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The first thing she noticed when she woke up was the hurricane of red hair blurring her vision, the second was that Newt was still fast asleep which was an incredibly rare sight on a morning. She moved away from him slightly to take in his sleeping frame and couldn't help the content sigh that escaped. His skin was tanned and even more freckly than usual (and they go everywhere! she thought with an excited smile) with his hair running wild and his eyes were closed as his eyelashes fanned out against his cheeks. She had continuously marvelled at how innocent and young he looked when he was asleep from the first night they shared a bed but she still hadn't lost her wonder at how someone so usually at least somewhat uncomfortable in their day-to-day life can suddenly look so relaxed. Snuggling back against his still naked chest she felt herself blush, they had taken the final step last night and it had been slightly clumsy, incredibly new and utterly wonderful. Her mind was swirling slightly but she was certain that the memories
of the previous night were never going to leave.

As she let some of the more pleasing images run through her head she felt Newt shuffle against her as she watched him yawn adorably and his eyes flutter open. The hazel irises were unfocused from rest and he blinked several times before his eyes focused on her and his face split into a sleepy smile.
"G'morning" he murmured huskily, moving his arm to wrap around her hips.
"Good Morning, sleep well?" She asked with a hint of humour in her tone he swallowed and his voice became clearer although still slightly brittle from misuse.
"Mmm best I've had in a while. But I suppose there are quite a few reasons for that" he raised his eyebrows suggestively and Tina giggled in the way that made the half of her that wanted to be the frosty auror want to slap her and the half that was utterly disgustingly in love with the man beside her rejoice. She then moved to lean against his chest and she felt laughter reverberate through it as he chuckled
"Are there? I would never have guessed"
"Hmm, just a few and all of them stemming from you. Actually, tell a lie, one of them is down to not having to share a hammock with Dougal. He's rather a space hog"
"I've noticed that before, I suppose the guy likes his room"
"Quite" Newt sighed and pulled the covers further over the both of them.
"Do you have the slightest clue what time it is?"
She shook her head then she felt him shift to look at the clock she knew stood on his bedside before moving back and murmuring.
"It's nine, I really need to feed the creatures" However he didn't even attempt to move and buried his face in her neck.
"Are you going?" She asked mildly amused at his clinginess and he sighed and shook his head, sounding as if he was pouting as he said
"In a second"
"Mr Scamander?"
"Mmm fine" he grumbled then rolled over and sat up, scooting to the end of the bed causing the covers to fall off his bare back.
He really does have a lot of scars
There were less on his back than his front, arms and legs but still enough to make you unable to count quickly. Most notably a large gash that ran diagonally across his shoulder blades. She was about to ask what had caused the impressive-looking wound when she caught sight of some scratch marks and small crescent shapes on the upper half of his back. She moved slightly closer to realise they weren't creature-based but rather from her.

Part embarrassed and part amused she ran her hand over the angered skin which made him shiver in response, her hands did have a tendency to be rather cold.
"Gosh Newt I'm sorry" She stated and he looked over his shoulder inquisitively as he finished pulling on his trousers and hopped to his feet.
"Whatever for?"
"I um scratched up your back a little"
"Oh- well that's perfectly alright" He seemed slightly embarrassed at accepting it and stooped down to pick up the loose garments that were scattered about the floor.
He hummed in response then as he passed her undergarments over she noticed the flustered pink cheeks had become quite a heavy blush. Noticing he was averting his eyes from her bare chest he replied
"I didn't exactly mind you being uh like um that. It was rather- nice" He hastily turned to the mirror to button up his shirt and tie his bow tie, swallowing harshly as he did so.
"Ah I see" she giggled and Newt gave her a shy smirk through the reflection in the mirror. She hopped out of bed and let a fond eye roll escape at his still bashful and averted gaze. And as she got dressed she asked
"After everything you did last night Mr Scamander and you're still embarrassed"
"Can't break a habit of a lifetime" He murmured as he pulled on his waistcoat.

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