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It's been a minute but here's chapter three :). AN at the end.

The noise was deafening. People were screaming and scrambling and Tina was frozen in fear. Christmas shopping was not going well. It was only the sixth day of December and Newt had been invited for a book signing after he expressed that he was not going to do a Christmas book signing for fear of his own sanity. They had all conceded at the dinner that Helena had prepared for them while she was sick that the first Sunday of the month should be reasonably safe as children were still at Hogwarts and most 'normal 'people didn't even look at Christmas gifts that early in the month.
"Maybe we could do our own shopping as well, get it out of the way" Her sister had said but now that Tina had been sat in the overcrowded bookshop for four hours besides her boyfriend as he smiled in a strained away and signed book after book after book the prospect of them actually getting any shopping done was becoming less and less likely. Everyone else was sat behind the privacy screen looking incredibly bored with Queenie and Theseus doing a lot of the talking.
"Thanks, Mr Scamander sir!" A small boy Tina would have put around eight chirped and bounced off holding the book close to his chest. Looking around the crowd had thinned and it looked as if everyone in their already had a copy of Newts book clutched in their arms. The exhausted-looking magizoologist sighed beside her and mumbled
"Merlin's beard"
"Is it safe to resurface?" A new york accent joked behind the screen and Newt called back
"Yes." Hearing the hollowness of his voice Tina reached over rubbed his shoulder and he shot back a firmer smile.
"Man you are real popular," Jacob said as he emerged
"Everyone was really excited it was sweet" Queenie added as she followed
"All I know was that it was loud" Leta sighed, rubbing her temples slightly as she was shepherded out by Theseus
"As its approaching dinner time, I'm assuming we are going to leave Christmas shopping for a day Newtons less likely to be mobbed by young women" Newt threw his brother a weak glare before he mumbled
"I'm sorry everyone, I didn't expect it to be this much of a problem"
"Don't worry honey none of us did" Queenie soothed as she handed Nagini her coat
"It's a good thing right because it means people are reading your book?" Nagini commented and Newt just nodded as he pulled on his coat, wound his scarf around his neck and picked up his case.

They walked out onto the frozen Diagon Alley and were about to start walking to the Leaky for a butterbeer and a sandwich when Queenie stopped in her tracks and loudly exclaimed
"Wait! I just remembered! Newt what day was it you first arrived in New York?"
"Um, December sixth I believe" Newt replied looking at Tina with a small smile
"Well?"Queenie prompted as if hinting at something obvious. Tina wracked her mind but apart from knowing that December sixth was sometime soon she had no idea what her sister was trying to get at
"Well?" Newt echoed and Theseus huffed loudly and said
"Do neither of you own a calendar?"
What is that man babbling about?
Newt stopped and looked at his brother causing the entire group to stumble to a halt.
"Today's the sixth" Newt stammered in disbelief and Tina wasn't much better
"Happy Anniversary Fido." Theseus declared loudly with a grin. "A whole year since you destroyed half of New York and a whole year since you became obtusely and disgustingly, head over heels in love" Newt had gone a vermillion shade of red and was now looking at his shoes firmly. There was a beat then he murmured back
"I was not that bad Theseus"
Theseus scoffed loudly
"Newton you were not hiding it as well as you think you were. Although we all thought you were ill. Girls didn't even enter the equation until you got that letter at Christmas from America"
Feeling privately elated, Tina cleared her throat and mumbled
"I cannot believe it's been a year"
It feels like I've known Newt a lifetime but mere seconds at the same time
"Rather remarkable" Newt murmured back with a small smile tugging at his lips. He did look rather adorable in the low light, the lanterns only illuminating his face just enough so that his freckles were visible and making his eyes shine.
"Aww, I wish you two could hear your thoughts!" Queenie cooed. Jacob suddenly looked at his watch in mild amusement
"Boy Queenie, we're gonna be late for our anniversary dinner. Not that we planned that so Newt and Tina will actually have to have a date"
"And, remember Leta dear we've got to get home. I don't want to miss the five o'clock WBBC news."
"Oh No! I need to practice all my charms! To the floo I go" Nagini chuckled and began to skip ahead, followed by Theseus, Leta, Queenie and Jacob leaving Newt and Tina stood in the middle of the rapidly quieting street.
This stinks of planning, Queenie planning
Queenie paused for a second and looked back, still holding Jacobs's arm
"Sorry Honey we had to" But she didn't sound overly sorry at all. Theseus also looked over his shoulder and as he slowly walked away, arm in arm with Leta, he called
"Oh stop with the long face Newton. We only wanted you to have a proper courting date instead of your little married couple dinners" Newts face screwed up and he replied rather loudly with his voice filled with exasperation
But they had already disappeared into the Leaky Cauldron and most likely flooed away already.
"Older brothers are a bloody nuisance" Newt ground out, scuffing the street with his boot rather aggressively.
"So are Younger Sisters" Tina echoed with gritted teeth before relaxing and letting the smile return to her face.
"But-" She waited until Newts eyes were back on her and not the old cobble he seemed insistent on uprooting. Once she could see his glittering Hazel eyes she continued "We now have a free evening with zero eavesdropping siblings". Newt appeared to perk up on that note then his face broke into a mischievous grin as he approached her. He placed his hands on her waist and continued to smirk at her crookedly before leaning down towards her ear whispering
"So I get you all to myself?" Ignoring the shivers that went down her spine at his words she replied
"Mmhmm" He, if possible, smiled wider then apparated them away in the middle of the street.

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