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It was 7 am when the door to his room at Sherrinford Square flew open with a momentous bang followed by Theseus and Jacob striding into the room followed closely by Credence. As had become the normal order of things when there was a wedding the men had been shoved to the townhouse in London while the women had the run of Scamander manor. The case had been left there last night so Newt had been planning on having a slight lie in yet here he was, kicking his brother off of the bed and reaching blindly for the clock.
"Well aren't you cheery" Theseus commented drily as he collided with the floor and Newt sat up beaming
"I am indeed!"
"Breakfasts ready pal then we gotta get you hitched!"
He noticed that everyone was still in pyjamas so he simply pushed off the covers and slid his feet into the house slippers beside the bed. The room looked decisively emptier than usual as a lot of Tina's clothes had been packed away yesterday morning, as had his own things but they were currently in the newest area of the case he had been working on, so the only prominent item was his suit hanging on the door.

"See you downstairs" Newt called as he walked to the bathroom with a spring in his step. Once he had completed his ablutions he padded downstairs to where a bowl of porridge sat in his place with a steaming mug of tea and a small mountain of fruit. Credence seemed to be inhaling strawberries at an outstanding speed and Jacob and Theseus were both eating croissants. It was a nice image and as Newt started on his porridge Jacob piped up thoughtfully
"So your last few hours as a free man"
He felt the dopey grin spread over his face as he nudged a strawberry to the puffskein that had clearly escaped the confines of his coat pocket and was making a break for the golden syrup that had drizzled onto the table.
"I haven't been a free man since she arrested me"  Theseus just groaned, narrowing his eyes at his brother in an almost condescending manner
"That was nauseating"
"Like you're much better, you didn't want to leave Ceph or Leta last night" Jacob joked and Theseus flicked a blueberry at him before stating
"You'll understand when you have a family" The laughter seemed to freeze on his face and he rolled the blueberry to Pepper as he mumbled to the table
"Yeah, that won't be a worry for a while- Well it might be, I don't really know anymore"
"Is everything alright Jacob?" Newt probed, joining his brother in narrowed eyes and straight lips.
"It's your day buddy don't-" However going off Newt's look he swallowed and dropped his spoon "Queen didn't wanna have a kid while Grindelwald was active just in case but now he's back away... I dunno what she wants to do. We haven't talked about it"
"I was always under the impression she loved children, she always plays with Cepheus and such?" Theseus inquired but Newt waved his hands-on
"It has nothing to do with loving children and everything to do with keeping them safe. I hold a similar outlook" he then shoved a heaping spoonful of porridge and hoped that there would be no more chatter, fixing his eyes on Peppers winding tongue. However, his hopes were swiftly dashed when Credence asked
"Do you want a baby then?"
He felt his throat constrict and refused to move his eyes. Did he want a child? Well, he loved his nephew and did it make his heart rate triple when Tina played with him or sang a creature to sleep? Of course it did. The sight of Tina with a baby of any species was an adorable sight to behold so of course the thought had ran across his mind nearly a dozen times. But the fear of Grindelwald had forced him to keep his thoughts to himself- Maybe-
Get it together Scamander
He felt everyone's eyes on him and he realised he had been silent for a smidge too long.
"It's Tina's choice at the end of the day"
Gulping down the last dregs of his tea he jumped to his feet. He then sent his dishes to wash and all but ran up the stairs, leaving Pepper to continue licking the slowly solidifying golden syrup in the silent dining area.


Tina awoke to the soft caress of sunlight from the window burning her retinas from behind her closed eyelids. Rolling over she automatically went to bury her face in Newt's chest, recently he had been staying in bed slightly longer and by being ever so slightly larger made him a perfect shield from encroaching sunlight, yet her hands met empty air. Eyes flying open she sat bolt upright, suddenly disoriented by the crisp white sheets and the sunlight coming from both sides of the room. She was a second off yelling for Newt when the fog in her mind cleared and she noticed that she wasn't in fact at home but instead in the topmost room of Scamander Manor. The rush of relief at the realisation caused her to flop back onto the pillows and look up at the ceiling. She appreciated being given the room with a separate bathroom due to it used to being the servant's quarters but being so removed from everyone else on the floor below felt strangely isolating. It was a feeling she wasn't used to experiencing in the never-ending activity at Scamander Manor so shaking her fluffed up hair she reached lazily for her clock. It read 7:00 meaning that, most likely, no one else was up yet. If the men were staying too she could say with confidence that Newt and probably Jacob at least would be awake and bumbling around but Queenie, Leta and Nagini appreciated those extra minutes and Helena appeared to have passed on her sleeping habits to her Oldest son. There was a chance Henry could be awake but, as much as she loved him, he was very similar to Newt when she first met him in terms of being a man of few words. If he was awake, he would be with Cepheus, who now had the entire household wrapped around his little finger.

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