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The room smelt like salt and sunshine as Newt opened his eyes the next morning, to be greeted by the positively charming view of a completely bare Tina attached, rather like a kneazle, to his chest. Every now and then her nose would wrinkle and her head would attempt to bury itself further into his freckled and scarred skin before relaxing into a sleepy smile. The view was enough to make him want to cry with joy but not wanting to jostle his new wife awake he settled with letting a single finger smooth some of her wayward strands before letting his eyes wander around the room. He hadn't been in this room many a time. There had been once when Jacob and Queenie got engaged, once when he was looking for fireworks and once when he was a small boy looking for his uncle's pet Pygmy puff which had gone rolling away during hide and seek. But the room really was pleasant with its painted sky ceiling and heavy wooden bed, from the angle he could just about make out the shadow of waves outside of the window but he swiftly got bored of the shifting shadows and instead turned his head back down. She was still asleep but her breathing was now shallower and she shifted slightly against him. Reaching out he ran his hand up her back, coming to a stop at the base of her neck where he swept aside some of the curling hair and pressed a gentle kiss to the pale skin exposed
He placed another kiss on her, further towards her jaw and was rewarded with her sighing into him as her eyes fluttered open.

"G'Morning" Her voice sounded even more American than it usually did in its sleep clogged state and even after she attempted to clear her throat, the New York lilt remained steadfast.
"Good Morning" he replied in amusement, taking her consciousness as an opportunity to try and regain blood flow in the arm she was lying on. She rolled over slightly but still kept her legs draped over him, shooting him a cheeky grin at his poorly suppressed wince
"How long have you been awake?"
"Not long I assure you, I've been quite content admiring the view" He waggled his eyebrows and she gave him a shove that caused him to almost fall out of bed, catching himself on the ornately carved bed frame.
"That was unnecessary Mrs Scamander" She cleared her throat and replied in a poor replication of his own accent.
"Quite the contrary Mr Scamander. It was perfectly understandable, indubitably so. Let me just take a sip of tea and read the rather cunning innovations of the Prophet" By the time he had righted himself she was cross-legged on the bed pretending to sip from a dainty teacup with her pinkie held upwards
"I do not sound like that" He fake pouted and she looked at him incredulously before taking another fake sip of tea, continuing the accent
"Darling, You simply all sound like tha- Oof"
He had knocked her backwards so that she was flat on the bed locked between his legs.
"That's enough from you" Newt murmured in a rather poor impression of a New York accent making her roll her eyes before she tugged him down.

Needless to say, it was quite a while before they ventured out of the bedroom.

When they had finally both conceded that they couldn't stay in bed all day Tina went to shower and Newt padded down the stairs in just his suit trousers only to change when he came across his case still tucked just inside the door. Not bothering with his usual multitude of layers he settled for bare feet, his worn woollen trousers and his shirt with only half the buttons up. The house was no longer as dusty as it had been thanks to recent visits meaning it had a distinctly homely feel as he walked into the kitchen and sighed with relief at the overflowing picnic basket on the table. On top of it was a note in Queenies curly script reading
To get your strength back
Love Q + J
Blushing at their implications he opened the basket to see that it wasn't just breakfast foods but enough food to withstand them for the entire weekend. Despite the cooling charms he could feel emanating off the fresh produce he still extracted every perishable item and placed it in the cold cupboard (once the charms had been reinforced that is) before resetting some of the fading charms on the stove underneath the chimney. By the time he had reset all of the household charms that had dwindled over years of disuse and fed the few creatures they had brought with them, Tina was padding into the kitchen wearing light trousers and a thin blouse. Her hair was slicked back and wet still, causing the ends to curl up as the water dripped down. She immediately went to the basket, picked up the note and scoffed
"Yeah, like they weren't worse" He turned around and handed her a mug of her favourite coffee, which she promptly downed in two gulps as she was so prone to do, before replying
"To be fair Love, I'm hardly complaining."
"Mmhmm worked up an appetite did ya?" He felt his cheeks flush red again but he simply hummed in response and started to set some rashers of bacon to fry while he cracked some eggs.

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