Chapter 17- Come With Me, Now

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"Samantha... Samantha. Samantha!" A voice hissed softly.

"Hmmm..." I murmured back, turning over.

"I'm dead serious, Samantha Verona, wake up now!"

"Alright, fine..." I whined, sitting up and sleepily opening my eyes. Then my eyelids shot open.


"Sh!" She gestured to be quiet, jerking her head to the side and signaling that Seto was in the other room nearby. "We came to rescue you." She whispered.

"H-How did you even find me?" I stammered as Starboard and Kay scampered up and pulled me to my feet.

"W-well..." Kay began...

"Kittin." Kay nudged her companion quietly. "Kittin."

"Whaaatt?" She moaned quietly, sitting up and tossing the frilling of the covers.

"I heard something. Some voices outside, next to the house."


"Yeah... Should we tell someone?"

"Of course!" Just then, Starboard and Shadow stirred nearby.

"Ugh, can't anyone get sleep around here?" Shadow griped, pulling the covers over her face.

"Guys?" Wildstar was standing over them will a concerned look across her face. "Samantha's been kidnapped!"

"What!?" Starboard jumped to her feet. "When!?"

"Just now! We gotta tell the guys!" Wildstar grabbed Kay and Kittin's hands and started running, leaving Starboard and Shadow to chase after them.

"Can you let me see it?" They halted just under the window and started scaling the wall. "Is that a mouse?" Kittin, Kay and Starboard were the first to reach the top of the window as a smaller voice snapped "I'm not a mouse!"

"That's Samantha!" As soon as Seto started walking away, Starboard, Kittin and Kay managed to jump and snag a string on his cloak.

"Shoot!" Wildstar snarled.

"Well, a little too late for us to follow I suppose..." Shadow trailed off. "So we best tell the guys then, eh?"

"Yeah, let's go." ...

"... So then they went to tell Adam while we hitched a ride." Kay finished.

"Wow..." I said slowly. "You guys went through that... for me?" They exchanged a glance.

"Well, yeah. You're our friend." Kittin replied cheerfully. My ears twitched straight up. Friends?

"Let's go." Starboard decided. They slid down the leg of the coffee table, and I was about to follow when I looked back at the cloth I had slept in. Instead of freaking out like most humans did when they see us, Seto had been kind and of acceptance. It made me feel kinda bad for just leaving without a trace.

"Samantha, ya comin'?"

"Be right there!" I called back. I managed to prop a pencil on my shoulder and onto a piece of notebook paper. I slowly scribbled down the guys' address, then I dropped the pencil and followed my friends. We ran across the floor to the window, then Kittin and Starboard picked at the small locks that kept the window shut.

"Let's go." Kay whispered. One by one, they dropped down into the grass below. I was about to follow when I heard footsteps, getting louder by the second. I ducked under the window and managed to shut it just when Seto walked in. He noticed my absence immediately and scanned the floor. I jumped when Kay hopped up beside me.

"What are you doing? Let's get outta here!" She urged quietly, just as Seto looked over at the window. Our eyes met for a second, then he blinked in surprise. "Now!" Kay yelped, grabbing my hand and jumping off. The last I saw of Seto before I fell over with Kay was him bending over the table and picking up the piece of paper I wrote on.

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