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When Tina had returned from a rather pleasant (if not cold) 'walk and talk' lunch, she was one of the first back and Theseus had managed to escape from the ropes and was back to his paperwork so Tina decided to do the same. After the incident in the morning, the rest of the day was rather uneventful, apart from the fact Theseus was sulking, and Tina had finally gotten some work done. But now it was approaching seven o'clock on December 23rd and that meant that in a few minutes Tina would be clearing her desk of the last completed criminal profiles, putting her thunderbird quill in its designated pot and heading with Theseus to Scamander house where Helena's cooking would be filling the table and Newt would be waiting with his case full of nearly all of his creatures. There were a few creatures who were mostly self-sufficient so Newt just cast some feeding charms and would check in on them a few times in the week (Such as the kelpie) but the rest of them he had been spending his free time in the past few days settling them into their temporary habitats. A large bell in the depths of the ministry began to chime signifying the time and everyone (bar a few who had just arrived for the night shift ) swept their wands to restore everything to a practical location for the next time they returned at these desks. Many wouldn't return for a few days but the next time Tina would be at the ministry would be for the New Years Eve ball.
As the bullpen emptied Tina sat waiting for Theseus to finish whatever he was doing so they could join the Aurors heading to the floo. Newt worked odd hours at the best of times but he usually left work with the rest of the office workers at five o'clock. It was nearing quarter past seven when Theseus emerged looking rather jovial.
"Well, Auror Goldstein, ready for a week of our mother?"
"Always" Tina chuckled and the two Aurors walked to the apparition area talking about rather mundane things
The man is never quiet
Tina didn't particularly mind, he could certainly talk for both of them, but it did make her have to suppress a smile at the difference between the brothers. Theseus offered his arm for them to side apparate and Tina took it begrudgingly. The other difference that Tina always found between the two Scamanders was that Newt was always free-flowing, a free spirit, whereas Theseus smelt of cologne and had a sort of societal proprietary hat even at his most relaxed, never fully left.

The ministry disappeared in a snap and was replaced by a snow-covered Georgian house. Regretting not bringing any gloves, she shoved her hands in her leather coats deep pockets and strode up to the gate with Theseus in toe. Remembering to stroke the Hippogriffs beak three times Tina did it swiftly ( a new flurry of flakes were starting to spiral down) and the Hippogriff took one look at her before rearing on his hind legs and swinging the gate open with a quaint nod of the head. They walked hurriedly up the drive and Theseus knocked loudly. There were some shuffling and noises behind the door then it was flung open to reveal Helena, Newt and Leta all looking excitedly through the door.


They were all sat in the heavily decorated living room drinking tea and awaiting the arrival of the Aurors so the festivities could officially begin (in the form of one of his mothers lighter dinners in preparing for the big meal on Christmas Day( when several loud knocks on the door echoed throughout the house. Queenie, Jacob, Henry and Nagini sat up straighter and peered through the door but Newt, Helena and Leta scrambled up (Newt with zero elegance and Leta like a goddess) and slid on the wooden floors towards the front door. When his mother pushed the heavy wooden door open two slightly frozen Aurors with flecks of snow in their hair, heavy leather coats pulled tightly around them and broad grins lighting up their faces.
"The family is home!" Helena exclaimed loudly and firstly pulled Theseus into a tight hug then pulled Tina into an equally tight one. Once his Mother had finally relinquished his grip on Tina she stood aside and instead chose to linger in the doorway. She looked simply adorable in Newt's opinion, the white flakes of snow caused her to look as if she had been dusted in icing sugar and her nose was turning pink from the cold. Leta had just attached herself quite fiercely to Theseus' lips (a new phase in her pregnancy that although better than the previous yelling and crying combination made him infinitely more uncomfortable)
"You okay Newt?" Tina asked with amused curiosity
"You look cute" He blurted in reply and then silently condemned his own lack of tact. Tina's already pink cheeks flushed darker and she murmured
"Really?" Newt pulled her gently into the hallway ignoring his brother and sister laws blatant snogging and choosing to dust the snowflakes out of her hair. He then cupped her frozen cheeks and kissed her gently. As he wasn't his brother, who his mother was now giving a quick refresh on inappropriate etiquette in front of his mother, it was only a peck but Tinas face had still melted into a soft smile.
"I'm not one to lie" Newt murmured, still cupping her face, and Tina placed her hand on his as she whispered
"You certainly aren't"  He took another step forward only for a woollen scarf to whip across the back of his neck, startling him backwards. Turning swiftly he saw his mother wielding his scarf. She rehung the scarf, straightened her dress and declared
"Alright, that's enough of you lot doing that. I know two of you are married-" She looked at Leta and Theseus with empathy then turned to the other couple while hardening her stare "but two of you are not and it is improper to go around "snogging" as you youths like to say out of wedlock"
We were barely kissing. I walked in on much worse with Theseus' harem years
His mildly annoyed expression must've been showing though as his mother continued
"Don't scowl Newton. That was fine I was talking more of what I walked in on the morning after your brother's wedding"
Tina looked as confused as Newt felt as he did not remember his mother walking in on anything. He couldn't remember anything heated at all.
"Mother? What do you mean?"
"Don't act foolish dear it was around six in the morning and you were in the kitchen"
Now he remembered and his ears burned red at the thought. The morning after the wedding most had consumed significant amounts of alcohol and were enjoying the lack of duties that awaited them by sleeping in but Newt and Tina were up early. There was nothing amiss but they were early risers by nature and had no creatures to tend to so had found themselves having a warm drink in the kitchen. He remembered Tina spilling some sugar and then her giggling as she told a story of how she and her father used to sneak into the kitchen and just eat butter and sugar. In the process she had gotten some sugar on her face then all that came back from the memory was feelings, rather pleasant ones at that. They must have been so preoccupied they hadn't noticed anything else.
Grindelwald could have waltzed in doing the Hokey Cokey and I probably wouldn't have noticed.
"Sorry Mum"
"Sorry, Helena" Newt and Tina mumbled in unison, both looking sheepishly at their feet.
"Tsk tsk. Honestly you two you hid it from us for a month I'm sure you two can control yourselves long enough until you're certain you're alone"
"We thought we were alone before also you and Leta were assaulting each other's tonsils mere seconds ago" Newt ground out.
"Got to get married baby brother, then no one minds" Theseus chortled, making Leta give him a light shove as they walked towards the living room.
"He has been here five minutes and you pair are already at each other" His mother sighed, also leaving.
"Don't stress it Sweetheart" Tina murmured
"Sweetheart?" Newt chuckled quietly, his foul mood at his brother's antics fading instantly.
"Yes?" Tina replied uncertainly as she shrugged her heavy leather coat and toed off her boots revealing cosy woollen socks. Newt quickly realised his mistake and when she turned back to face him he mumbled
"I don't mind"
"Well uh that's good to hear then" They chuckled in unison and Tina said
"Just when I think we've done all the relationship things there's another thing that makes me blush"
"I think we'll be having those moments our entire life"
"Maybe, but I don't think I'll care"
"Me neither" Tina reaffirmed and they walked back into the living room where everyone was now sat by the fire. His mother came in behind them and declared.
"Dinner will be five minutes everyone" then left again.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Tina," His father said from his armchair and Tina replied
"It's good to see you too Henry"
"Hey Teen!" Queenie bellowed from the love seat she was currently sat on, leaning against Jacob. Tina walked towards the neighbouring armchair and perched on the arm before asking
"How were you guys' days?"
"It was busy at the bakery. Everyone wanting to make the best of the last day they've got fresh pastries for a few days but the good thing is we sold everythin'" Jacob replied
"Well that's good then" Newt answered sincerely
"It was really bad at Lunchtime I got to cover the register for a little while" Nagini added from her seat on the rug in front of the fire.
"No Maj money over here's crazy!" Queenie exclaimed
"You get used to it" Newt replied
"That's you Brit's philosophy for everything".Newt shrugged at the blonde knowing she knew his reply without him even needing to open his mouth. The temporary lull in conversation was interrupted by his mother declaring
"DINNER!" At the top of her voice. Theseus leapt up from the arm of Letas chair where he had been sat and pulled Leta up before they both walked swiftly out of the room. His father ambled out next listening to Nagini describe her most recent lessons with utmost patience. The final four left the living room in comfortable silence and took their seats in a practised manner.
"So have you all had a good day?" His mother asked as she handed out bread rolls leisurely
"It was reasonable, I got tied to my chair by one of my colleagues though" Theseus replied offhandedly
"Why?"Leta asked astounded "Do you think they're a Grindelwald supporter?"
"You should investigate them, son, there were rumours of future infiltration of the ministry" His mother warned and Newt couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, Tina joined in and Theseus adopted a look of exasperation while the rest of the family looked incredibly worried.
"It was Tina who tied me to the chair everyone" Tina quieted her laughter slightly and said
"For a good reason"
Theseus scoffed and Newt exclaimed
"You were being a git and you know it" 
"Language Newton Scamander!" His mother lectured and Newt lowered his gaze to his plate and continued eating (but failing to extinguish the grin on his face) then the red-headed woman turned to Theseus and said
"I thought you would have learnt not to wind up Porpentina after last time in Paris"
"How do you-"
"Girl talk honey. You guys are regular topics" Queenie giggled. Jacob, Newt and Theseus looked at each other in panic
What do they talk about?
"Normal stuff Newt sweetie. Like dates and what you guys have been up to. Your creatures come up quite a bit but that's cuz Teenie raves about them but when wines involved-" She trailed off and took a sip of juice and all the men in the room looked equally nervous and Jacob asked
"Queenie Honey, what do you talk about?"
"Nothin' to worry about" Queenie giggled
"Nope nothing at all" Tina echoed with sarcasm leaking into her voice
Uh oh
"Just-What you guys are like just with us,technique that kinda thing-" Newt turned to look at Tina more than slightly anxious. Tina rolled her eyes and comforted with a small smile. 
"Newt I haven't shared anything overly private. I know plenty about Theseus though if he ever gets too much"
"But we know you like her fiddling with your hair!" Nagini called from the other side of the table making him blush but mumble
"Well it's rather pleasant"
"Can I join in on more of these types of girls nights? My sons hardly tell me anything and well- I certainly have experience in certain areas. I didn't get two sons by playing bridge" His mother chuckled, raising her eyebrows suggestively and making both Theseus and Newt exclaim with disgusted expressions
"Mother!" and his father to quietly say
"Helena Love I don't think now is the time to disgust our children at the dinner table, even if they have nearly finished their meal"
"Oh but it's been such a long time we have disgusted them both"
"We were trying to keep it that way for a reason mother" Theseus sighed into his hands, letting the knife and fork he was holding clatter into the plate.
"Oh lighten up Theo. As she said they are the same as any couple-" Leta lectured and Theseus shot up out of his chair.
"Newt want to go see the 'griffs?" He asked forcibly and Newt dropped his cutlery. Suddenly back to his childhood when Newt was too small to be able to open the heavy gate latch so Theseus would go with him and hold him up so he could say hello. He shot his big brother a grin and said
"Back in a bit darling," Theseus told Leta with a peck to the cheek and Newt turned to Tina and kissed the crown of her head before saying.
"I'll be back soon"
"Have fun"

The two brothers clattered into the hall and pulled on their boots and coats. They pushed open the back door and a crisp blanket of untouched snow covered the entire garden.
"Don't trek snow into the house boys!" They heard their mother call but they just answered with identical lopsided grins, Scamander grins.
"Ready Fido?" Theseus asked flicking some of his usually immaculate hair back in place.
"Let's go Theo" Newt answered and they ran across the fresh snow, their laughter echoing through the darkening sky.

A/N Scamander brothers. Gotta love 'em.

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