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I realised that naming a chapter goodbye was really misleading and bordering idiotic so I changed it. I'm putting a note at the bottom of the last one as well so I ain't finished yet.

It had been a year and two months exactly since she had last bid him goodbye at a set of docks. However this time they were already in England, his destination last time, and he was getting ready to visit a dragon centre in Nepal before travelling to several different locations across the globe. Kowalski bakery was opening slightly late and the Aurors were going in late as well to see him off. Even Newts parents had come, his father just to tell him to stay safe and his mother to give him a full lecture on what he should do this time that he didn't last time. A lecture Tina was only partially listening to as she clung slightly to his arm while they walked.
"-If I get one wanted poster! One government request for your relief I will go to wherever you are and drag you home myself!" They had almost reached the gangplanks and Newt stopped and looked at his mother.
"I won't intentionally cause any more problems Mum."
"I'm going to miss you, darling. Stay safe" she pulled him into a tight hug which caused her to lose her grip on his arm. Newts father was next and he gently ruffled Newts hair before murmuring
"Do write. It keeps your mother happy and well, it is nice to hear of you" Newt nodded and his parents moved to stand slightly to the side. Queenie and Jacob were next both pouncing on him into a hug which Newt returned more firmly than usual.
"Stay safe buddy and you better send some letters or we're gonna get real offended!"
"Yeah Honey. And we'll have some pastries ready for when ya get back-Aw you're sweet we're gonna miss you too. I'll stop her from working herself to death don't worry, yes we'll also make sure she eats. No, I know she can fend for herself but don't deny those thoughts going through your head" Tina felt her cheek flush at Newts worry but Newt just sent her a tight-lipped smile. Queenie and Jacob moved to stand beside his parents on the docks.

As Tina watched them walk away she heard a soft
"Oof" from beside her. Theseus had dragged Newt into a tight hug that seemed to have winded him slightly.
"Theseus let him breathe" Leta reminded him and Theseus' arms relaxed slightly. He was whispering something in Newts ear that was making the magizoologist flush beetroot. Eventually, he relinquished his grip on his brother, the parting words being
"Wind up dead and I'll kill you myself"
"Why is everyone so pessimistic?"
"Experience." Theseus, Leta and Tina replied
"Goodbye Fido. I'm expecting more than a sentence per letter this time " Leta patted him affectionately and Theseus gave him one last brief hug before leaving them standing alone.
"So-" they both began at the same time before giggling slightly.
"I'm going to miss you" Newt began with a sad smile
"I'm going to miss you too" suddenly words became too much and tears began to fall down both of their cheeks. Newt raised a single hand and went to tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear before his hand continued round the side of her head and began to pull her in, Tina rushing forward to meet him in the middle. His face was slightly sticky from his tears and he was oddly clean-shaven but Tina didn't care and grabbed hold of the lapels of his coat in a death grip, afraid if she let go he would turn to dust. His other hand had come to rest on the small of her back and as the kiss drew to a close they continued to hold each other with their faces centimetres apart.
"I trust that our correspondence will go a bit better than last time?" He murmured
"I won't be able to send an owl on the boat but the moment I step foot in Nepal I'll send one"
"With a return address," She stated bluntly causing him to chuckle
"Of course. It's not long three months, is it? Not in the scheme of things" He appeared to be trying to convince himself instead of her
"Not really but it's gonna feel like forever"
They continued to look at each other before a loud honk came warning passengers that they had five minutes to board. Newts arms dropped to his side and Tina slowly released her hands from his coat.
"Please don't do anything auror like while I'm gone"
"Like what?"
"Like risking your life without reason" She sighed and muttered
"Hypocrite, then you can't do anything Newt like while you're gone"
"I shall try but it is rather difficult" the boat sounded again "I suppose I best go" Tina put on a tight-lipped smile, trying to stop it from wobbling as he took one last look at her. He pushed her hair back again and whispered
"I'll see you soon Tina".
She nodded then he turned to wave at the group watching them sadly before making his way onto the ship.

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