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Severe family fluff ahead, you have been warned!

The moment they landed on the street Nagini ran into the house and straight to the door, which sensing the presence of a household member swung open pleasantly in response.
"She never stops running does she?" Theseus chuckled, looking fleetingly at the rest of the group. Newt rolled his eyes at his brother's actions and sighed
"Stop acting so old Theseus"
"I am not old!"
"You're the oldest here"
"Boys, can you give it a rest?" Leta protested as they walked towards the door and Tina added
"Yes lets at least get the tree decorated before we dissolve into bickering" the brothers looked between and huffed in unison
Tina fondly rolled her eyes then walked up the icy steps to the front door, still hanging open from Nagini's rapid entrance. Tina saw that everyone else had followed and walked into the comfortable warmth of home. Not for the first time wishing that they would invest in a shoe bench instead of everyone hopping around on one foot trying to undo their vastly complicated boots in the cold hallway Tina pulled off her snow-covered shoes and lined them up neatly beside her auror boots. Newts boots came clattering next to them but after a quick glance at Tina's stare, he smiled bashfully and placed them more neatly on the floor. Once everyone was just in their thick woollen socks they padded into the living room to where Nagini was practically buzzing with excitement.
"Accio Ornaments!" Tina stated, lifting her wand up and hoping that she had left their bedroom door unlocked far enough. There were no ear-shattering clashes and in seconds Theseus was having to duck out of the way of a well-battered cardboard box that had come soaring in. Tina directed it onto the couch then looked expectantly at the collection of people.
"Newt do you have any?" Queenie asked "I have some for the creatures with dulling charms on to detract the Nifflers but- Wait" He suddenly placed the case on the floor, flipped the catches up and climbed swiftly down it. He emerged holding a wooden box that appeared to have a layer of dust on it. He placed it on the coffee table with utmost reverence then undid the metal catch.

In the box, on a velvet cushion, was the most beautiful glass star. Inside of it looked like a galaxy with purples, blues, greens and whites all swirling together to create a celestial glow to the star. Evidently taking everyone's silence for confusion (not awe) he began to explain.
"I bought it in Norway in exchange for directions. I was slightly lost as the creatures I was tracking had gone quite a way into the wilderness and I didn't know how to return to the port. Lovely creatures Tundra Chindras but rather secretive due to their thick cut being a high commodity-Sorry um the nearest gathering of people were an indigenous wizarding tribe and I was happy to just pay for directions but they insisted I took something with me. I didn't even realise it was a Christmas decoration until I looked at it again several months later. I never had a tree so I just kept it in my case with some of the other things I've bought in exchange for directions, food or creatures."
"Newt Honey it's beautiful" Queenie sighed
"That has to go at the top of the tree!" Nagini exclaimed
"Stand out of the way everyone" Theseus declared pointing his wand at the case causing the largest tree of the bunch to levitate smoothly out of it and land gently on the section of floor in the corner beside the fireplace that had been cleared before they left. The tree was too large for the smallish lounge but after Newt had shrunk it slightly there was a foot clearance for the star to go at the top of the tree, as well as enough room for the tree to not be a fire risk besides the fireplace.
"Told you it would fit!" Nagini exclaimed and everyone nodded reluctantly.

Queenie and Tina moved back to the couch and opened the cardboard box. Under some old fabric that looked an awful lot like a long-forgotten dress, the glass ornaments that their parents had got them one year sat right at the top of the mass of baubles and glitter. Tinas was a deep midnight blue, so dark it looked almost black, with stars speckled throughout making it glow pleasantly whereas Queenies was a swirling mass of pink and oranges looking an awful lot like a winter sunrise.
"Ready?"Tina asked and Queenie nodded before they handed both of them to Nagini. The girl's face lit up and she asked in a stunned whisper
"Well, yeah!" Queenie chuckled and Tina added
"It is your first one after all" Nagini gingerly held the glass balls by their ribbons before hanging them gently at the front of the tree, spaced out enough to make them not look crowded but not far enough that their similarities could be discounted as coincidence.
"Well let's get going then!" Jacob chortled and everyone moved to the box only to be stopped by Newt declaring
"Wait! Let me cast some unbreakable charms and Niffler eye dulling charms so they're less likely to be stolen and destroyed" Dutifully waiting, they watched as Newt waved his wand first at the two already hung making them glow subtly momentarily before returning to their original beauty then at the box. He surveyed the box closely then nodded with his face breaking into a smile.
"We Niffler proof?" Tina asked
"It's a spell, not a miracle" Newt replied bluntly with the smile still not leaving his face "But it shall have to do"

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