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A few days later they were locking the door to the London house and handing the keys to Nagini and Credence, who were beaming ear to ear, then walking out onto the street.  As the two teenagers disappeared back into the house, laughing wildly, the couple walked the short distance to the collection of people on the street corner. Looking distinctly out of place in the drab Muggle surroundings the group laughed and joked. Most visible were two men a clear head above the others. Not identical but similar-looking enough for the family resemblance to be clear. The older man had streaks of grey in his dark hair and attached to his arm was a short red-headed woman with her hair pulled back into a loose bun. Every now and then she would fuss about the people surrounding her, summer dress floating in the warm breeze. The younger man's head was orientated down, talking to a young dark-skinned woman holding a baby of the same colour. She was looking quite incredulously at the taller man as the baby mumbled and reached for him. A little to the side, also absorbed in conversation, was a woman with golden curls that bounced with every exclamation, her pink dress stitched with shimmering gold thread, and hanging on every word was a short portly man with a wide grin. The shorter man saw them approach and waved at them excitedly. They walked over obediently, Newt carrying his case and Tina carrying hers, to be greeted by Queenie.
"You guys ready to skedaddle?"
"I believe so, everyone's settled" He tapped the case reassuringly and Tina continued while rooting through her own case
"Tickets are packed, Sun potion and Seasickness potion easily accessible, Both mine and Newts Muggle passport, additional layers and woodlice for Pepper who insisted on travelling in Newt's pocket and I do not trust to not start looking for cobwebs and bogeys for a little snack"
She rattled it out, only pausing to narrow her eyes at the Pygmy puff that had taken up residence in his top pocket two days ago and absolutely refused to leave. The domesticity of her barking out the containments of her bag filled him with a strange tingle and he nodded his head slightly dumbly.
"Well, it seems like for once you're prepared from one of these trips little brother" He raised his head to narrow his eyes at his brother who merely grinned at him.
"I am always prepared for my trips I'll have you know"
"Yes, that's why New York was half-destroyed"
Huffing, he shot back
"Oh yes, the whole reason for that disaster was that I forgot to pack a competent auror department, a large sign that said 'I'm not a criminal and a harness for a bloody nif-"
"That's enough of that" his mother interrupted, grasping hold of both their shoulders and apparating them straight to the dock.

As they appeared in the apparition spot cracks issued all around them, meaning that it was only seconds they had to endure their mother's warning glare before Letas and Tinas took over (both somehow arguably more terrifying than their mother)
"You aren't gonna see each other for six months, maybe don't start attacking each other just before we leave?"
"It wasn't my fault!" Theseus protested only for him to speak louder
"You started it!"
"I made a passing comment! A very true comment!"
"Oh, whatever Thee" He muttered only to squeak when his brother grabbed him in a headlock, much to Cepheus' delight.
"You-Are-35-and-responsible-for-a-child!" He stated as he tried to break free from his brother's grasp.
"Theseus Scamander let go of Newt right now!"
However, the shout didn't come from his mother but rather from his wife whose tone of voice made Theseus drop his hands and retreat to his own wife.  Tina continued to glare until Theseus leaned forward and ruffled his hair more kindly
"Sorry Arty"
Newt hummed in reply leaving a silence that was only broken by Jacob declaring
"We heading to the docks then?"

They walked the short distance to the seafront as a clump of curious-looking people and soon they were stood in front of the huge steamer. Inscribed on the hull was the word "Serendipity" and the decks already appeared to be crawling with Muggle Europeans wanting to gawk at another culture. They walked up to where others were queuing to get on the gangplank, gesturing with tickets and passports quite violently at harried workers, and then Newt and Tina (who had been leading the way) turned to look at the group.
"So, this is it I guess" Tina murmured looking at each of them with an oddly sentimental look in her eye as her sister stepped forward.
"Oh, I'm gonna miss you twos!" Queenie then pulled her into such a tight hug he heard the air leave her lungs in a gasp. He smiled at the display only to be trapped in his own chokehold by Jacob. Patting him slightly awkwardly, but no less lovingly, Newt stated
"We shan't be too long. We should be back for Christmas-"
"You WILL be back for Christmas Newton Scamander!" His mother admonished and as the Kowalski couple released them Jacob was replaced by Theseus who gave him a usual squeeze while whispering in his ear
"I've got five galleons on you being on the way to giving Cephy a cousin by the time you get back. I need to regain some standing after being so off with you being engaged" before giving him a pat and retreating with a smug grin. Not wishing for their trip to be delayed by a murder charge he checked Tina had not heard him before promptly ignoring his brother and instead choosing to take his nephew off of Leta so that the two women could share a brief embrace. 

He held the bright baby in front of him, prompting a coo and a lazy reach from the child.
How on earth is this child so adorable with Theseus' genetics?
"Now young man, we aren't going to see you for a while. Long enough that when we meet you probably won't remember us but we will send you plenty of presents-"
Cepheus made a strange giggling noise and Tina was now embrace free and instead playing with one of his chubby fists.
"Yeah, gotta treat ya to keep the spot of favourite Aunt and Uncle"
"Yes and we all know what tight competition that is" Leta replied drily
He pulled the child to his chest and gave him a brief squeeze before handing him to Tina, who promptly started murmuring in his ear.

"Now Newton, I know dear Tina has the logistics sorted but that will not stop me from dragging you both home if all hell breaks loose" His mother began, stepping forward to twiddle with his bow tie as well as his waistcoat until they were up to her standards. Once she was satisfied she gave a strong nod. Kissing him on the cheek then stepped back surveying them both. Tina had picked her case up once again and slipped her free hand into his own. Newt scooped his own infamous case up and stood looking at his family.
"This is it I suppose" Jacob chuckled sadly
"Not for long though Jacob, don't worry about that" Newt replied, squeezing Tina's hand in a very similar promise. There was a beat then Queenie piped up
"It's been a weird ten months hasn't it?"
There was another sad chuckle followed by Tina's response
"Yeah but there ain't a lot I'd change"
His eyes fell on each person as he murmured
"No, I suppose not"

The moment was shattered by the bellowing of the ship's horn, indicating the last boarding call. The couple shared a glance and then looked at those gathered in front of them
"We best get going" Tina murmured with a grin and she looked at him expectantly.
"Goodbye everyone" He stated and they both waved in unison.
"We love you all!"
They started to walk away as there was a chorus of voices behind them
"Bye guys!" Queenie chirped
"Send us an owl!" Leta called and he heard his mother add
"Several owls!"
"Have fun!" Jacob yelled over the hubbub and even a happy babble came flooding behind them as they walked towards the gangplank.

They paused just long enough for the hard-faced worker to criticise their Muggle passports and nibbled on tickets then they began to walk steadily up to the imposing ship. For the first time since arriving in New York, he didn't feel a pit of dread in his stomach he usually felt as he boarded the ship, instead, he felt as if he had eaten a bag of fizzing whizzbees. The only thing grounding him was the cool hand tucked in his, still subzero in the twenty-five-degree weather. He hadn't noticed but they had come to a stop in the doorway of the ship. The Magizoologist looked over at the Auror's smiling face, meeting it with a crooked grin of his own. She disentangled one hand to straighten his bow tie and he lifted his own vacant fingers to tuck the familiar wayward strand behind her ear. Their eyes locked and she cocked her head, his voice came out in a strangled whisper as he asked
Her hand slipped back into its rightful place and she raised her case higher as she murmured

Edit: Final instalment is under the title of 'Hope' on my account.
A/N RIGHT YOU BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEINGS WE ARE DONE!!!!! I am so happy and proud I finished this. Not going to lie I got to a point where I didn't think I was going to make it but here we are! I'm also ecstatic I kept my promise of finishing before Secrets of Dumbledore came out (by two days but who's counting?.) This series has accumulated into around eleven months of work and I am hoping to write a final book heavily influenced by SOD. I don't quite know how that's going to work yet but I do know that it's going to be a little while as first, I need to watch the film and second it needs to be long enough for it not to be spoilers for every other person. This may land it more on the summer side of things but I don't know. If you want some more of my stuff there's my Tumblr and Instagram under the same name and I do write one-shots semi-regularly. One last thing before I disappear, I might write an OC spin-off of the two Aurors Ree and Abi and how they got to where they are (mostly because as aforementioned they're based on real people who protested quite vocally at being killed off).

Which means all I have to say is, Until next time,
Galaxy x

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