Chapter 35- Well That Back Fired... Pardon the Pun :/

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      I crept back into Seto's room and ducked behind the wastebasket again right as the two mercenaries left the room. Eric had just told them to search the rest of the house, but was still studying the healing potion.

     "What 'sorcery' is this?" He murmured mockingly, turning it over in his hands. Anger simmered in my chest, but I remained quiet as he slowly walked to the hall, closing the door behind him. I sighed inwardly before crawling under the door. I was almost all the way under when I couldn't move any further. I gritted my teeth and squirmed, scraping the ground until I managed to squeeze past the small area. I then ran back to my hiding place at the railing, seeing Eric interrogating Seto.

     "Where is she?" Eric asked smoothly. Seto mumbled something under the tape, which Eric slowly and painfully peeled off.

     "Ow." was the first thing Seto said. Eric leaned forward, his face merely inches away from Seto's.

     "Where. Is. She?" He asked again. Seto leaned back, shifting as he tried to get comfortable.

     "Why would I tell you?" Seto rumbled, narrowing his eyes.

     "Now now." Eric admonished, slapping the sorcerer across the cheek. "Go on; be a good boy and tell us." Seto only blew his bangs out of his face, still not fazed as things went quiet except for one noise. Me. I didn't realize that I had been clawing the wood railings in apprehension as I watched the torment until Eric had stopped talking at the noise. I quickly ducked out of sight as Eric whipped his head in my direction, and my ears were flattened lower than my hair.

     "Check that out, Johnathan."

     "With pleasure." He replied. I heard footsteps head up the stairs as Eric continued.

     "Now listen to me, kid. You're too young to be caught in a mess like this. I'll give you 20 bucks for this creature."

     "She is not a creature!" Seto barked. "She is just like everyone else, even better I think. She is human, and has her rights just like every other being on earth." I climbed to the side of the stairs, shimmying on the narrow ledge as Johnathan investigated my previous hiding spot at the railing. I noticed Seto's eyes were seeming to glow purple as he gritted his teeth in anger.

     "Not even for 100?" Eric asked. Seto almost lunged at him had one of the body guards, which I now recognized as Brayden, not grabbed him by the wrists and forced him to stay down. He ripped his hands away from him, sulking.

     "She's. Not. For. Sale." Seto hissed. Eric shook his head sadly.

     "Too easy to turn down? Very well, I'll try speaking your language." He pulled out a gun, which made me almost scream at Seto to just turn me in. Eric pulled the trigger and shot into the floorboard, a mere foot away from Seto's tied up feet. He didn't even flinch. "Still too easy, eh?" Again, he shot, but even closer. "No offer? It's her or your life now." Another shot. And then another. Only a few more centimeter away from him. "I'll have you know," Eric added as he refilled the weapon. "That I am a marksman; I never miss." He held the gun just below Seto's chin, charging the gun.

     "Last. Chance. Take it or leave it." Seto's eyes weren't betraying any pain, just anger with the glowing purple like eyes, but his Adam's apple was convulsively bobbing up and down as he swallowed hard. Then his eyes widened, and he relaxed.

     "It takes more than that to scare me." He closed his eyes and braced himself. Eric was about to pull the trigger when I screamed, "WAIT!" Eric spun around as Seto's eyes snapped open in surprise, and I slid down the railing.

     "WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!! I screeched, waving my arms as I started running. "DON'T KILL HIM PLEASE JUST TAKE ME JUST DON'T HURT HIM PLEASE!!!!!!!!!" Eric stared at me before he threw his head back and laughed.

     "It worked, it worked, hahaha!" He cackled while Seto groaned and closed his eyes.

     "Samantha, th-That's not a real gun!" He exclaimed. I halted in the middle of the floor, stunned.

     "Wh.... wh, Wh-Wha!?" I stammered.

     "It's been painted over its original color that signified that it was an incredibly strong bibi gun to threaten me into giving you up. Run!" Ultimately confused, I started to run when Johnathan pulled out another bibi gun, a lot smaller but very deadly to my size.

     "Don't move unless you want to be fully bruised for a month." It was too late for me to stop running because of inertia, and I tripped and rolled accidentally, so he went ahead and fired. Seto lunged forward and managed to block his path with his bonds, which were ripped free after the bibi hit him. Everything went dark as he protectively placed himself over me, using his long flowing jacket to block me from Eric and his men's sights as he held me with one hand against his chest in a protective manner.

     "Get out of my house." I heard a non-mechanical whirling sound, then heard thunder and a boom!, grunts of pain, and silence. Then Seto slowly pulled back and laid down on one side, releasing me to my frozen-with-shock place on the floor whilst breathing heavily. His eyes were no longer purple, but their normal lustrous brown Eric and his men were no where to be found. I looked around, spotting Eric's bibi gun on the floor. Other than that, there was not a trace of them. I slowly edged up to Seto, who had closed his eyes as he gulped in air. I swallowed hard, then cautiously rested one hand against the side of his face. His eyes slowly fluttered open and met my worried gaze.

     "Seto." I whimpered. "What did you do?"

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