Chapter 18- Take Me With you! NOT.

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It started raining as we walked along the side of the sidewalk.

"Of course it's raining." Starboard grumbled, darting to the side to avoid a small raindrop. It was only sprinkling, but of course the size proportion was far different than with normal humans. I shivered as Kittin and Kay huddled together, yelping every time a water drop landed near them. I stopped for a moment to dig through my pocket when I heard footsteps. Fast.

"Quick!" I hissed, running to catch up to the others. "Guys, get into hiding!"

"... Well, I didn't wanna do this, but..." Kittin trailed off before sighing as wings sprouted from behind her. I blinked in surprise as the rain was close to pouring, almost concealing the pounding footsteps.

"Go." I nodded to her as she grabbed the others by the hand and flew into a small bush nearby. I was about to follow when something I didn't expect to happen did happen.

I heard a voice I thought I'd never hear ever again, the one that haunted me in my dreams, the one that sent me cringing at shadows. The one that brought physical, emotional and psychological pain.

"Well well well. Never thought I'd see you again, mouse."

My breathing stopped, and I halted dead in my tracks, paralyzed with something: cold fear.

I snapped out of it and ran into the grass, breathing quickly and shallowly. My jaws were parted, gasping for air as I ducked in a clump of the green tall stalks. Eric dropped to his knees and seemingly desperately- almost frantically- searched the ground with his hands.

"Don't think I won't find you." He warned out loud as it rained even harder, a fork of lightning arcing across the sky ( along with a 'friendly' crash of thunder), which revealed my hiding place for just a few heartbeats. I fled again, only to faceplant into a water puddle. I heard yelling- and shouting- and quick footsteps, some leaving and some approaching fast as I surfaced a few seconds later, sputtering for oxygen as my body went numb. A hand slipped under me and picked me up, making my skin tingle as I lay flat against its surface, gasping like a fish out of the water (Pun?).

"... antha... Sam... Samantha..." I started shivering as a shadow covered me, blocking the rain from hitting me. "Samantha." I grunted softly as a finger lightly stroked my figure of trepidation. "Please be ok." Ty's voice made me stop trembling for a moment, then I shuddered as I tried to stop hyperventilating. I was wheezing almost. "Come on Samantha, keep that up and you'll be out like a freaking light. Come on; breathe." He began breathing louder, breathing in, holding it for a pause, then slowly sighing as he set an example of just how my breathing should be; calm and slow, not quick and shallow. I forced my scattered thoughts to collect themselves, focusing on him. Slowly, my breathing began to slow.

"Good, keep breathing." He encouraged softly. My breaths were no longer jerky and uneven, but became calm and collected. I finally wiped my forehead, feeling the cold sweat on my brow. I managed to shakily sit up, not noticing that tears were slipping down my cheeks.

"Hey, it's ok." He assured me, practically hugging me to his chest as the rain dripped down his face. I whimpered and buried my face against him, sobbing in realization. "He's gone, it's ok."

"N-no it's not!" I sniveled, crying harder. "H-he almost got me, he almost kidnapped me, he almost-"

"But he didn't, I got here in time. I saved you." He actually hugged me against his collar bone, in a similar fashion as to hugging a human baby, still keeping me out of harm's way from the heavy deluge as another crash of thunder acted up. I flinched away from the lightning and nuzzled my source of new-found warmth, which was returning me to normal temperature. "I'm not gonna let that happen, ever again. No one deserves to be depressed or mistreated."

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