Voyage of the Damned Pt5:

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The Doctor and Galaxy back across the bridge, down a number of halls and another kitchen where a number of Hosts surrounded them. The Doctor grabbed a large pot to use as a weapon and pushed Galaxy behind him.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Security protocol one! Do you hear me? One. One! Okay, that gives me three questions. Three questions to save my life, am I right?" The Doctor asked.

"Information: Correct."

"Doctor!" Galaxy hissed at the waste of a question. "No, that wasn't one of them. I didn't mean it. That's not fair. Can I start again?" The Doctor asked.

"Information: No."

Suddenly there was a sharp pain on the back of the Doctor's head and he turned to see Galaxy with her hands on her hips. "Did you hit me?" He asked, shocked. "Yeah, on the head." She told him. "Why?" He asked, confused. "Because you were being more idiotic than usual."

"Which made you decide that was a good reason to smack me?"

"Be happy I didn't use a pan."

The Doctor looked back at the robots to see them still standing there, seeming to know his last two questions weren't directed at them.

"One question left, one question. So, you've been given orders to kill the survivors but survivors must therefore be passengers or staff, but not us. We're not passengers. We're not staff. Go on, scan us. You must have bio-records. No such persons on board. We don't exist therefore..."

"You can't kill us. We're stowaways and stowaways should be arrested and taken to the nearest figure of authority." Galaxy said. "And the nearest figure of authority must be Deck 31. Final question, are we right?" The Doctor asked.

"Information: Correct."

"Brilliant. Take us to your leader." The Doctor said and looked at Galaxy who rolled her eyes, "I've always wanted to say that."

"I know." She said as a robot took hold of their arms and led them to Deck 31.


Galaxy and the Doctor were taken to a storage facility on Deck 31, there was structural damage around them and more than they expected since the place was so fortified on the scans of the ship, small fires had even started.

"Wow. Now that's what you call a fixer-upper. Come on, then, Host with the most, this ultimate authority of yours, who is it?" The Doctor asked. Just then two doors slid open as he and Galaxy turned around, "Ooh, that's clever. That's an omnistate impact. Indestructible. You can survive anything in there, you could sit through a supernova. Or a shipwreck. But only one person can have the power and the money to hide themselves on board like this and I should know, because..."

A vehicle wheeled out and they saw a head attached to the machinery.

"My Max." The head of Max Capricorn said, grinning and his tooth glinted. "Wait, that actually happens?" Galaxy asked. "Who the hell are you?" Max spat, seeing the two standing there. "I'm the Doctor and this is Galaxy. Hello." The Doctor said, grinning while Galaxy waved.

"Information: Stowaways."

"Kill them."

"Oh, no, no! Wait, but you can't. Not now. Come on,'ve given me so much good material to get ahead in business!" The Doctor said, looking around but no one looked impressed, even Galaxy was looking at him like he'd gone mad, "See 'head? 'Head in business?'" He tried, looking at Galaxy, "No?"

"No, dear. Just...No." She told him, shaking her head and he pouted slightly.

"Oh, ho, ho, the office joker. I like a funny man. No one's been funny with me for years." Max said.

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