Chapter 19- Feline Infestation Time

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The next ten minutes was a blur to me.

I remember the rain was still pouring, Ty was still hugging me, keeping me safe and warm, two of the other guys caught up with Wildstar and Shadow, there was something about Kyleen sleeping through the whole episode of me getting 'kidnapped', so Mitch was watching her, and I remember asking if Kittin, Kay and Starboard were ok.

"They're fine." Ty assured me quietly, standing under an umbrella that Adam I think brought. I shivered and nuzzled him for the umpteenth time, still a little chilly from almost drowning. If only that guy hadn't snatched me and given me to...

"Seto..." I murmured, half-asleep. Ty shifted his grip on my small figure in surprise.

"How do you know Seto?" He asked incredulously. I rested my head against his fingers, closing my eyes and yawning.

"He took care of me last night, after a friend of his 'borrowed me' from the window."

"Huh." He went silent for a moment before sitting down on a near by bench, then started stroking the top of my head with his pinkie finger. I smiled with my eyes still closed, and rubbed against his finger. Then a meow broke the calm silence.

"Mroww! (hello!)" I started in surprise before opening my eyes, spotting a saturated brown and grey tabby with huge amber eyes staring up at me. I realized that it was starving, and that you could see its rib cage.

Apparently, so could Ty.

"Oi!" He grunted, swatting at it. The cat coolly ignored him and leaped up beside him, next to me. Ty was about to get up when he remembered that I was part cat.

"Mrow? (are you a stray?)" I asked.

"Mroww... (yes...)" it nuzzled me, then lightly licked the top of my head. "Mrow! (you taste like muffins!)" I laughed and shoved its muzzle away.

"Hiiissss! (don't even think about it!)" I hissed playfully. It purred, then sat down on the bench and started licking its paws free of mud while Ty stared at the both of us like an idiot.

"... wha?" Was all he could say. The cat hopped into his lap, then pawed at his shirt, meowing loudly. "Did you just... you spoke cat..." He stared down at me, trying to ignore the stray.

"Try to keep up." I scoffed with a grin. The cat meowed again, lightly kneading his pants.

"Ow!" He muttered, before giving in and tickling the top of its head. The cat purred, nuzzling against his hand. "Um... does it have a name?" He asked me. The cat meowed again.

"Starr?" I said slowly. She purred, licking Ty's hand. He smiled, not breaking the quiet. But he didn't have to.

"Help!" A high voice squeaked. We jerked out of our peaceful expressions, and I managed to hop out of Ty's grasp, only to almost fall off the bench.

"Samantha!" He quickly grabbed me before I lost my balance, while Starr leaped to the ground, sniffing it.

"Sorry." I muttered as he lowered me carefully to the ground, holding the umbrella over me and ignoring the fact that his backside was soaked (XD).

"Help!" The voice yowled again. I flicked my ears, locating the source of the sound. Right beside the bench, there was a huge and swirling puddle, with a few stranglers holding on to a partially submerged leaf. Two nekos, one with brown hair, white highlights, white ears, a soaked red t-shirt and black pants, sky blue eyes, red and white cat tail with headphones the colors of black and red. The other had similar eyes, but seemingly colder, black tights, a casual blue dress that had one sleeve to the side because of the water, and a kawaii bow to complete it. Both were in ragged shape.

"Help!" The one with blue haired yelled. "Please, someone— anyone!"

"Ty!" I called up, pointing to them. He bent over the side, leaving the umbrella 'hovering' above me, and scooped up the leaf and two small nekos. I jumped onto his pants' leg and managed to climb up onto his knee, spotting the two nekos sputtering and coughing up water.

The brown haired one with white highlights was the first to recover and realize what happened.

"Let go of me!" She hissed angrily, trying to scamper onto her feet, only to wince and fall over. I jumped and managed to land beside them.

"Hey, it's ok." I assured them. "He's not gonna hurt you." The brown haired girl scoff, her face still scrunched up with pain.

"Yeah right, and I'm a mouse!" She snarled, managing to get up this time. Ty quickly grabbed her to prevent her from falling or getting hurt.

"Let go of me you miserable twoleg!" She bared her teeth, writhing back and forth, then whimpering in pain.

"Pl-please let her go!" The neko's companion stared wide eye up at Ty. "Y-you're hurting her!" She squeaked.

"Well actually, she was already hurt. Her foot must have hit a twig, but she didn't mention it, am I correct?" I corrected, staring at the now still neko. She bit the inside of her cheek, then nodded.

"Yeah." She grunted as Ty let go of her. She sulked for a moment before shivering, and I realized that they and Starr needed a place to crash.

"Ty, you guys' place are about to get overrun by tiny people, and you'll be outnumbered." I paused and then smirked up at him. "Oh, and your backside is soaking wet."

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