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It was raining again. Big fat splashes of water pounded against the windows and caused a dull echo to issue around the house. So far Tina was thoroughly unimpressed by the English December. It was cold,depressing and did she mention wet? However it did have some appeals,she had to admit. And this was one of them. When she had apparated home from her field work soaked to her skin Newt had instantly dragged onto the couch in front of the fire,dried her off with a spell then went back to the kitchen to do something or other. Queenie had been more or less 'hired' by Bryan who had needed someone to work at the shop when he couldn't and she,Jacob and Nagini were yet to return home.

There was a flash of lightning outside followed by a distant rumble and Tina involuntarily shivered. It was December second, meaning there was at least another three months of this dreadful weather. A fact Theseus had exclaimed delightedly with a wink before returning to his wife of two weeks and their unborn child.
"Hot Cocoa love?" A quiet voice asked from the doorway
"Please". Newt walked in with a tray holding two mugs floating beside him and a tantalising smell drifting in from the kitchen.Answering her unspoken question he sat down beside her on the couch as he handed her one of the mugs and said
"I put a stew on which should be ready by the time everyone gets home"
"No Maj way?" Tina asked, partially amused and partially confused at why he didn't use his magic.
"I find it always tastes better when it's cooked on its own accord"
"It definitely smells even tastier" Tina mumbled as she leant against him
"Tina you're still freezing"
"Yes,well, England's cold!"
"You'll get used to it" Tina rolled her eyes and huffed as she snuggled further into his side
"Everyone keeps saying that. I really don't think I ever will"
"It grows on you" Newt replied in a teasing tone. Tina didn't even dignify him with a response and instead grumbled as she looked at the fire.

Newt had grown more bold after dancing at Theseus' wedding. When they were alone anyway. In public or even just with others he'd restrain his affections to reassuring smiles and gentle hand holding (much unlike the other two couples who spent rather a lot of time in contact) but when they were alone he had started flirting more intentionally and being more open. She couldn't help the amused chuckle that escaped. Newt huffed a laugh as well and asked imploringly
"What's so funny?"
"I was just thinking how sometimes you were easier to deal with when you wouldn't look me in the eye" She teased
"You only have yourself to blame" Newt murmured into his mug with a sly grin. Tina just gave him a playful push and he barely saved his cocoa from sloshing over the side. They sank back into silence with the only sound being the occasional swallowing of their beverages or the crackling of the fire.

"I suppose winters not all bad so far" Tina mumbled eventually, keeping her eyes fixed on the few photos that now littered the mantelpiece alongside Newts trinkets. There were three,all taken at Theseus and Letas' wedding. One with the entire group in,one with just Them,Jacob and Queenie and one Queenie had snuck on of Newt and Tina dancing together.
"Hmmm?" Newt prompted
"I'm rather cosy" Tina said, punctuating her point by snuggling in even further.
"Who's being a sap now?" Newt chuckled. Tina was about to respond indignantly when the door swung open and three exceedingly damp people came traipsing in.
"Aww look at you two!" Queenie cooed, making Tina roll her eyes and shuffle to the opposite end of the couch. She took one look at the group and had to refrain from laughing out loud,they looked soaked to the skin and looked alot like the nifflers when Newt and her give them baths.
"Raining?" Newt asked from beside her with a crooked grin
"Cats and Dogs" Jacob laughed as he tried to wring out his scarf.
"Is it always this wet?" Nagini asked with her teeth chattering. Newt just wobbled his head indecisively before withdrawing his wand and saying
"Nagini this is the tempus spell. The more violent the wand movement and intention the stronger the wind." He pointed his wand at the three of them and very deliberately moved his wand in a tight circle and enunciating as he said
"Tempus" A warm wind blasted out of his wand and almost instantly dried them,they were now just looking windswept. Nagini moved to sit on the other vacant couch and pulled out her wand,muttering as she made small circles and occasionally making light breezes emit out of it.
Her lessons are clearly making a difference
When she and Newt had started with Wingardium Leviosa one and a half weeks ago it had got off to a shaky start but now she was starting to get a basic repertoire of spells. Her and Newt had had a mild disagreement about when to start teaching her defence spells but eventually Newt had 'won' (technically but Tina was still certain she was right) and she had conceded to not teach Nagini defence against the dark arts until after Christmas.

"Something smells real good? Whatcha making Newt?" Queenie asked as she levitated their coats,scarfs and gloves into the hallway and presumably hanging them back up.
"How did you know it wasn't me?" Tina asked mildly offended for Queenie to give her a certain look that said
"Really Teen?"
"It's uh beef stew"
"Beautiful!" Jacob exclaimed and sat in one of the new arm chairs that Newt had conjured now they were spending more time huddled around the fire. Queenie then sat in the vacant seat between Newt and Tina much to Tinas displeasure.
"Why is this seat damp?" Queenie asked suspiciously,slowly moving her hand over the damp fabric.She then answered herself before Tina could even begin to respond
"Oh you were doing field work today honey? Please tell me you wore layers, you are no fun sick"
Like she's much better
"At least I accept it" Queenie muttered then got up and sat besides Nagini.

"I'm going to um check on the food" Newt stated then moved swiftly into the kitchen. A few moments later there was a loud call echoing from behind the door. As Tina entered the kitchen she saw Bowls of stew floating serenely onto the table with spoons joining them before they landed on the table. They sat down and Jacob watched,still slightly in awe, at the bread that was currently slicing itself. A comfortable silence spread over the group as they began to eat with the chorus of thundering rainfall being the noise.Tina snuffled slightly but that was mostly because of the warmth of the room. She thought it had gone unnoticed,that was until her dear sister spoke again
"I'm telling you Teenie if you get sick-" Tina rolled her eyes and huffed
"I won't get sick. I rarely get sick and even if I do it won't be a problem"
I definitely just jinxed myself
"You certainly did Teen" Queenie commented
"Don't read my mind Queenie" Tina sighed and then took a large mouthful to avoid any more discussion.

After dinner Tina looked hopefully out of the window to see rain falling so heavy it gave the illusion of thick fog. She heard some awkward shuffling behind her and a high pitch chirping. Not even needing to turn around to know who it was accompanied by a bowtruckle she sighed again and asked
"Three months of this?"
"More like six" Newt chuckled from behind her
"Utterly ridiculous"
"Perhaps, New York is certainly dryer"
"Yeah but it doesn't have your dumb face in it" Tina said as she turned around. He seemed momentarily flustered before schooling his expression into a more calm reaction and responding
"A serious downside" Tina was about to tease him more when a sudden sneeze escaped her.
"Damn it" Tina grumbled,rubbing her nose slightly in surprise.
"I thought you didn't get sick?" Newt asked innocently,but Tina knew that he was hiding a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Oh whatever Mr Scamander" She huffed turning back to scowl at the huge drops that were still thudding onto the street outside heavily.

Damn Rain

A/N When I started writing this it was raining buckets but now it's 25°C and clear skies (25° is hot in England so don't judge you 35°+ summers.) It took me a while to decide on how to start this story but I thought Tina complaining about the weather was a good place to start.

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