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Everything hurt. Once again Newt could feel a burning pain that couldn't be narrowed down to a singular part of his body.
I really need to stop getting knocked out at these things
The air around him was stagnant with dust and he could taste blood on his tongue from one of the many collisions with hexes flying through the air. He didn't dare move as he heard the sudden burst of large amounts of spells being cast. He kept his eyes screwed shut, if he moved and Grindelwald saw he would have less than a second before he would be completely and utterly dead. So he steadied his breathing as best as possible and tried to work out where exactly he was injured.

The last thing he remembered was being launched across the room and colliding with the wall after a failed attempt to calm Credence down, then perhaps light?
Green Light
Newt tried to will his foggy brain into thinking who the light had been directed at. Most Acolytes were either captured, gone or dead, leaving just Aurors and an inordinate amount of hexed and dead bodies littering the floor. He could feel someone next to him, their feet were lightly digging into his side but they were most certainly alive as he could feel their tremors shocking through him. There was a loud thud as someone fell beside him and he tried to not only stay still but also maintain consciousness. The blackness was starting to probe his mind again, overtaking the overwhelming fog in a rather menacing manner but the cause was rather debatable. The several blows to the head or the prolonged use of wandless magic because the mere thought of abandoning Tina and Theseus, his family, was unbearable. He tended to avoid using wandless magic too much if possible. He was much more comfortable with his wand and, as a rule, his spells were more powerful so despite being rather proficient in it casting such a powerful shield charm for so long had drained the last of his reserves. Hearing even more commotion over the pounding of his head he let the darkness take over.

"Tina... We need to leave. They. They will- They will sort Newt out but-" The trembling sound of his brother's voice suddenly broke through. The room was much quieter, the calamity that had taken place last time he fought with consciousness appeared to be over and the feet that had been digging into his side had disappeared. All was quiet apart from the sound of quiet sobs and some shuffling. Some distant part of his brain recognised the sobs and tried to urge his eyes open, yet they remained resolutely closed, the larger part of his scrambled mind winning. The part that was convinced that if he moved he would die.

There was some more shuffling beside him then the ghost of someone's lips graced across his own.
A sudden spark ignited deep in the darkness and an exhale he hadn't noticed he'd been holding slipped out in a gentle sigh, sending shockwaves across his chest (an area the general weighty pain had begun to focus in). Letting his tongue dart out to lick his painfully dry lips he winced at the taste of blood and dust.

"Theseus?" He heard Tina whisper hoarsely and his brother stammered out a
"I-I don't understand..."
"People can't! They don't!"
At the sound of Tina's trembling voice, he clenched his fists and forced his eyes open, only to screw them close again at the sensation akin to glass being forced into them.
Merlins beard

His eyes had flickered open momentarily before he had resolutely screwed them shut but the reality of the moment was yet to wash over her. She had seen the bolt of green light collide with his chest. She could see the scorch marks where it had collided yet she could also see the shuddering rise and fall of his chest as well as his tightly screwed face, seemingly wincing with every breath. Since her panicked exclamation, she and Theseus had alternated between looking at one another and then Newt who seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.
Oh my god, Queenie!
She span round, one hand still resting on Newts, and let another sob escape past her lips. Despite the carousel of thoughts, Queenie was only able to grasp hold of her most recent.
"Oh, honey you don't have to be sorry! The bar workers let me hide behind the bar with 'em- Is that..." Her eyes had widened in horror at the still very dead-looking Newt Scamander
"He was hit by the killing curse-"
Tina murmured but before she could continue she had been interrupted by Queenies shocked exclamation.
"But he's not dead" it sounded strange to her own ears but to see her mind-reading sister quirk her head with tears in her eyes. The bodies had begun to be moved so there was now room for her to join Tina on her knees.
"Can you get anything?" Theseus asked and she narrowed her eyes at Newts still form.
"His eyes are burning up and he's panicking a bit 'cuz of it and his thoughts are really scrambled. He can't really get things to do what he wants but he can hear us." Tina took everything her auror training had taught her and locked it away before asking
"Newt honey, can you move at all? Speak?"
His voice sounded broken and uneven, missing all of its usual soft edges which she loved but she couldn't care less as she scrambled to be even closer.
"That's right, it's me"
She locked eyes with Theseus who cupped his mouth and yelled
They're here as well?
She had scarcely noticed the arrival of crews to move bodies but she had assumed the healers had gone to the civilians, an assumption proved wrong as a very familiar healer started heading over.
"Shush Prat" Newt managed around both a wince and a crackling voice and she was certain she saw Theseus relax tenfold. If Newt was still able to wind up his brother, he wasn't broken beyond repair. Madeline took seconds to traverse the bodies, rubble and tables and skidded to a halt before kneeling down and starting to effectively pat him down.
"Newt, where does it hurt?" Tina asked squeezing his hand he took another shuddering breath
"Eyes, Chest."
Madeline asked confused, already fiddling with dittany and Merlin knows what else was in her bag
"Flash blindness" Theseus muttered
"What's that?" Queenie questioned as Tina risked carding a hand through her hair,only to wince at the dried blood and knots thick with brick dust.
"Soldiers got it a lot during the war, kind of like snow blindness but from flashes of light"
"Mr Scamander I need you to open your eyes so I can heal them" Newt seemed to take a steadying breath then his eyes flew open. Madeline didn't hesitate and the moment his Iris was visible tipped a small bottle of soother into each eye. His eyes were shut again the moment the last drop fell then his eyes slowly slid open, irises hazel and oddly clear in comparison to his dirtied face.
"Better Mr Scamander?" Madeline asked and Newt gave a hollow almost chuckle.
"I can see"
"Right, next order of business what curse were you hit with now?"
"I-I can't remember" His face seemed screwed up in thought
"Newt honey I ain't surprised, your minds like soup right now" Queenie interrupted and he inclined his head as if to nod.
"I-It was um... the killing curse" Theseus supplied
"What?" Newt asked sounding stressed but not entirely there
"That's impossible. He's alive" Madeline added looking rather unfazed
"The curse was meant for me. He said the curse, it was green and it hit Newt's chest"
Newt suddenly sat upright, seemingly ignoring the obvious pain in his chest and grasping for his breast pocket. Muttering underneath his breath as a chant
"Please no please no please no" his shaking, scrabbling hands finally got inside his singed pocket and pulled out what looked like a slightly limp brown stick.

"Oh, Merlin no..." Newt whispered and Tina's brain took a second to catch up as she watched Newt gingerly stroked his finger along the object.
"Fido is that... Is that... Pickett?" Theseus said the last part of his sentence in a rough whisper and the only answer was a slow nod.
"H-He j-just had to save my life one last time didn't he?" His voice was barely recognisable now but Queenie still managed to soothe him.
"You always did say, he was more human than most"
This issued a wet chuckle and Tina reached her hand out to take the tiny body. Automatically reaching for her wand she intended to create a tiny shroud but reaching for her holster she winced at the fact her wand now lay in two pieces a few feet away. So instead she took an already torn part of her robes and pulled it sharply causing it to tear away. She held the fabric out and Newt gently divulged the tiny hero onto the black velvet, which Tina then swiftly covered.
"Alright, Mr Scamander you're to hold still. Your little friend appears to have saved your life but curse burns are nothing to laugh at." Madeleines crisp voice cut through the weighty atmosphere and Newt appeared to relinquish easily. Seemingly too exhausted to put up his usual fight. They sat solemnly, unmoving as Madeline mended Newt then some of the superficial injuries on Tina and Theseus.

"Scamander, Goldstein. The Prophets here" Someone eventually came over but Tina wasn't entirely sure she knew who it was. She shared a look with Theseus then Newt who gave a weak smile as Queenie said
"I'll keep an eye on 'im"
They hurried to the atrium which appeared to have become an impromptu interview area where Graves was warding them off rather ineffectively.
"Thanks, Percival, we have got it from here" Theseus called and Graves sighed in relief and went hurrying off just back through the door where wands were being sorted out. Initially, the main paper seemed to be the prophet but some other further afield newspapers that had accompanied their leaders and were waiting in the atrium had also run up to eagerly point cameras in their faces. She glanced at Theseus and he seemed to almost change personalities in a single second, no longer terrified and exhausted but rather confident and proud.
I suppose he's had to practice in pretending not to be broken in front of the media
"Ladies and Gentleman. Grindelwald has been recaptured" there was an eruption of joyful exclamations and Theseus paused before continuing.
"Grindelwald had attempted to sneak into the congregation under the guise of being a part of the ICW. He quickly revealed himself and we have lost many an auror and leader tonight." He paused again with a sad sigh then swallowed harshly and continued
"However we cannot deny that tonight was a win for good. Success in the face of adversity. Healers are now tending to the wounded and many are travelling to St Mungo's to undergo treatment. We have many acolytes now under arrest but our world is now safer due to the great acts of brave men and women. I now ask for only one favour. That the families of the fallen on both sides are left in peace. By aggravating wounds of the past we are only cursing our own futures. Thank you" There was an eruption of cameras all around them then they were walking back into the room, now resembling a ballroom again, back to the wounded but now lucid magizoologist.
"He just needs rest. It's the equivalent of a mild curse burn which based on previous treatments, is hardly anything worth worrying about. I've just given him an adrenaline potion to get him home but I'd suggest getting him to bed rather quickly. His magic stores are rather depleted as well so don't let him use magic excessively for a few days" Madeline explained before sweeping off to some mildly injured Aurors with a cluster of concussion relievers grasped in her hand.

There was a beat of silence as they all looked at each other slightly dazed when another voice interrupted
"Miss Tina?"

Shorter one but it's all good :). Less than two months till the SOD release in England!

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