A/N Who Volunteers As Tribute!?

497 14 31

Soooooo... Yeah, I thought you guys kinda deserved this since I haven't updated recently, but I will hopefully be back on my normal schedule. It would be of great assistance if you guys filed up a character profile doo-dad with:






Size/Type(human, Borrower, Neko, etc., blah blah blah...):

Anything I am required to know:

So, again, sorry to keep you guys waiting on me for updates, and I shall return...

Ty: return from where?

Samantha: Isn't the saying "return from beyond the grave"?

Me: -.- yes...

Ty: What a busy afterlife you're having

Me: Alright, thanks for that 'clarification' Mr. Deadlox... See you guys later! And with actual updates.

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