Chapter 33- You've Been Missing Out, Mr. Dahlberg >:3

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"Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan Jordan Jardan Jardan Jardan Jardan Jardan Jardan Jardan-"

"Ugh, what!?" He groaned, picking his pillow up and covering his head with it.

"Wake up, Adam texted you and said he's almost here!" He sat up and removed the pillow.


"I dunno, just felt like waking you up." I answered with a smirk. He gave me a sad look before sighing.

"Welp, since you woke me up, may as well make some breakfast then."

"Oh yeah, that's also why I woke you up!" I added as he fixed his bed covers. I slid down the end table's leg and landed on the floor next to his phone, turning it on and going immediately to Fortress Fury as he left the room. I felt cold after about an hour, so I made my way up to the dresser, grabbed the blanket and then managed to drag it back down. After the sun had fully risen and peeked through the window, Jordan came back to find me curled up on top of his phone with the blanket splayed across the floor and draped over all but my ears. He rolled his eyes and smiled, bending down and gently picking me up. I groaned and turned over, not wanting to open my eyes as he carried me to the living room and set me down on the couch, next to the lunchbox.

He recorded for about an hour when I woke up again.

I yawned, my eyes slowly fluttering open when I heard someone knock on the door. Footsteps, then a friendly greeting of "hey". I curled my tail over my ears to block out the noise and try to fall back asleep when a familiar voice said, "Nope, no chance are you staying, Samantha." I looked up to see Adam smirking down at me.

"Hey stranger!" I chirped sleepily, rolling over to stare back up at him. "You've been missing out, Mr. Dahlberg." He scoffed.

"Yeah you're right. Searching all of California for you and for the girls' and guys' sakes when we could have been playing Hide and Seek or something? Yep, totally missing out." The sarcasm was clear in his voice, but he was smiling.

"Well... We can play Hide and Seek when I get back." I smugly replied, getting up from under the blanket. He scoffed, glancing at Jordan.

"He tells me that you were up all night." How the heck did Jordan know that? He was asleep!

"Very funny Samantha, but I had to upload something when you were parkouring my fridge. That's kinda dangerous." Whoops, did he spot me?

"Whoops." I said out loud, making an effort to smirk, which immediately broke off into a yawn.

"I think she's all funned out." Adam picked me up, holding me close to his chest as I leaned against him, my eyes fluttering between opened and closed. "Thanks for taking care of her, and I'm sorry you had to on such short notice and kinda got stuck with her."

"No problem, it was actually fun." Jordan replied cheerfully. The next few minutes were a blurr because I was close to falling asleep again when I felt movement, heard footsteps, a car door shut, and then a car starting after Adam set me down somewhere. I opened my eyes and watched him from the passenger's seat as he carefully pulled out of the driveway, then started the journey home.

"Thank you." I murmured. He didn't look down, but kept his eyes on the road. Good man.

"You're welcome." He replied, turning the wheel as he drove. I leaned back against the top half of the seat, still feeling like I was drifting.

"I am so jet lagged right now." I mumbled, yawning again.

"Then sleep- jet lagged? There's no jets."

"I said I feel like it."

"Uh, no you didn't." I sighed.

"Then I really am tired, I admit it." Another yawn. "What about you? Please tell me you didn't jump in your car and drive all days and night."

"Oh, come on. Don't be absurd." I narrowed my eyes.


"A little, but I rented a hotel for five hours and got a discount." I sighed.

"Why? You could have taken your time and rested properl-"

"Seriously though, don't be absurd." I couldn't help but smile a little bit at his stubbornness.

"Well, at least I have a guardian. Good to know." I nodded my head. "Good to know."

"Yeah, just don't be so 'careless' next time, ok?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're the one who left me Silverstreamcat and-" I widened my eyes. "Oh God, Wildstar!" I yelped.

"Don't worry. Seto healed her. She lost a life, but Seto saved her in time from loosing more." I decided to not question the "lost a life" part, so I merely turned over, curling myself and hugging my knees to my chest.

"I'm glad no one was hurt." I mumbled, flicking my ears.

"Well actually, Jordan told me you got banged up pretty badly." I sighed.

"I'm fine Adam..." I murmured.

"Seto's having a look at your leg when we get home."

"Yes, 'Father'." I was being a little sarcastic, which was obvious, but I heard Adam go silent. Was it something I said? I stole a glance at him. Apparently we were at a red light, because he was staring at me with surprise. I weakly raised my head, fully realizing what had slipped out of my mouth.

"Well... Er, you do kinda take care of me, but er, I didn't mean to... Well uh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have er, been short with you." I babbled. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smile.

"Did you just call me Father?" He asked.

"...M-Maybe." I stammered, blushing a little. "B-But in a sarcastic way. Also I-I think it's a green light." I added quickly. He quickly looked back and pressed the gas pedal, keeping his eyes to the road, but I swear he was grinning. I bit my lip, still embarrassed that he caught my joke, and curled my tail to just under my chin, my eyes slowly shutting. I'll explain. Even though I had said it sarcastically, I almost... Meant it. Apparently the sarcasm was too weak, but I'll roll with it. He wasn't my father, my father was killed in a fire. My eyes slid shut and my mind drifted. But maybe, just maybe...

Maybe I can start considering this household family. 

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