New York

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Bugger Bugger Bugger
Newts inner monologue chanted as he vaulted over buckets and hay bales in his once again distinctly empty menagerie with his case bashing against his leg. The day held the one interesting event held in January (apart from Queenies birthday that was held rowdily and with far too much alcohol a week and a half prior) and he was on the verge of being late. His goal? To reach the portkey office in the ministry within 7 minutes to the old umbrella set to leave at noon. He had known Theseus and Tina were preparing for an international meeting in New York on Grindelwald that would essentially involve a widespread national cooperation between twenty-three countries to try and stop Grindelwald from taking over. Countries were sending their leaders, head Aurors and then most were bringing a second in command but very few were bringing a magizoologist. To be fair, Newt's attendance was a surprise to him as well, he was expecting to spend a few days missing Tina and getting some more laborious things in his basement he had been finding every excuse for not doing. But according to the letter penned to him from one of Picquerys assistants the President wanted his attendance, mostly due to some problems on a dragon reserve in South Dakota but he was also required to attend one of the many meetings to supply some information that he had already discovered. He had discussed with Dumbledore and they weren't going to share the blood pact, less there be a leak, but everything else including memories were to be shared in something that Dumbledore had explained called a Pensieve. Newt had apparated directly into the atrium, narrowly avoiding landing on some ministry visitors, before sprinting to an empty lift and repeatedly smashing the 32nd number.
3 minutes! Merlins Beard!
His speed had prompted several growls and calls to issue from the case and he hissed to them
"I'm sorry, but I am two minutes away from your mother garrotting me with my own scarf".

He bounced on his heels as the lift finally ground to a halt and he ran into the international portkey office, out of breath but with a minute to spare. There weren't many travelling to the USA with there being four including him but that did mean he caught Tina's death stare.
"Cutting it fine are we Mr Scamander?" She asked in a way that filled him with more fear than he'd care to admit. He chuckled nervously and grabbed hold of the ratty umbrella before saying
"Better late than never?" She just grunted and rested her hand on the one holding his case. Tina had been a little tense at returning to New York under such high circumstances but he took her willingly initiated contact as a sign that she wasn't about to grab hold of his scarf and strangle him, although he sincerely doubted she'd be grabbing his scarf to initiate anything else either. Theseus shot him a reassuring grin from the other side of the umbrella before Newt felt the familiar yanking feeling of being removed from the earth to travel through space.

The floor came with a satisfying thud and Newt felt the usual nausea he always felt wash over him before shaking it off and straightening his back with a crack. Theseus and the minister were also already milling around but Tina was bent double and leaning heavily against the desk. She seemed rather prone to motion sickness and it was one of the few times he actually saw Tina as almost vulnerable. He walked swiftly over and rubbed her back gently with his free hand while murmuring
"Deep, Slow breaths Love" she nodded and he felt her breathing deepen against his palm.  She also got dizzy easily when they danced jokingly to the radio, meaning he had learnt to spin her sparingly. Just enough to issue that delightful giggle without her throwing up in a bucket before the song draws to a close. It was only a few seconds before she righted herself, still looking pale, dusted her hands and asked
"Now where were we?"
"Goldstein and Scamander's we are to head straight to Picquery" The minister declared before looking at Tina and asking
"I trust you know where that is?"
"Of course, this way sir" They walked out and then Tina set off swiftly down the corridor, her heels clicking on the polished floor. They soon reached the lifts and a familiar wrinkly house-elf was operating it.
"Hey, Goldstein! And that Scamander!"
"Hey Red" Tina stated as she walked in, followed by the other four.
"Madam Picquery's office please"  He nodded and pulled the lever causing the lift doors to shut and the lift itself to descend. Newt was satisfied to peer around the lift, failing to erase the smile on his face as the memories of that day came streaming back to him.
"What are you grinning at Newton?" Theseus asked, sounding both exasperated and intrigued
"Just memories"
"Of course this is where you met Tina"
"Actually I met Tina outside the bank and she dragged me here after catching me in several lies" Tina smiled at him before freezing and asking
"Wait several?"
"Um I hadn't sent my wand permit either"
"Mr Scamander." Newt laughed nervously and Tina shook her head at him with a hint of fondness between her jokingly furrowed brows. Finally, the lift stopped and they walked into an incredibly elaborate office with a large Mahogany desk and behind it, Seraphina Picquery looking at them with a serene smile. Standing beside her was Mr Graves, someone who still unsettled Newt despite the fact he was very definitely not Grindelwald. She stood up and shook the Minister and Theseus' hands then Graves followed suit.
"It's good to be on cooperating terms again" She stated
"Definitely Madam. We may have our differences but we are all united against one evil" Theseus agreed
"You certainly have more tact than your brother" She continued as her gaze landed on Newt and Tina
"Honestly Madam if I'd had a knut every time someone said that" Newt chuckled
"Hmmm, either way, it's a pleasure to see you both so well after the things you have endured so far. Especially at the Manor"
"How do you-" Tina began
"News travels Miss Goldstein" The president replied without bite.
"Mr Scamander your presence is required tomorrow at the initial meeting then our rather primitive Creature Department are to accompany you to South Dakota" Mr Graves explained and Newt failed to contain his excitement to be back with dragons.
"I am looking forward to working back with them" He condensed his reaction to
"Glad to hear of it, it's a rather undeveloped sector of MACUSA"
"Now Goldstein and Auror Scamander, the first meeting is at three pm. Minister I require you to stay and Mr Scamander I hope to see you no earlier than tomorrow. If any creature escapes I give Miss Goldstein in full power to do what she wishes to you in punishment"
"Thank you Madam" Tina answered with a head bob and a not quite hidden grin
"Good Day Minister, Madam President" Theseus declared as they walked out and Tina and Newt echoed his lively exit just behind. The door swung shut beside them and Newt looked at his pocket watch
"Newt there's no point-" Tina began before Newt interrupted her with quite a lot of excitement for just showing her one of his more boring enchantments. He felt an odd surge of pride as he popped the case up for it to read 9:17 am.
"I travel so much that I got tired of constantly changing my watch, so I got my watch to do it for me"
"Handy" Tina nodded with approval as he snapped it shut again and stepped into the lift.
"What now?"Theseus asked, stretching casually and rearranging his tie before continuing
"We have quite a few hours to spare until that first meeting. Oh while I remember!"Theseus suddenly pulled out three squares of card from his top pocket.
"-Hotel rooms. I'm assuming from the look on your face Goldstein you're planning something and while I want to go to the room, write to my wife then perhaps go for a wander you will probably want to do something much more destructive" Tinas gaze dropped to her shoes and as the lift continued to clatter to the ground floor she mumbled
"I actually wan'ed to see Ma and Pa. I ain't seen them since May" He leant over and squeezed her hands, sensing that behind her fringe that was shielding her eyes, tears were threatening to fall.
"I will leave you to each others company. We have been delegated three rooms at the Whistling Kettle. I'm assuming you know where that is Tina?"
"Yeah, It's a magical hotel just down from here. Just for the high up visitors usually" She seemed almost bewildered at the prospect and Newt shot her a grin the moment her eyes left the scuffed ground.

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