The Doctor's Daughter Pt1:

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The Tardis jolted about violently as everyone clung to the console to try and steady themselves. Sparks were flying which concerned both Galaxy and Astro, who wasn't able to get through to the Tardis because of the chaos.

"What the hell's it doing?" Donna yelled. "Controls aren't working!" The Doctor shouted as he tried reaching for a control but sparks flew up and he fell next to his hand in the jar that was bubbling, "I don't know where we're going but my old hand's very excited about it!"

"I thought that was just some freaky alien thing! You telling me it's yours?" Donna gaped. "Well..." He started, pulling himself up. "It got cut off. He grew a new one!" Martha shouted. "You are completely...impossible!"

"Not impossible, just...a bit unlikely!" He shouted as he pulled back on a control after some difficulty. One last explosion went off, throwing them to the floor while the Doctor landed on the captain's chair as the box landed.

The Doctor helped Galaxy up and pulled her along when they ran out to see what looked to be a railway arch that was filled with junk.

"Why would the Tardis bring us here?" The Doctor asked as they looked around while Martha, Donna and Astro stepped out. "Oh, I love this bit." Martha grinned. "I thought you wanted to go home." Galaxy said with a smirk on her face.

"I know, but all the same it's that feeling you get..."

"Like you swallowed a hamster?" Donna asked.

Suddenly a loud noise sounded through the tunnel, they looked to see three soldiers running through the tunnel straight at them with guns.

"Don't move, stay where you are! Drop your weapons." One soldier ordered, lifting his gun.

"We're unarmed. Look, no weapons. Never any weapons. We're safe." The Doctor said as they raised their hands. "Look at their hands. They're clean." Another soldier said. "Alright, process them! Him first." The first soldier ordered.

Two soldiers moved towards the Doctor, grabbing him and dragged him towards a machine.

"Oi, oi! What's wrong with clean hands?" He asked. "What's going on?" Martha asked as they ran after them.

"Leave him alone!" Donna shouted. "Get your hands off him." Galaxy said as she tried getting past the soldiers but the first one grabbed her and pulled her back. The two soldiers forced the Doctor's hand into the machine and he yelped as the machine powered up.

"Something tells me this isn't about to check my blood pressure. Argh!"

"What're you doing to him?" Donna demanded. "Everyone gets processed." The soldier holding Galaxy said. "It's taken a tissue sample. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! And extrapolated it! Some kind of accelerator?"

"A cloning machine." Galaxy realised as she looked at the machine with wide eyes.

The Doctor stumbled away when the machine released him and he looked at his hand. The girls and Astro ran over and he looked to see a set of doors that were near the machine.

"Are you alright?" Martha asked as she took his hand and saw a Y shaped graze on the back of it. But his attention was still on the doors as was Galaxy's.

"What on Earth? That's just..."

The doors opened and a woman with blond hair and blue eyes, combat boots, trousers and a khaki shirt stepped out.

"Arm yourself!" The first soldier said, handing the girl a gun that she handed naturally.

"Where did she come from?" Martha asked. "From me." The Doctor breathed. "No." Galaxy said as she walked over to the woman, ignoring the Doctor from trying to pull her away. She stood in front of her, unphased by the gun. "She came from us."

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