Chapter 26- Save Her, Seto!

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(3rd Person POV BTW!!)

     "So you've got the formula?" Ty asked as he turned off his Corvette. Seto nodded in the seat beside him.

     "It'll take a few hours but-" He immediately stopped as he looked at the house. "Uh, Ty?" Ty turned to follow his gaze, and his eyes widened.

     "!, Someone broke in!" He threw the car door open and slammed it behind him to run to the open house door, with Seto quickly and closely on his heels. The two peered in, seeing the lights on like they had left it, but the couch, table and fern plant were moved from their original positions. "Samantha?" Ty frantically walked in, scouring the floor. Seto was about to follow when he heard light and shallow breathing. He widened his eyes in concern and he kneeled down, squinting at the ground.

     Someone was hurt.

     "S-Seto!" He turned to find the Borrower that he had found in his house tugging on his shoelace. "Hey, come quick!" She ran away about a foot when his eyes caught what she was trying to point out.

     "Oh my God." He breathed, quickly scooting over to the small figure. Wildstar was laying down on one side with ghastly bruises covering her body. Red blood was etched into her clothes here and there, and the bruises were blue red and green. "Ty!!!!" He shouted, fingering the tiny girl onto his hand and holding her beside his ear. Her breathing was faint and shallow, too shallow for his comfort.

     "Holy-" Ty stopped and pulled out his phone, dialing some numbers. Calling Adam and the others, Seto guessed. He cradled Wildstar to his chest to keep her warm as Ty talked to Adam.

     "Yeah, yeah.... yes... yeah, Seto's with me... good idea... ok." Then he hung up.

     "You can fix her, right?" Silverstreamcat stared up at Seto with huge wide and scared eyes, trepidating. "F-fix her! Fix her Seto!"

     "Ok ok ok!" He said frantically. "Ty, get the medicine kit." Ty ran to the bathroom to find the medicine kit while Seto picked up Silverstreamcat with his free hand and carried the two to the kitchen sink. He set them down on the counter, a safe distance from the sink to avoid falling in the garbage disposal, and snatched a paper towel. He moistened it with the sink's water and dabbed it on Wildstar's wounds.

     "Her breathing is getting quieter." Seto swallowed hard to avoid panicking as Ty returned with bandages and medicine. He grabbed some things and then went to work.

     Everyone stayed quiet, even as the others returned. The Tiny girls were terrified of what could happen to Samantha, and were close to crying for what had happened to Wildstar. Ian who was usually smiling was frowning with reflective eyes. Mitch was breathing heavily, keeping his hand clamped over his mouth in apprehension. Adam was biting his lower lip in guilt, feeling that he should have been there to stop Eric. Jason kept messing with his disheveled hair and fidgetting as the silence ticked. Then it was pure silent. No breathing. Everyone held their breath as Seto felt Wildstar's tiny chest. Panic flared in his eyes.

     "No..." He murmured, feeling her forehead. It was still warm. He checked her pulse, which had stopped. "No." He scrambled away from the girl, who lay deathly still. "No!" He banged his fist against the dining table, breathing heavily and then covered his eyes with his hands. "Ugh... no no no, this can't be happening!" The girls traded whispers of horror as Seto grieved. How could he not save her in time!? He was flooded with guilt. He thought he could save her. He thought he could heal her. But boy was he wrong. Ty edged over to Seto and gave him a reassuring hug as Seto almost started crying, but all that came out was a quick gaspy breath of air to avoid so.

     "I couldn't save her..." Seto murmured, closing his eyes. Everyone stared at each other in quietness, unsure of how to reassure him. Then a weak cough snapped everyone from their awkward silence. Seto slowly looked up from his haze of grief and saw Wildstar move slightly. He pushed Ty away and approached the poor girl quickly.

     "Wildstar!?" He took a step back as she coughed again, then she opened her eyes.

     "Wh... what happened?" She croaked. Everyone widened their eyes in surprise and started smiling in relief. The girls all squealed happily and hugged her while Seto stared transfixed at her.

     "H-how-wh-what-b-but you..." He stammered. She weakly grinned while Kyleen and Kittin helped her to her feet.

     "I uh have lives. More than one, ya know, like the old wives' tale about cats having more than one." She admitted. Kittin was baring her tiny teeth in a snarl, seeming twice her original height.

     "WHEN I FIND ERIC THERE WILL BE NO MERCY." She vowed. Adam backed away from her.

     "Jaasooon, I'm startled."

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