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The air had an uncomfortable stillness as Tina watched Grindelwald look Theseus up and down as if pondering a philosophical question.
"Ah, the oldest Scamander brother. Is that any way to treat a national guest?"
"Well, you nearly killed my wife and my brother and are responsible for a growing number of deaths in my team. So terribly sorry if I'm not that receptive." His voice was crisp and cold in his statement, teeth gritted angrily as he met the callous man's gaze.
"Theseus stand down." A quieter but firm voice came from her side
"Newton. This man has-"
"I know what he's done. However, he never acts without cause. Let him say his piece."
"General courtesy Mr Scamander it appears you have finally learned some manners. Unfortunately, it's misplaced" He said it with such a self-righteous chuckle that Tina felt anger surge through her as she declared
"At least let the innocents go. You'll lose too many potential recruits if you kill everyone in here"
"Hmmm. You may be right Goldstein but honestly, every country in the northern hemisphere being without a leader is much more tempting" He ran his wand through his fingers again with idle contemplation as his smug grin remained steady on his face. Suddenly his hand whipped around and shot a jet of green at a foreign auror who was trying to slip out of the door protecting several dignitaries. The dignitaries appeared to have gotten out of the way quick enough but the auror was a slumped heap against the door.
"Play by the rules and most of you will get out unharmed" he then turned directly to Newt "-but some have gotten away too many a time. Aurelius my boy, it's time to show your true colours"
The meek-looking assistant's eyes grew wide and he swallowed audibly.
Who on earth-
"But Mr Gellert it's-"
"Remember what I told you, child. What these people have done!" He sounded like a small child as he retorted
"But Miss Tina-"
"Boy!" The assistant winced then reached for his wand and swept it awkwardly over himself. Unlike the other disguises his didn't merely vanish, his shattered with the grace of a powerful but poorly trained wizard with a malfunctioning wand. 
"Credence" Tina whispered somewhere between a squeak and a sob. The now young man turned to look at her. His hair had grown out slightly so it now graced his shoulders in a similar manner to hers. He looked well-fed now, his skin pale but no longer waxy but nothing could overshadow the broken look on his face. Tina reached over to grasp Newts free hand and he let out a choked statement
"Credence, you look well"
"It's Aurelius. Aurelius Dumbledore"
"What?" Newt continued and he hardened his tone
"I'm Aurelius Dumbledore!"
"You bastard you lied to him!" The mild-mannered magizoologist suddenly bellowed and Grindelwald cast a silencing spell with barely a glance in his direction
"Don't listen to these falsehoods, Aurelius. They are lying. They want you dead"
Large black wisps started to emanate off of Credences body and Tina had to fight the urge to rush forward and try to soothe him as a mother would to a sobbing toddler. But usually, the toddler wasn't made of dark magic which had been cultivated for almost a year by the darkest wizard in centuries.
"Aurelius, please" Tina whispered as the black cloud began to grow and swirl, growling as it swelled.
"SHIELD NOW!" Theseus yelled, pointing to the front of the stage where a blue light suddenly appeared. Tina and Newt added to it as did so many from the audience.
"ALL OF YOU GO!" Tina cried, her voice as amplified as possible and officials and leaders alike ran for the door leaving just those willing to fight. The moment people started running for the door those in the audience on his side started firing into the crowd.
"We can't hold this much longer!" Newt called
, all of the Aurors were now preoccupied with the chaos behind them. Spells were lighting up the large ballroom with the same effect of fireworks and both friend and foe were falling around them as people desperately tried to find their wands.
"1,2,3, GO!" The barrier fell and the swelling darkness darted forward into the mass of people.

They ran to the side and Theseus dove out of the way just in time to land at her feet. It was at this point Tina noticed Newt was wandless.
How on earth did he support the shield
She tossed a look to see that Credence appeared to be avoiding the crowd then hissed
"Mercy Lewis Newt you're unarmed! You need to leave now!"
"Don't worry about me"
"Newt you can't help! Just go now!"
He raised his hand and a burst of blue emitted from it blasting an acolyte that had attempted to approach. She and Theseus looked at him wide-eyed and he just muttered
"I'm rather proficient in wandless magic. I'll explain later but we need to fight now!"
The group disbanded and Tina immediately lost sight of them in the turmoil. Deciding to get as many innocents out of the way she ran to the door to see utter chaos taking place as people scrambled for their wands. Drawers were everywhere and many wands were sparking as they collided with one another.
For Merlin's sake, Porpentina get thinking
She was disoriented for a second before she plunged into the fray, looking for random objects as she pushed her way to where the havoc was happening.
"Sonorous" she cleared her throat and spoke loudly enough to command the room without attracting attention from just through the doors which were stuck fast with panicked people.
"Everyone stop moving!" The bustling faltered slightly and she pulled the various things she had collected out of her grasp. It was meagre but the few quills, the two inkwells and the few tickets she had picked up would have to do.
"Get into groups of six!" The panicking groups seemed to oblige and she duplicated the scraps then waved her wand over them picturing the atrium as clearly as possible as she muttered
The pieces glimmered briefly then returned to their original form and Tina handed them out as quickly as possible. Knowing she had thirty seconds at best.
"These are portkeys! Everyone touch one!"
There was an awful, stomach-turning moment when nothing happened then suddenly she was in a mostly empty hallway. Her only company the corpses of those who did not move fast enough as well as her two colleagues, still grasping their wands in a move of protection.

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