Chapter 36- I'm Coming Home

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      "... and so my anger got the best of me, and I teleported them away." Seto  flinched as I patted down the band-aid over his finger's injury.

     "Sorry." I quickly apologized, then added, "But you had me worried. Believe me, it was really brave of you to jump in front and be willing to sacrifice yourself like that, real gun or not, but... you scared me."

     "Yeah, I know, I know, and I didn't mean to." He assured me, pulling his hand away.

     "And the eyes... what's up with that?"

     "It's a uh... sorcerer thing." All I did was a small, "hm" of understanding.

     "D... Do you even know where you sent them?" I asked.

     "Yeah... somewhere in Madagascar." I burst out laughing at the image of my former capturer trekking through forests and dealing with lemurs. Who knows, maybe those lemurs can dance and sing like from that one movie? (I like to move it, move it, move it!) Seto grinned sheepishly as I unfolded another band-aid.

     "Ok, come down here." I chuckled, and he leaned down. I stretched up and flatten the band-aid across the cut on his forehead, then carefully rubbed it down. He flinched, and then relaxed.

     "I really don't know why you insisted on doing this for me, I can handle myself." He gently protested. I stepped back and glared at him.

     "Not a chance. You took care of me; I take care of you." He tried to argue when I snapped, "And no buts!"

     "Fine." He grumbled, moving away and standing up. "But the bad news is that they took my private storages, and my potions, but-"

     "Well then what are we gonna do?" I asked, then clamped m hands over my mouth as I realized that I had interrupted him.

     "Gomen'nasai." I mumbled, keeping my hands over my muzzle. He grinned and shook his head slightly to say "You're good".

      "Anyways," He continued. "They took my potions. All but one."

     "Really? Which one?" I asked.

     "Not really which one, but The one. You asked me to make it?"

     "Ohhhhh." I awed in realization. "So when can I use it?"

     "You have to let everyone know, and I think that they should have a say in it before you go off growing six feet tall." I tipped my head as I went into consideration.

     "... yeah you're right." I agreed, nodding. "Can I at least see it? Just, like, lest you're not here and I'm alone and the only way to save myself is to consume it?" He narrowed his eyes.

     "I am not leaving you alone, but yeah sure." He rested his hand on the counter, and I climbed on for him to carry me back to his room. He went to the bookshelves, making a "tsk tsk" sound to himself at the mess Johnathan had made with the books, and browsed through the books. He then leaned forward and hit something, and I heard a flick, then a small drawer opened. He opened it and pulled out a small bottle. And I mean it when I say small, it was my size!

     "There we are." I carefully stabilized it as he set it on his hand beside me, and I gently tapped the glass. The liquid inside seemed clear at first, but if you looked at it hard enough then you can see all the colors swimming around and radiating through out it.

     "Wow." I breathed, sitting down as he took it and put it back up. "That looked incredible." He smiled as he locked the drawer and set the books back in place with his spare hand.

     "It wowed me too." He admitted. "It's been so long since I've made a potion like that."

     "Well it was well made." I praised. He was about to say something, probably thank you, when we both heard the front door creak open. Then a familiar voice exclaim, "Seto, what the heck happened here!?"

     "Ty?" I called out. There was a rush of footsteps, and then he appeared at the doorway.

     "You two ok with... whatever happened... here?" He asked, pivoting on his heel as he inspected downstairs from the doorway.

     "Someone payed us a lovely visit." Seto said sarcastically.

     "They did a good job of showing affection, didn't they?" I grumbled in an acerbic-like tone as Ty walked over.

     "Well I'm glad you're alright. Both of you." Ty admitted as Seto passed me over to him. He stared down at me for a moment before looking back up at Seto. "She's still hurt, is that supposed to have happened?"

     "Yeah, well... er, no. The guy kinda stole my stuff before he got me angry." Seto admitted, scratching the back of his head.

     "Wait, you lost control, again?" Ty asked. I started laughing.

     "Oh he did more than that; he gave Eric Banely and his men a free trip to Madagascar, no refund!" I exclaimed. Seto chortled at how I had described Eric's sudden and abrupt leave.

     "Yeah, so my potions were taken, and all of my supplies, everything else was left alone, considered for investigation or in secret storage."

     "Well that's unfortunate. But at least the girls already found out that she was hurt." I perked up and poked Ty.

     "What? How?" I asked.

     "Well let's just say that we found Mitch tied up in his room with them tackling him to get information."

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