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The realisation hung over the couple like a dark cloud. Thankfully, well harnessed occlumency on Tinas part and a naturally unreadable accent on Newts left the rest of the household unaware of what they had discovered however they hadn't been able to control their emotions and everyone who they had bumped into. It was the last day of Tina's work until January first thanks to pulling in several favours. Essentially Theseus and Herself were bringing in batches of pastries every morning for the foreseeable future and were working New Year's Day which was a shift no one wanted. If you were duty on December 31st you just had to keep your wits at the Ministry party but the January first shift started at seven so being hung over was not an option. Thus making it infinitely disliked. Tina had leaped at the chance because it meant she had an entire week and a day off with her found family but now she was feeling uncertain. The green of that drawing had struck fear in her heart and she was struggling to find the christmas spirit in amongst the deep feeling of dread and the worry that maybe they wouldn't all make it out of it alive.
"What's wrong Tina?" Ree asked as he finished a piece of paperwork with a flourish of his quill.
"Nothing," Tina replied quickly,pretending to be incredibly interested in some of the newspaper articles she was analysing. As if by magic a brown bun appeared over the currently mostly solid partition
"Girl,you've been staring at the article for twenty minutes. I doubt Grindy is going to be in the market for some new rouge powder"
"I mean he might be. A psychos got to have some hobbies besides torturing people" Ree joked and the friends started to laugh,quickly stopping at the darkened expression Tina gained as the horrific memory of Newt writhing in agony reentered her head like it did several times a week.
"Um anyway. What's eating you?" Abi probed
"Nothing. I'm fine"
"Christmas at the in-laws is sure to be a spectacle. Especially with the boss if you get him drunk enough"
"I suspect so-" Tina murmured before realising what the curly man had said,jolting her head up and hissing "and they are not my in-laws!"
"Yet" a voice added from behind. Whipping her head round she saw her boyfriends brother stood there looking smug.
"Bugger of Theseus" Tina sighed returning back to the article for the eightieth time
"First of all very nice Newt impression Second of all I am your boss Auror Goldstein" Theseus retaliated in a light tone
"Sorry. Bugger off sir" No one responded now to her rather large disregard for Theseus' authority. She respected him but treated him like an equal (mostly because she was living with him so when you've heard your boss singing off key in the shower it was hard for her to respect him as a superior.)When she had first arrived that blew peoples minds but now no one cared,they were completely used to her attitude. He stepped towards her and lowered his tone.
"Tina my office as soon as you can"
Not getting anywhere with her current work she shoved it to the side and followed Theseus to his office where to her surprise Newt was waiting impatiently,drumming his fingers on his case. The moment they appeared he jumped up. First he turned to Tina,face flooding with relief and softly said
"Hello Love" Then turned to his brother and hissed "Merlins Beard Theseus I thought something bad had happened!"
"Yes,well. I'm about to spend an entire week with you pair and I want to know what's wrong. Queenie sent me a letter saying you were using occlumency to hide something that was making both of you upset. I know you aren't getting any work done Goldstein so I thought now would be the best time. Before our mother pulls it out of you at the dinner table." Tina didn't move and neither did Newt soTheseus continued
"So what has happened. Did you two have an argument?" They both shook their heads furiously
"Did Newt do something stupid?" Newt looked offended but Tina chuckled,partly at the fact that after argument that was Theseus' next guess and partly at Newts frustrated expression.
"Are you engaged? Oh Lord you aren't pregnant too are you? I've got one hormonal woman at home. I don't need one at work and one well versed in duelling. Heck you've got an attitude normally-"
"Theseus she is not pregnant."Newt sighed exasperated (but slightly pink) and Tina took a quick glance at her stomach.
"Definitely not but thanks for the confidence boost" Tina grumbled. Newt took a deep breath and turned to Tina.
"He could be of help" Tina scrutinised her boss for a second (a man who was looking increasingly frustrated) and sighed
"I suppose you're right"
Newt leapt up and drew the blinds then sat back down heavily. Theseus sat down as well and simply stated
"Explain" Newt looked at Tina once again then began
"A few days ago Dougal had a long term vision. Demiguises often have visions but they are usually going to occur in the next five minutes and are rather mundane. However it's been rumoured that they can have longer distance ones,especially if they're in prolonged contact to humans-" Newt paused and Theseus gestured impatiently. Newt rolled his eyes and continued
"His vision concerned Tina and I and when we asked him about it he drew five images in- relation to it" Theseus nodded and gestured to the blackboard that currently had a blank space amidst the case files and images. Tina hopped up and grabbed a chalk before shakily drawing each image.
(A/N it's Dougals dodgy drawings NOT mine ;))

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