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Tina and Newt walked hand in hand through the forest with Leta waking amicably beside them as they watched the rest of their family go absolutely insane. They had apparated to a coniferous forest in Scotland (due to Queenie stating that if there's no snow it's not Christmassy enough) and instantly Nagini and Queenie had squealed and began to prance through the trees quickly followed by Jacob and Theseus who were clearly just as excited but had tried to suppress their excitement with stoic glances. They were now also moving swiftly through the forest with the two women looking for the perfect trees. They were looking for five trees. Three for the creatures, one for Sherringford square and one for Leta and Theseus' house. Newt seemed to be in a joyful mood as he swung their arms gently between them and the walk was quiet apart from the occasional exasperated sigh from Leta as she watched her husband smack a snowy branch causing it to dump frozen water over him or skid gracefully on a patch of ice followed by a much less graceful Jacob.

"What are they doing?" Leta sighed as they watched the group gather around a tree and start brushing all the snow off of the branches. Once they had reached the rest of them, Queenie exclaimed.
"Finally! We were thinkin' this one for the livin' room"
"It's rather large isn't it?" Newt asked cautiously from Tina's side.
"Nah" Nagini chirped continuing to remove the excess snow
"You're wizards ain't you? You can just shrink it?" Jacob continued and Newt nodded hesitantly. "Problem solved" Theseus chuckled and magicked an axe out of nowhere before waving his wand to make it swing in steady beats as Newt opened his case in preparation. With the magical strength, it didn't take long for the first tree to have fallen causing some clapping and shrieks of delight. Theseus however looked between the tree and the case and asked Newt
"Fido how are we going to fit this through your case lid?" Newt looked up at his brother and chuckled, his slightly lopsided smile lighting up his entire face.
"Thee I've had everything from Erumpents to Thunderbirds, in that case, I think it can fit a few Christmas trees" Theseus shook his head in response but gestured for Newt to levitate the tree. Newt dutifully followed what his brother said and Tina saw the case turn into more of a whirlpool effect then suck the tree into what Tina knew was his shed below.
"Next one?"Theseus asked and Queenie and Nagini took off again through the trees. Jacob had followed but Theseus had remained behind, but only momentarily as he had taken Letas hand and took off at a run forcing Leta to move just as swiftly to keep up, a barely repressed fit of giggles taking over her as they ran. Once the couple had disappeared it was just Tina and Newt walking hand in hand in the snow. Tina felt a fit of shivers rack her body and she hoped Newt hadn't noticed but seeing his cheerful grin move to a cautious frown she knew she hadn't been so lucky.
Damn I should have bought a scarf
Some of the icy northern air was snaking its way down her back and beginning to chill her body quite considerably. Newt studied her momentarily then unwrapped his scarf from his own neck and wrapped it gently around Tinas.
"There. Now you're a Hufflepuff!" He chuckled now with only his weathered boots and newer dark grey coat as outerwear. Tina snuggled into the new source of warmth and breathed in the heady smell of Newt, fresh fallen rain and straw, letting a giggle escape. She then looked at the lanky magizoologist still walking casually beside her and asked
"I thought you said I'd be in Gryffindor?" He looked taken back then murmured
"I can't believe you remember that"
"Well, I am an auror. It is sort of my job" Tina chuckled and Newt laughed too before gaining a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Ne-" Before she could even finish the first word he had begun to run, still holding Tinas hand tightly and thus pulling her along at a rapid pace. Tina began to run too, laughing as they bounded through the snow hand in hand with Newts case swinging from his other arm. They must have run for several minutes before slipping to a halt, slightly out of breath with the dawning realisation that they were rather lost and separated from the rest of the group.

"We're lost aren't we?"Tina panted after some aimless wandering and Newt replied
"I'm afraid so"
"Great.Just great." Tina perched on a frozen rock trying to get any feel for the landscape when she saw Newt drawing his wand, pointing  and stating strongly
"Expecto Patronum!" Tina watched as a beautiful bright mist burst out of his wand and slowly merged to form a shining lizard. Newt didn't look overly fazed and opened his mouth to clearly give instructions when the lizard scrabbled towards Tina and emitted a bright blue flame. His eyebrows shot up and his face looked rather stunned.
"Yours changed too?" Tina asked cautiously and Newt nodded "It used to just be a Newt but it's now a-. Now a-"
"Salamander" Tina finished for him with a small smile.
"Yo-urs is a Sa-Salamander too?"
"Yeah. I don't know for how long but I found out when you-you were unconscious and I needed to contact Jacob" The blue salamander was still circling around them and Tina raised her wand muttering "expecto patronum!" and watching as a smaller but much more confident looking salamander burst out of her wand and joined her mate in leaping around the couple.
"Lead us to Theseus?" Newt asked and both salamanders nodded and began to run together through the trees with Newt and Tina following. Thankfully they hadn't gone far and slid to a halt in a clearing where several trees were levitating and the group was gathered around another that was being chopped.
"Finally! We were about to send a search party" Queenie joked then visibly stopping at the sight of the shining creatures who were now gambolling about in the snow.
"Do your patronuses now match? I remember Tina saying hers changed a while ago but-" Theseus began before pausing and scrutinising the glowing light "They're the same?"
"I didn't think Patronous' could change" Leta murmured
"They can. If there's a large emotional upheaval like loss or incredibly deep love. It's not a common occurrence mostly because the bond that causes them to change isn't forged easily"
Theseus explained. Newt suddenly mumbled
"It does make sense. I'd hardly call it love at first sight-" Newt chuckled as did Tina "But I can't deny how much I love you"
"I love you too Newt" 

The patronuses suddenly got brighter and snuggled together creating one huge ball of light then dissipating into nothing.
"Aww now that's sweet" Nagini sighed before beginning to bounce again "But Newt can you PLEASE put the trees in your case! I wanna get to decorating!" Newt chuckled again and placed the case on the floor as Theseus deposited four more trees, all still dusted with snow, into the endless depths of his case.
"Excited are we?" Leta grinned at the young girl and Nagini nodded vigorously
"I've never had a real Christmas and I want to do everything!"
"Of course."
"I've only ever watched and watching is not much fun"
Leta nodded understandingly and Jacob patted her arm.
"Back to the madhouse then?" Theseus asked at large and after an exasperated huff from Newt and excited nods from everyone else they apparated away in a snap.

I cannot believe that literally a day after I explained that I was running out of ideas due to no new developments the name of the third films been released. Thankfully the name does match up with some of the story I have planned for a bit later on after we've had the family fluff around Christmas. So that's a teaser for you.Again another short one but at the moment my attention span is depressingly short so have some more Newtina fluff. Ba bye for now.

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