Chapter 15- Kleptomaniacs Can't Keep Hands to 'Selves!

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Oh man, am I exhausted. I spent the rest of the day taking Kay, Shadow, Kittin and Starboard on a tour of the house. That's what happens when I run around the place nonstop for a day. Quite tiring.

I curled my tail around my hands (or paws, geez whatef), lying on the couch. How did I get up there? I climbed for an hour. But it was worth it, as the cushion is so comfortable. I tried to make a purring noise, but it was like it was stuck in the back of my throat. I sighed, flattening my ears against the sides of my head. It was because of my past. I felt like a part of me was missing, just because I couldn't sound like a cat, and I'm part cat! I'm supposed to be feline like, not-

 'Hanging out with humans?' The thought made me shudder, subconsciously denying my doubts. Of course not! These humans were different than the ones I've experienced. They were kind and funny and... caring. They payed attention to me and kept me in a good mood (and fed me donuts and chocolate... don't tattle on Mitch or Ty or I'll haunt your room *death glare*)

A delectable scent suddenly tickled my nose, which made me suspicious. Strange, I heard no footsteps indoors, and it was nighttime. So why did I smell pastry? I ignored my tingling spine and slid down the couch leg to investigate. I scrambled over to the window, following the undeniable scent of food. Oh man. It made my mouth water. I peered out the window, getting a deep whiff of the scent. But nothing was there. "Just my imagination." I muttered to myself, turning around.

I was about to leap down from the window ledge when a shadow passed over me, and I was suddenly picked up. I let out a shriek, panic clouding my thoughts. He's back, nononono!

"Aw, it's so cute!" No, that's almost worst! More than one adult that I don't know!?

"Where'd you find it?"

"It was in Team Crafted's house."

"Dude, you stole from them!?"

"No! I would never, it was just there. Like a bug is when it clings to the window sill." No, that's not good. They're comparing me to a bug!? I squirmed in the dark grasps of the human's hands, which had cupped around my entire body to keep me from escaping.

"Can you let me see it?" Bright light flooded my vision, making me instinctively sweep my tail over my eyes. "Is that a mouse?" Mouse!? Before I could stop me and my big mouth, I revealed my eyes again and snapped "Like you would know. I'm not a mouse!" The male eyed me in surprise with purple eyes. To my surprise, he was only a few years older than my age. He was wearing a simple grey outfit with a purple cloak. He looked back up at the guy that held me.

"Can I see it?"

"Yeah sure." I was jostled from my position as I slid ungracefully from his hands onto more secure ones.

"Hey Vik, c'mere!" A guy across the street called out in a Bulgarian accent. "I want to show you something."

"Ok. Take care of that... animal or whatever for me, ok Seto?"

"Yeah sure." I tried to take opportunity of the distraction by attempting to leap out of his hands, but he noticed my intentions and blocked my path with his hand.

"Woah woah woah, you'll hurt yourself if you try to jump." He gently pushed away from the edge of his hand, securing me in his grasp, and started walking.

Away from Team Crafted's house.

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