Chapter 4- "Capture You or Set You Free...?"

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     I had a sleep fully lacking good quality. Terrible haunting dreams of being captured. I woke up finally with cold sweat. Nightmares are dreadful sometimes, but the pain reminds me that I'm still alive.

     I slowly got up and stretched, briefly grooming my ears and tail before deciding to go foraging. I needed to save my emergency kit for special emergencies, and the bread wouldn't last forever. I let my gaze roam the empty room before agilely sprinting across the carpet to the kitchen. I finally made it, and swung myself up the counter's handles to the top. I strode over to the pantry, checking behind me for any of the household. No one was up.

     Chuckling to myself at a finally easy job, I rummaged through the bread, ripping off a corner and splitting it into small pieces, three fourths for saving and the rest to eat today. I happily munched on the bread, then shoved the rest into my satchel. At least I know I can survive here.

     I cautiously peeked out before sliding down the wooden door, landing quietly on the floor. I looked around paranoid like before darting to the shadows. They are my friend after all, right?


     I heard a snap as pain shot up my tail. I let out a screech of pain and alarm, tripping and falling to the floor. I forgot about the freshly set out mouse traps. I thrashed in attempt to free myself, but the metal snare refused to release its grip. I whimpered in pain and clawed at the trap desperately. It still refused to budge.

     My ears flickered as I heard footsteps. No. Nononono, not like this! I struggled harder, whimpering at the pain I was in.

     "What the heck?" I stopped struggling and slowly looked up to see which human it was. Ian stared down at me incredulously. I scrambled as far away as I could from him, crying out in pain at my tail's condition. Ian slowly squatted down next to me, resulting in me flattening my ears and shrinking back away from him. He reached out with one hand, and I closed my eyes, waiting for something bad to happen. I heard a snap, and my tail was suddenly mine to control again.

     I snapped my eyes open and stared at my tail, which calmly flicked back and forth on my will. Too scared to stay any longer, I scrambled to my feet and ran really fast, probably with a hint of adrenaline. I left Ian still staring at me and turned the corner, diving under the couch and pressing myself to the ground , taking in shallow and shaky breaths as I buried my head in my hands.

     What just happened!?

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