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6 am, January first, Tina rolled out of bed and onto the old rug on the floor of her and Newt's room. She had gotten three hours of sleep in the end as they returned to Scamander manor at 2 am, collected a sleepy Nagini and said goodbye to his parents before they apparated back to the sleepy London street. Groaning as she crawled to her dresser she silently cursed the agreement to work New Year's Day in exchange for the Festive week off. She slowly got changed and saw that her strange boyfriend was already absent.
Did he even go to sleep?
She knew Newt had a much better tolerance than her when it came to little sleep but there is surely a limit. Once she was dressed she began to creep downstairs and straight into the basement. It didn't take long to find him feeding the graphorns. He had a dark shadow to his eyes and a prominent stubble which caused Tina to wonder for a split second what he would look like with a beard. However, his lips were pulled up into a gentle smile as he threw chunks of meat at the graphorn family. He turned around to place the bucket down and jumped slightly at the sight of her before his grin widened.
"Morning Newt," Tina said with a tired smile
"Good Morning Love" He replied back in an astonishingly chipper tone for the hour as he gathered all his buckets up with resounding clangs. There was an echo of squeaks from the depths of Newts hair when suddenly a green twig-like body poked his head out and began to chitter loudly
"I know Pick." More chattering "You could have slept on the tree last night" a raspberry "Yes well I told you it would be a late finish so you should have stayed at home" there was an even more indignant chirp and Newt rolled his eyes before walking back towards Tina and holding out his arm. Pickett scrambled down, climbed across his gangly arm and sat on Tinas shoulder, throwing another raspberry at Newt. Deciding to diffuse Pickett's bratty attack she turned to him on her shoulder and lectured in her sternest tone
"Excuse me young man apologise to Newt. He's tired too yet he's not complaining" Pickett looked at her in mild shock before bowing his head slightly and squeaking a very apologetic sounding reply.
"Good boy. Now Newt?" He shot her a grin and said
"Thank you Pickett I appreciate that you are tired too. I'm sure Tina will look after you for a few minutes?" He was only halfway through his question when Tina nodded vigorously in agreement. He handed her a few buckets and they continued to walk together to the few creatures dotted around, more than she was expecting. Newt had taken the majority of the creatures to his parents so how they were all unloaded already was beyond her.
"It doesn't take long for them to come out. I just leave the case open and adapt the shed slightly and they come out on their own accord. They did it while we were asleep" He explained without prompting as he threw pellets at some passing Grindylows. Nodding in understanding they continued, only pausing when they came across Bunty who was also on her first day back.
"Hello Bunty" Newt called in a cheerful way with tiredness creeping through the cracks
"Hello Newt, Tina! How was Christmas?" She also seemed happy with her hair in a bun and her wand stuck in it.
"It was wonderful" Tina replied earnestly
"Yes, didn't kill my brother and had an enjoyable time. What more could you want from the festive season? How was yours?"
"Oh, it was good. Ready to get back to work though I must confess" At her words Tina moved her hand to the pocket she knew Newt kept his pocket watch in and slowly grasped the chain. He jumped at the contact and seemed thoroughly confused until he saw her flick the metal case open.
Mercy Lewis, it's 6:45

"Tina do you need to get going?" Newt asked as Bunty escaped to the Moldrems.
"Unfortunately" Tina replied hollowly
"I doubt they'll be any trouble with it being New Year's Day. Most people aren't awake until noon and most ministry workers don't return until the fourth."
"Well unfortunately Aurors don't fit into either category so I best leave" Newt assumed a look of childish sadness and put down their buckets to take her hands before exclaiming dramatically
"Oh, why did I have to fall in love with such a wonderful and hard-working woman!"
"Oh hush you dork" Tina replied and Newt just responded with a lopsided grin. She leaned over and kissed his oddly scratchy cheek before walking back upstairs. Queenie and Jacob were still asleep and probably would be for another hour so Tina grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl and silently pulled on her jacket and boots before walking out the silent house and towards the alley where it was safe to apparate.

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