The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Pt1:

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The Tardis shook violently as it tried to break through a barrier that had formed around the building where Sarah Jane was getting married, unaware it was all a ploy by the Trickster.

Following what happened on Mars, Galaxy wanted to get that smile back on the Doctor's face and show him that despite that small dark moment he was still the same Time Lord that always did the right thing, the same Time Lord she fell in love with, and had them go on a number of trips and adventures before deciding to go and visit Sarah Jane because if there was someone other than her that could convince him he was still good, it was her.

There was just one problem. Not once were they able to land anywhere near Sarah Jane's house, or anywhere in the city, nor was Galaxy able to call her. It only got more worrisome when they got a distress call from Sarah Jane's computer, Mr Smith, before it was shut down with no way of getting in touch with it. So they got to work, all three of them did what they could to find out what was going on and discovered Sarah Jane was getting married.

Both the Time Lords had been ecstatic to see their former companion was getting married, but they became alarmed and worried when Astro revealed what was preventing them from landing was due to the Trickster.

It too a lot of work between the three of them but they managed to get the Tardis to break through the barrier and land in the hall outside the room where the wedding was taking place and the Time Lords ran out where they heard a woman's voice say: "If any person can show just cause or impediment why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace..."

"Stop this wedding now!" The Doctor shouted as he and Galaxy rushed into the room, the doors bursting open and causing everyone to turn back in their seats to look at them.

"What?" Sarah Jane exclaimed, staring back at them in shock.

"What's going on?" A woman asked.

"Who the hell are they?" The man beside the woman asked.

"I don't believe it." Luke gasped.

"Who're they?" The girl beside him asked.

"Master! Mistress!" K9 exclaimed, rolling out from under the table he was hidden underneath.

"I said stop this wedding." The Doctor repeated.

Just then, the wind picked up so suddenly and so strongly that it managed to force him to stumble back. Galaxy grabbed him in case the wind caused him to fall off his feet and the lights started to flicker.

"Alert! Alert, danger mistress!" K9 warned, rolling in a circle.

"Sarah!" Galaxy shouted when she saw the man beside her, Peter, grab her arm, "Get away from him!"

Sarah Jane's eyes widened and she tried to pull herself free but Peter wouldn't let go. "No. Peter, no." She said, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't be afraid, Sarah Jane. It's the angel." He said, smiling at her.

Electricity crackled in the air at the corner of the room as a creature appeared, it was dressed in a white robes with a hood and looked humanoid with sharp teeth and no eyes.

"It's the Trickster." The girl gasped, staring at the figure in horror.

"Mum!" Luke turned to her, trying to get up but the wind was too strong, "Mum!"

"Sarah!" The Doctor shouted, relying on Galaxy to keep him steady in the wind, "Trickster let her go!"

"Too late Time Lords!" The Trickster sneered, going over to Sarah Jane and Peter, "You're mine Sarah Jane Smith, mine forever."

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