told her. "We don't have a choice." Jenny said. "We always have a choice." Galaxy told her, placing a hand on her cheek.

"I'm sorry." Jenny said, pulling away and running off.


Galaxy ran back to the controls to get rid of the beams and the Doctor joined to help her, both ignoring the sounds of shots being fired in the distance.

"I told you. Nothing but a soldier." The Doctor muttered but they heard him. "She's trying to help." Donna and Astro countered.

"Jenny, come on!" Galaxy shouted.

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