The Doctor's Daughter Pt2:

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"Does this show the entire city, including the Hath zones?" The Doctor asked as they were looking at a holographic image of tunnels. "Yes. Why?" Cobb asked. "It'll help us find Martha." Galaxy said.

"We've more important things to do. The Progenation Machines are powered down for the night shift, but soon as they're active." The young soldier glanced at the Doctor, Donna and Galaxy, "We could breed a whole platoon from you three."

"I'm not having sons and daughters by some great big flippin' machine!" Donna shouted before looking at Jenny, "Sorry, no offence but you're not...well, I mean, you're not real." She said. "You're no better than him! I have a body, I have a mind, I have independent thought, how am I not real? What makes you better than me?"

"Well said, soldier. We need more like you, if ever we're to find the Source." Cobb said proudly. "Ooh, the Source, what's that then, what's a Source? I like a Source, what is it?" The Doctor asked. "The Breath of Life."

"Which would be?" Galaxy asked.

"In the beginning the great one breathed life into the Universe. And then she looked at what she'd done, and she sighed." The soldier recited. "She? I like that." Jenny said as Galaxy nodded in agreement.

"Definitely your daughter." Galaxy heard the Doctor mutter. "What was that?" She asked, smirking and he quickly turned back to Cobb, pretending she didn't hear him. "Right, so it's a creation myth."

"It's not myth. It's real. That sigh. From the beginning of time it was caught and kept as the Source. It was lost when the war started. But it's here, somewhere. Whoever holds the Source controls the destiny of the planet."

"Ah, I thought so!" The Doctor suddenly shouted and they looked to see him staring at a map, "There's a suppressed layer of information in this map, if I can just..." He flashed his sonic across it and more tunnels appeared.

"What is it, what's it mean?" Donna asked, looking at the screen. "An entire complex of tunnels hidden away." Galaxy said, rather impressed. "That must be the lost temple. The Source will be inside. You've shown us the way! And look, we're closer than the Hath! It's ours! Tell them to prepare to move out. We'll progenate new soldiers on the morning shift, then we march. Once we reach the Temple, peace will be restored at long last."

"Um, call me old fashioned, but if you really wanted peace couldn't you just stop fighting?" The Doctor suggested. "Only when we have the Source. It'll give us the power to erase every stinking Hath from the face of the planet!"

"So much for talking about peace, now you're on about genocide." Galaxy frowned. "For us, that means the same thing." Cobb waved her off. "Then you need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption will read 'Over my dead body!'"

"And you were the one who showed us the path to victory. But you can consider the irony from your prison cell. Cline, at arms!" The soldier, Clime, pointed a gun at them. "Oi, oi, oi! Alright! Cool the beans Rambo!"

"Take them. I won't have them spreading treason. And if you try anything, Doctor, I'll see that your woman dies first." Cobb nodded to Donna. "No, we're...we're not a couple." The Doctor replied. "I am not his woman!"

"Come on. This way." Cline ordered. "We're going to stop you, Cobb, you need to know that." The Doctor warned him. "I have an army and the breath of god on my side Doctor, what'll you have?" Cobb asked, smugly.

"Galaxy." He said, taking her hand, "And we've both got these." He pointed to his bead. "And you don't want to cross the both of us together." Galaxy added. "Lock them up, and guard them." Cobb ordered. "What about the new soldier?"

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