Chapter 34- "It's What I Do"

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I slowly woke up, and the first thing I saw was a computer screen displaying Minecraft. The second thing I noticed was who was operating it.

"Seto?" I weakly asked, blinking a few times. He looked down and smiled.

"Hey, you're awake." He smiled, seemingly upside-down for me. "Feel better? Adam said you fell asleep right after you two started home." I sat up and yawned, rubbing one side of my head.

"Yeah, I think I feel better, except I also feel like I had a miserable amount of REM sleep." I admitted. He chuckled, pausing the game and getting up.

"I can maybe find something for that." I realized that I was back in his house, his room to be exact instead of the guys' place, as he browsed through a bookshelf.

"So... what am I doing here?" I questioned. He pulled a book off a shelf and looked back at me.

"Simple, Adam wanted me to make sure you're healed before the other Tinies or Micros or whatever roughhouse with you."

"So he was serious about that." I grumbled to myself.

"He doesn't want them to panic and get paranoid because you got a few scratches." Seto was now flipping through the pages, then dragged his finger down one page and tapped it. "Here we are." I ran across his desk and strained to see when he came over with it. "Don't worry, it's just a healing potion. Like the ones in Minecraft."

"Oh... kay then..." I trailed off and watched him as he set to work, doing what sorcerers (and witches) did best. Brewing. He took a little herbs of this and a powder of that, some other things I just couldn't follow and instead played on his computer. Then he mixed together a solution and put it in a small brewer, then sighed and wiped his forehead.

"That should do it, it'll take about an hour though."

"That's ok, I guess." I sympathized.

"Hang on. What did you do on my computer?" All I had done was start to build a skyscraper, which I explained to him. "Wow, it looks great so far!"

"Thanks." I smiled.

"So, you wanna keep playing while I get something to eat?"

"Yeah sure."

"Cool, do you want anything in particular?" I thought for a moment.

"... Bacon?" I sheepishly asked. He grinned.

"Yeah, I can do that, just don't mention it in front of Jason." Getting the joke (Jason, Jeffery? Bacon? No? ok..), I laughed and nodded.

"Our secret is safe." I vowed. He was about to leave when I called out, "Also, brewing seems so complex... How do you do it?" He smirked.

"I'm a sorcerer." He replied. "It's what I do." His footsteps faded as I played around on his Minecraft world for a bit, continuing to build on that skyscraper. Then about an hour had passed and that potion stopped bubbling. I paused the game and waited for Seto, but he didn't come. Puzzled and concerned, I slid down the desk leg and scampered across the floor when I heard footsteps. They weren't Seto's. They were too heavy, too fast. I flung myself behind a nearby wastebasket right as the door was flung open, and two men dressed in blue and black, armed, burst in. I almost gasped. They were mercenaries.

"... She's not here." One said into a radio.

"Keep looking. She's in there somewhere." Came the crackly reply. One crept over to Seto's PC, wriggling the mouse while the other one carelessly grabbed a book from the shelf, making the other ones fall on their sides. I noticed 瀬戸 was printed in a fine gold of one of the books' spine, stating who it belonged to. I stole a glance at the yawning hallway, seeing if anyone else was coming. No one was. But what had happened to Seto?

I held my breath as one looked under the bed, and then the other was examining the potion.

"Boss, get up here." He said in his radio. A few seconds later a heavy patter of footsteps came, and Eric Banely walked in. I froze as he sauntered past my hiding space and stopped in front of the potion.

"What," He growled, grabbing it. "Is this?"

"Dunno Boss, but it's obviously that skinny boy's." The mercenary shrugged. I swallowed hard before making a run for it. I ducked behind the railing, spotting two more armed men stationed in front of Seto, who was tied up. The poor guy had duct tape over his mouth, rope bonds around his wrists and ankles, and he had a few nasty cuts on his arms and forehead, which had blood forming. My eyes widened in sorrow as I noticed that his eyes held pain in them. I had to save him.

And I'm not going to let my size get in the way. Not this time.

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