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"I beg your pardon?" Was the first word out of anyone's mouth at the demanded Sunday dinner at his childhood home. They had just finished a rather delicious roast beef dinner and had polished off their sticky toffee pudding when he had finally gathered the courage with Tina to share their plan for the coming Friday. He had cleared his throat as the plates disappeared from view and stated quite plainly they were getting married next Friday. The reactions had varied but the only person who seemed truly happy was Cepheus who was sitting in a transfigured baby seat, normally used on broomsticks, grasping at a floating toy Hippogriff. His father had been first to speak, his voice the clearest he had heard in decades, and that had made Newt falter before he had even risked a glance at his mother and brother.
"Merlins balls you aren't pregnant are you Tina?" Theseus was next to speak and even Queenie started bouncing in her chair, clearly believing Theseus had gotten it with Tinas occlumency.
"No! Absolutely not!"
"Are you sure? I mean the way you two are sometimes..." Leta trailed off at that and Newt could see Tina getting more and more flustered as she rose from her seat.
"No, because unlike some people we remember charms!" It effectively silenced the chatter but the facial expressions only became more extreme as her face flushed at what she said. He raised an arm and guided her back to her seat before taking a wobbling breath to stop his family from spiralling.
"First of all, even if what you said was true Thee- You would be the world's greatest hypocrite-" He gestured to Cepheus who was now tugging clumsily on the Hippogriffs claw and Theseus bowed his head.
"And secondly, well us almost dying for what is now the fourth time made us realise that waiting is pointless-"
Tina appeared to have found her voice and added
"We don't want to miss our chance because we've planned something that neither of us wants in the first place." Her soft but earnest reasoning seemed to have melted the varying expressions of concern on everyone's faces.
"I'm assuming you would like to use the garden?"
Helena asked gently and he shared a look with Tina. They had woken up rather early and spent a lot of time cuddled up together talking about wedding plans. Yesterday had brought Azkaban lock-ups, new wands and a minor disagreement with Theseus but that morning any pretence of Auror Goldstein and Magizoologist Newt Scamander had disappeared and they were just Newt and Tina as they giggled over the prospect of nifflers being ring bearers. They had talked about locations and best men and then done some things that were remotely focused on the wedding night but they had come to one main conclusion. One that would probably issue yet another 'I beg your pardon' from his father.
"We were actually thinking of doing it in the case."
There was a beat then Queenie spoke, clearly having read both their minds
"Oh, that's just perfect!"
There was a murmur of agreement and his brother and mothers matching long-suffering sighs told him they had won.
"I suppose in a roundabout way it is how you met one another" His mother murmured into her hand before looking to his father, then Nagini and Credence.
"What do you think dears?"
She had taken Credence under her wings just as she had taken Nagini. The moment she had laid eyes on him she had pulled them into the living room and practically started force-feeding them tea and biscuits before wrangling together a massive roast dinner. All the while she fussed over them. Nagini was used to his mother's almost obsessive need to feed people but it had taken a moment for Credence to get used to it before practically sticking himself to her, the woman the exact opposite of his own Ma.

His two teenagers started murmuring to each other in discussion then gave two sharp nods, mischievous grins threatening to break free. His mother nodded pensively then turned to his father.
"Darling, I believe after everything they've been through they deserve a wedding and I'm scarcely going to complain about having to make small talk with masses of people" His voice was soft but decisive, much like his own and his mother clapped her hands together.
"Right then! We best get planning then!-"
"Hush Newton, you may be intent on having a wand spark wedding but I am not letting my baby boy go without at least a little ceremony!"
He felt his cheeks flush at the responding poorly muffled chuckles around the table.
"Of course not Mrs S we need plenty of cakes as well!" Jacob chirped and he felt Tina's hand slip even firmer into his own.
"If you could Jacob?"
That had been another decision made in a split second. If anyone was going to make their wedding cake it was Jacob and if Jacob was to douse the entire thing in an unholy amount of chocolate then neither of them would complain.
"I ain't gonna leave my sister in law and my best friend without cake now am I?"
They nodded their thanks then Newt watched in horror as his mother stood up and stretched as her face fell into 'action mode'.
"Now we have five days to get this wedding up and running. Now first of all is there anyone else apart from the people in this room you want there?"
"Not anymore" Tina mumbled under her breath and he grasped her firmer still in a slightly clumsy attempt at comfort for which she received with a smile.
"Right, that makes the dinner and dancing easier then. It is two and I believe Madam Hestia is open until four so if we hurry Tina we can all get the dresses sorted. Nagini, Leta, Queenie, up we hop. Theseus you're looking after your child, You can all wear either your suits or your dress robes but I swear to Merlin Newton anything other than formal attire and I'll suspend you from the chandelier by your ears. Credence dear we'll sort you out some day next week. While we're out sorting the dresses out you lot are going into the case and fixing a place for it all to go down" she waved her wand and the girl's coats came flying in to hover on the other side of the dining table while those in the midst of processing what his mother just rattled out, including himself blinking slowly.
"Helena darling at least give them a moment-"
"If they wanted a moment they shouldn't have decided to get married on Friday! It's a bloody good job my bridge club is so diversely employed" The last part was muttered as if the bridge club was the only saving grace to the whole ordeal and Newt took the momentary stillness as an opportunity to beckon Tina out of the room.

She herself seemed slightly shell shocked, her eyes wide and her lips rolling between her teeth intermittently in thought. Once he had led her to the hallway he cocked his head in a silent question and she emitted an amused sigh.
"Gonna be a hectic couple of days"
"It's going to be a hectic couple of hours, and I'm not even supposed to be doing magic"
"If you do it better be through a wand and nothing too complex," She said it with mock seriousness and he nodded decisively before she continued
"I suppose it's good that Helena's so stubborn and good at organising I wouldn't have the first idea on everything she just said in the space of thirty seconds"
"That's Mum for you." He dipped down ever so slightly to have their lips meet softly and she smiled before reciprocating. Neither truly kissing but just relishing in the connection.
"There will be plenty of time for that Friday but we need to get to Diagon Alley so Newton get your hands off of her and Tina remove your fingers from his hair. A comb is more than sufficient I fear"
Their embarrassment was mirrored in the heavy blush of both their faces and Newt stepped aside so that the team of women could pass through, dragging Tina with them. Their only goodbye was a hurried 'Love you' as Helena all but shoved her through the door.

As they appeared in the middle of the backyard of the Leaky Tina let the nervous flitters attack her tenfold. She was going wedding dress shopping with her future Mother and Sister in law, her sister and- whatever Nagini was. A strange adopted niece?Cousin? Either way, Diagon Alley was rather empty due to most people being inside the eating establishments so it wasn't long until Helena had successfully herded them to the same dress shop they had been to for Leta nine months ago. 
"Helena dear? I wasn't expecting you back just yet!" The dressmaker called, eyeing Tina and then her midriff suspiciously. Automatically Tina covered her stomach feeling oddly exposed under her gaze while stuttering out
"I'm not pregnant by the way"
Why does everyone think that?
The witch didn't seem convinced but she still took her hand and brought her further into the hurricane of white dresses and lavender.
"Now do you have a dress in mind?" Madam Hestia asked gently and Tina craned her neck looking for the dress she saw all that time ago. She was about to lose hope when she caught sight of it on another hanger, just as simple and white as it had been when she had wistfully imagined wearing it while Leta spun about in her own.
"That's the dress you were all fluffy about when Leta was here!" Queenie exclaimed and Tina felt her cheeks pinken
"Yeah but when I was looking at it Newt and I had been together a month and a half"
"And what was it he told you in the ballroom?"
"That he was thinking about it but that's beside the point" It came out sharper than intended so she grabbed the dress and ran her finger over the beaded bodice slightly wistfully.  Looking up she noticed all eyes were on her and it took an eager
"Well go on then!" From Leta to have her disappearing behind the heavy purple curtains.

It was easier to get on than it had looked but she still thanked whatever no maj deity for magic that allowed her to zip up the back without too much jumping around and wiggling. Before she could brave the gaggle of women outside she turned hesitantly towards the mirror and let tears pool in her eyes. It was by no means a show offish dress, the part which had appealed to her in the first place, but it had a quality which meant for the first time in her life she had an air of elegance. There were two sheer straps up which turned into a lacey sleeve like fabric that fanned out on her shoulders. As the straps met the bodice they overlapped white satin to create a beaded effect which formed geometric shapes over the top half of the dress. The top half was form-fitting and covered in beads until it reached past her hip then the beads faded out and the bottom splayed out with a sort of floaty chiffon which spilt out onto the floor. 
"Come on Teen! I can hear your thoughts but I can't start sobbing if you hide all the time!" Queenie called in a sing-song voice and Tina took a steadying breath before pulling the curtain back and facing the crowd head-on. There was a beat of silence then Queenie burst into tears.
She held up a finger then pulled her into a hug sniffling quietly into her hair
"You look so pretty Teen" she murmured after the sniffles quietened slightly before relinquishing her grip.
"Like an Angel" Nagini echoed from Letas side and Leta added
"Newt is going to lose his mind when he looks at you, Tina. I bet five sickles he's going to bawl before you've even finished coming down the aisle."
"I'll take that action" Queenie called and Tina tutted as she looked at Helena.
"Helena?"  The older woman opened then closed her mouth before swallowing audibly in a manner that truly reminded Tina of both Scamander brothers when they were overwhelmed.
"Your mother would be so proud of you darling"
And then, all of a sudden, Tina was crying as well looking into a mirror and thinking
What would you think Ma?

A/N Cute one to bridge the gap between chaos and tooth melting fluff.

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