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Seeing the decade long rift between the brothers mend before her eyes made her heart melt and the entire room was bathed in a different sort of light. That was until Leta screamed in pain and the brothers separated swiftly.
"We'll be in the living room" Newt called over Letas cries and they made a hasty exit across the hall to a very disused looking living room with a piano stood in the corner in a way that looked too pristine to actually function. They walked over to the couch and once they were seated Tina stretched and curled into Newt's side. Taking a glance at the ornate gilded clock she saw that the hands read 6.30 and she couldn't help the groan that escaped. She had barely any time at all before she had to get into work and she was risking missing the birth entirely so she was hardly overjoyed.
"Alright Love?" Newt asked while his eyes travelled around the room and Tina mumbled into his side
"Work. Want to stay here" She knew she was pouting slightly childishly but Newt just chuckled and said
"Chances are we'll still all be here when you come back"
"I know but- I really would rather stay here"
He cradled her closer and slid a hand through her hair
"And that Mr Scamander is not helping" he gave another chuckle and they lapsed into a sleepy silence, only to be interrupted by the clock chiming seven. The tinny ring shocked both of them from their doze and Newt grumbled under his breath before taking out his wand and murmuring "Expecto patronum"

The Patronous came bursting out of his wand and Tina let the silly grin at the flaming lizard who rolled over happily then sat up awaiting instructions. Tina caught on and echoed the spell so a similar and slightly smaller salamander came bounding out of her wand and stood beside the matching apparition after giving Newts Patronus a gentle nuzzle in greeting.
"Mum, Dad Leta is in labour. We're at Theseus' house. Come soon" The larger salamander went bounding away and the smaller one frowned slightly as Tina said
"Everyone, Leta is in labour and the baby is on the way. Newt reckons there won't be any movement 'til noon but I thought you better know"
The Patronus mirrored a similar reluctance to her but eventually followed the same path as its partner.

Tina ran a hand over her face and grumbled into her palm "I best make tracks as well". She stood up and gave Newt a swift kiss to the lips which he gave just as chastely before plunging her hand in an ancient pot of floo powder and throwing it in the flames. With one quick wrench, she was no longer stood in one of Theseus' many living rooms but instead the ministry atrium, and she was bordering on late. Walking as swiftly as possible she took a lift straight to the auror department and all but hurtled into the meeting room. Everyone else was already sitting in their designated seats looking quite bored as they sat motionlessly. Well, the American Aurors were sat staring into space and the English ones were sat drinking tea, Abi was sniffing some violets with a dopey grin on her face and Ree was waving his hand in front of her with frustration etched into his features.
Maybe not dating then?
Tina thought as she moved to the front of the room and cleared her throat, silencing the docile chatter quite effectively.
"Head Auror Scamander will not be attending work today due to the fact that Mrs Scamander is currently in labour" There was a chorus of affirmative and understanding noises as well as a "How is it going?" From Ben
Frantic, Stressed, an utter disaster
"-as to be expected. The baby should be here sometime this afternoon"
"Tina if you do not get baby photos we are not friends anymore" Ree called and Abi scowled
"It'll look like all babies"
"Still cute though" Ree shot back and they both returned their gaze to Tina with unreadable expressions on their faces.
"He hasn't given me any specific instructions to relay so I suppose we'll do the interrogation, follow up the lead of the base in the old hat shop and any others that may arise during interrogation then if we somehow manage to do that before five we can finish any paperwork"
"Sounds good Boss-ette" Benton exclaimed and clapped Achilles and another American Auror on the back as they left. Once again there was an echo of agreement then everyone hauled themselves to the bullpen with varying degrees of acceptance.
This is going to be interesting

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