Journey's End Pt5:

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"Now then, you lot." The Doctor said and moved Sarah Jane back to where she was standing, "Sarah, hold that. And Mickey hold that. Because, you know why this Tardis is always rattling about the place?"

"You're a terrible driver?" Astro asked, tilting his head with a smirk in his eyes.

"Ha ha." The Doctor replied sarcastically as he and Galaxy positioned people, "Rose, that there. It was designed to have six pilots and Galaxy and I have to do it single handed."

"With some help from Astro. Martha, keep that level." Galaxy smiled.

"But not anymore! Jack, there you go, steady that. Now we can fly this thing." The Doctor turned to see Jackie standing there, "No, Jackie. No, no. Not you. Don't touch anything, just..stand back." He turned back to the console, "Like it's meant to be flown! We've got the Torchwood Rift looped around the Tardis by Mr Smith. We're gonna fly planet Earth back home." He took his place next to Galaxy at the console, "Right, then! Off we go."

Galaxy pulled a lever and they were off, flying smoothly as the Tardis pulled the Earth out of the Cascade.

"That's really good, Jack. I think you're the best." Donna commented as she walked around the console. "Don't encourage him, Donna." Galaxy grinned and Donna laughed.

Soon enough the Earth was back where it belonged and everyone cheered and hugged.


Galaxy smiled as she watched the Doctor talking to Sarah Jane outside before turning to the console and saw Rose standing there and sighed before going over to her and she stood next to her. Neither of them said anything until Rose spoke up.

"I thought when I came back you and the Doctor would have me join you again're so different." She said. "We moved on. Something you should've done as well." Galaxy said.

She knew it was harsh but it needed to be said, she could've started another life if she had accepted she could never travel with Galaxy and the Doctor again but she just pushed and pushed until her actions caused a lot of problems.

"I know what happened in the parallel world." Galaxy said. Rose's eyes widened, she had hoped Astro had been lying when he announced he imprinted his memories onto Donna, "You gave UNIT access to Blue. Those doors don't just open magically when the Doctor and I die, especially if Astro's safely tucked away inside her. Someone gave UNIT a key, someone gave some humans access to time travel technology way before they were meant to have it. And you tore her apart and wired her up right in front of Astro."

She wasn't going to mention what Astro went through, she couldn't bring herself to talk about it and she just wanted to forget about it.

"Rose, you're my friend and you always will be, but you've done things that I just can't forgive." She finished and Rose nodded sadly. Galaxy looked at her before going to check on the Tardis' progress on closing the holes.

"So this new you doesn't hold back then." Mickey said, joining her. "Nope but it needed to be said. She did some wrongs that can't be forgotten." She said before smiling at him, "Anyway, how has life been for Mickey Smith?"

"You know, same old stuff. Missed you sometimes." He told her and she chuckled. "Only sometimes?" She smirked and he smiled. "What happened this time to make you change?" He asked. "Took a bullet for a brother I thought was dead. But he died anyway."

"I'm sorry." He said. "Thanks. The Doctor knows about my implants, I used them to protect him and it was bad. He knows how I got them, just not the details of what happened in between all that."

She was thinking of telling him that as well, after telling him the other stuff and knowing nothing changed she felt a bit more confident to tell him everything. It could also be some of the humanity she gained from Donna helping with the decision.

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